Ladies & Gentleman V1.1

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flightboy, May 28, 2014.

  1. Flightboy New Player

    Gotcha, thanks for your input.
  2. Delta795 New Player

    If they are no big deal then take em out
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  3. Flightboy New Player

    This is where the problem lies... I really don't think it will have the effect of changing groups set ups in the T6A... What I do foresee is many new leveling guys/gals having problems in lower tiered content...

    My thing is because they are NOT effecting end game players why remove them at all?
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  4. SirMuttonChops New Player

    This was my largest gripe when I was having this discussion with other players. Their understanding of the buffs were solely based on the idea of the word "buff," and how that is somehow a better standpoint than "not buff." They obviously had no understand of what the buff actually did, and so their gripe was against something they had no understanding of.

    Thank you for posting this.


    As for those saying, "Well, if they are so weak, just take them out anywaays!"

    You're just twisting things and making more work for the devs that is generally unnecessary because you refuse to change your end position on the topic. No one is saying that they make NO difference in the content. We're saying that the difference is NOT to the extent that you make it out to be.

    The change is so small that a less-skilled player who KNOWS about these mechanics can use it to survive content they would normally be unable to complete if they could not fill a group.

    As a member of the (shrinking) USPC community, I can tell you that there are plenty of times where someone is missing. These buffs need to be in place for those who actually need it.
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  5. Flightboy New Player

    I tried to back you up in that said discussion man... I really did lol ;)

    Hopefully this will give some on here a better understanding...
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  6. Delta795 New Player

    Your point and Muttons are in direct conflict. You say they aren't noticeable yet he proclaims that without them certain people would not be able to complete instances if less skilled?? I'm confused...
    Do they help? Or do they not.

    Me, I fall in the they do help category which in turn has made support roles not needed ( or less needed)
    Which in turn when the raids come out and every wants support roles to come back you will have alienated and lost a percentage of them & likely those that are around will be less skilled.

    Personally and I'm sorry your server is less filled then mine. But I don't care
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  7. Arcpope New Player

    Ya like running trigon without a tank. I mean you didn't even have to shout for it ,it was the norm.
    People have short memories . And for me I cannot understand why everyone is up in arms now and not one month ago.
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  8. Twilight Man New Player

    Im still for the removal of team buffs.
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  9. Arcpope New Player

    I agree completely . I'm not even a tank and love to see the rise of tanking.
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  10. Bast10n Committed Player

    Go into the open world, let an add beat you down to 10% health and see how long it takes you to regenerate back to 100%. (in combat and out of combat). Now go into a low level Alert and do the same thing.

    When your done, come back here and tell me about its insignificance.
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  11. Flightboy New Player

    I don't need to test out you theory at all. My point has always been that some of you are really going full force into something that is not really a problem. I have been repsectful in the way I presented it too. If you'd like to defend yourself by posting a video here then by all means please do so, but don't come here expecting me to agree with you and test things I already know the answer too... o_O
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  12. Bast10n Committed Player

    I don't have a problem with the team buff for groups that are matched by the queue system.

    What I have a problem with, is giving the buffs to pre-formed groups.
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  13. SirMuttonChops New Player

    If you cared a little more about the game and its player-base, you might have some actual understanding about the mechanics in place and the reason they exist. You might even be as good at the game as I am. =3 (LOL jk jk)

    His point isn't that they are not noticeably, that just fits the narrative you want to promote your agenda, but let me just quote this:

    What he is saying is that people AREN'T using the buffs to their full extent, and that what they are getting is generally supplemented in large part by so many other significant and readily available options that people aren't actually using in any interesting sense. Blaming them for anything, especially leaving roles out of content, becomes ludicrous given the reality of playing in the game.

    That is why the thread was created in the first place.

    Secondly, my point is that, if properly used, they make a difference. If you ARE turtle-ing up, if you ARE going out of your way to slow down power consumption or supplement damage via consumables and spec'ing properly, you WILL be able to notice a difference. But the people who NEED this difference are not the ones using them. And that's my point.

