Ladies & Gentleman V1.1

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, May 28, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Preach on sister! :D
    In all honesty you and Mutton are speaking the truth!
  2. Flightboy New Player

    You don't alwayssss have to go sololobo ;)
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  3. SirMuttonChops New Player

  4. EzioNight2 New Player

    Your signature is hilarious! XD
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  5. Ice Lantern New Player

    The tankless buff needs adjustment. The others are fine. What enables healerless groups is the way the alert is designed as well as the presences of the crystals.
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  6. Flightboy New Player

    I think this is too much for some to grasp bro...
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its not the buffs, its the content. If the bosses and adds had more splash damage attacks then we wouldnt have this problem. IMO the T6 alert was poorly designed but done well artistically. Once survival mode and DLC11 comes out these threads will become a thing of the past and ignored and that is probably what devs are hoping as well.

    The buffs were meant for low level content to help people in the lower tiers to get content done. Dont blame the buffs, dont blame the community to simply reacting to content. The problem lies in the structure of the T6 and that alone.
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  8. La Shark Dedicated Player

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  9. kawe Loyal Player

    I play all roles, so I'm used to watch health bars from when I play healer. When my health or any other person's health is low they normaly turtle up by instinct, specially tank power player. (and yes, most of us know about the block regen) If my health is low and I turtle I watch my health bar, and for me the power regen looks like small nature heals on my green bar. xD
    And we normaly run from room to room, since we regenrate health while fighting, no need to wait. Stuff dies quick enough to not be a threat.
    I normaly leave the alert with maybe one soda used. And supply dropped only for dmg buff. For me the health and tankless buffs are very noticable. But it could just be me.

    I don't see it as good because it allows us to simply not take ppl, who want to play their role, because everyone favours speed. In my league it's not a problem. Almost everyone of us can play their both roles, we just use the toons that need/want marks, roles are a secondary thing without any downside. But outside of leagues, or ppl in leagues who don't have the time to collect or work on their dps role have it hard to get into groups.
    The buffs where implemented when the low tier alerts where a challenge for basically everyone. Now there are way to many end-game palyers out there. If you Q into an alert you can be sure there is at least 1 person overgeared and the alerts will become easy. Balanced group or not.
    The game changed, the main usage the buffs have now is taking out the balanced groups out of endgame alerts (which takes out the feeling of challenge in there). And low tier alerts too btw. nobody cares for balanced groups in any tier of alerts anyway.

    Group buffs once where good, but I think they had their time and aren't of use that's good for the game anymore.
    My experience.
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  10. Agla New Player

    I'm not sure about that, i don't think the others are completely fine when applied to a tank.
    A decent tank is pretty much immortal thanks to those buffs.
  11. Ice Lantern New Player

    I think you might be misunderstanding what I said.
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  12. winter13 New Player

    Just because they don't agree with you doesn't mean they don't "grasp it" ;)

    People that actually play the healer role (like me) that are used to watching health bars, can clearly see how the group heal buff helps get the job done without a healer. It is what it is. The devs would need to make the decision to remove the buff, and I don't see that happening any time soon.
  13. winter13 New Player

    Which plays directly into the group not needing a healer. Tank doesn't need a healer runs
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  14. RapidRay Committed Player

    Keep in mind...

    The alert buffs were created for when roles were "MISSING". primarily so that people could get cues for PUG groups.
    The community has used the buff as an exploit to deliberately omit roles at higher level content.
    There ARE healers out there looking for groups. They are not "MISSING".
    The tanks know this well.
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  15. Flightboy New Player

    Thanks for actually taking the time to writing out your feelings / answering my questions in a respectful way! :)

    I don't notice the health as you do and I too play(ed) all roles, but I do defintiely agree if the devs were to look at the team buffs the tankless buff would be the priority.

    As a fire dude until WoL I completely understand where you are coming from with the exclusion. Believe me I do. We too in our league have absolutely zero problem as everyone can play every role with no problem. My thing is this is the introduction to T6... Should you not be on your A game and know your powerset to it's full potential (both roles) by now?

    I agree with the game changing and all, but I really believe(as others have said too) it's not the team buffs, but more so the damage adds and bosses actually do in the alert which makes it faster to run with non traditional set up.

    Again thanks for your posts. I really aprreciate your input! :D
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  16. Flightboy New Player

    So you don't have an objective view on me. I healed for a good while (collecting healer styles) when electricity first came out. So, I have played all roles. I currently play all, but one. (Heals)

    That being said just because I'm not currently healing at the moment doesn't take away my exp and knowledge of the role.

    The reason why you don't grasp it (clearly) is the fact when I tell you FACTs about the damage NPCs and Bosses do you have nothing to say in rebuttal. (Others have too) That tells me you are NOT grasping the concept.

    One last time and hopefully you understand what I mean:

    If you have a decent tank in the T6A (or any alert for that matter) you as a DPS, TROLL, or HEALER will for the MOST part not recieve any damage.................

    Because of this ^ FACT and adding the high health of NPCs and Bosses people choose to add a burner for speed.

    A healer is dropped before a troll because of 3 Reasons (IMO):

    1. Trolls have the potential to do more damage. (Not sayin they always do...)
    2. Trolls can keep your tank powered and provide power to the rest of the group (although not needed too much due to WM)
    3. Trolls can also assist in the burn being a bit quicker by debuffing the bosses/ npcs

    Bonus: Trolls can assist with CC'ing (Typically not needed though)

    In closing, no I do not think the devs would need to make the decision to remove the buff...

    Instead I think they would need to revisit their alert design and give it a tweek or two.
  17. Flightboy New Player

    How is it an exploit exactly? Please elaborate...
  18. winter13 New Player

    Opinions are not facts...let's just start with that. Second, the reason why the "decent tank" you speak of keeping the adds of you is able to survive because of the buff without a healer...that is the point here. Run the alert how you choose to..that's what I always do. Third, I'm a healer and I don't get out damaged in the t6 alert by a troll.

    Enjoy your gaming
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  19. Mister Majesty Committed Player

    I think the buffs are of more use to the lower tiered players in the content they are running, rather than the big bad boys of t6 anyways, which is kind of the point. We don't need them, but they do.
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  20. Flightboy New Player

    You're very welcome brother!
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