    There ARE people who need these things in place, and it's unfortunate that they aren't always the ones using them, but they exist. And taking them away because you blame them for something that they aren't actually the cause of is the definition of selfish. Removing them isn't actually going to change anything besides some coding. So your request would literally have accomplished nothing but hurting a lower tier of player.
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  14. Lady Fayte New Player

    Telling people to provide evidence against your hearsay is not really a way to make anyone take you seriously. Considering they are basically asking you to provide the proof that it is miniscule and not your warped sense of 'useless' being thrown about as 'fact'.
  15. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Why say sorry when you're not?

    Roless buffs help those that are less skilled and need the assistance. It does not however, help those that know what they're doing and knowingly form a group with out a healer. Having a tank in the group, alleviates the need for a healer. The tank holds aggro, so the group isn't taking damage, which in turn, means heals aren't needed. I can guarantee, if these buffs were taken out, my league would still continue to run with out a healer. As FB has said, these buffs don't help as much as people really think for the T6 Alert.

    Less skilled? How does this make people less skilled? Being able to survive is considered less skilled? Do you really think that people aren't leaving the game constantly? Regardless of this "epidemic" as some people like to call it. Do you really think there are only 5 healers on the USPS server and since those 5 healers aren't getting play time, when the raids come around, there will be no healers shouting in LFG? You are sadly mistaken if you think that's the case. There are a ton of people play all different roles. If you really think you're that special that just because you or someone else isn't getting the deserved play time in LFG, that the rest of the community will suffer, well, you're sadly mistaken. All of the content right now can be completed in 90 lvl gear. Regardless of role. I'd imagine, the raids will be completed in 90 lvl gear as well. People at one point said Dox had to be completed in all TnT gear. I completed it while I was still in blues, and no, I wasn't carried.

    Did we have a shortage of tanks at one point? I'd say yes. It was noticeably difficult to find an LFG tank. Is that the case with healers? No. It's not. I could shout right now for a healer and get about 5+ tells in the span of 10 seconds.

    And to be clear, you're talking about LFG. I really do not want other people determining how I play. If my groups want to run with a healer, or with out, that's our choice. Not yours. You have no right to tell me how to play, just as I have zero right to tell you how you should play. If your group wants to run a "normal" set up, by all means, go for it. If that's how you have fun playing, then by all means, play that way.

    When the new raids come out, there will be no shortage support roles shouting in LFG.
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  16. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    I solo queue for alerts on the reg. I'm glad there are team buffs.
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  17. Humane Committed Player

    Team buffs allow us to exclude a role from an entire dlc, therefore by simple logic they should be eliminated, especially since so many people here seem to think they aren't that useful to begin with.
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  18. Crimson Jonni New Player

    The key word is allow, which is to permit. Permitting someone to do something is akin to " go ahead and do it if you want" meaning if a player wants to run without a specific role, theyre allowed to do so. It was never stated that supports arent needed in this dlc, but the content CAN be done without it; its all up to the player. Saying the roleless buffs should be removed is just as unfair as excluding a role from content, because in a sense, that buff is the teammate you might not have, be it because you cant find the role or you wish to complete it a certain way. Also all this uproar over one dlc is understandably frustrating to those excluded, but it also might not be too big of a problem if you fond a group of people to play with. And with these buffs, all ive seen is people without proper understanding of the word condemning one group of people for their misfortunes, making them no better than their oppressors
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  19. Flightboy New Player

    He asked me to go and do his "test" then to come back and report to him...... So, if that is what you are referring to than it is kinda hypocritical to say that to me and not him... Is it not? He (Not they) isn't asking for "proof" he is simply asking for me to adhere to his theory...

    My warped sense? Oh you meant my common sense... It dictates a lot of what I post along with knowledge of the game and it's mechanics.

    Thanks for your post best of luck to you! :)
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  20. Flightboy New Player

    SPOT ONNNNNNNNNNNN! :D Thanks brother!