Jessica Jones

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by bindi, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Hah! Looks like she is tweaking, and the name of the file kinda reinforces that: twkr :p
  3. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Like it or I will use my lazer eyes on u
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  4. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Just saw the first episode, I liked it so much it made me read a little of comic back story of her. All I can say is the timeline is her post avengers membership.
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  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I watched season 1. +1
    Expecting Netflix crossover episodes. DD+NightNurse+JJ+LK... vs supervillain...
    I'm liking DCTV
  7. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Great first season. It was so much better than i expected, although i didnt have high hopes for it. I thought it would come off a bit cheesy, but it really didnt. Ive always loved Krysten Ritter since Breaking Bad so i was certain she would do a superb job, and she certainly did. I feel Daredevil was a better overall show though for some reasons that i wont get into right now. Either way it was excellent and probably the 2nd best comic book show behind Daredevil now.
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  8. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    After watching the first few episodes I was actually concerned if people would stick with the show if they didn't know a bit more about her, since they don't fully introduce the villain til later.
  9. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    I didnt know about her, and yea, i didnt think the first 2 episodes were anything special. Theres certain things that i did think were kinda lame and didnt fit with the Daredevil story arc, put i dont wanna spoil anything for those who are still watching it.
  10. LipstickHeroine Active Player

    I was never aware of the character of Jessica Jones prior to the new show on Netflix. I've watched the first 7 episodes now, and I'm hooked. I think it's the best of the Netflix superhero type shows currently out there, and very well done. Looking forward to more.
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  11. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I just finished watching last night and one thing is for certain, we can no longer say that the MCU lacks "good" villains. Maybe it's the freedom of being more adult oriented but the Netflix villains can be downright scary, despite being on a smaller scale in their schemes or maybe it's really because they are less grande and are more personal.
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  12. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    "send a picture save the junkie" killgrave is crazy
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  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Villains who do things on a more personal level are the best villains, and tend to be less discovered and less thwarted
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Doctor Doom is one of the best villains ever. So is Galactus. And Dark Phoenix. And Loki. And Magneto.
  15. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Yea it's too bad the MCU only has Loki out of those villains, Magneto is pretty good on film too but seriously younger self nearly ruined it for everyone and it was the older self that said they inexplicably needed him...
  16. Alex Denton Dedicated Player

    I already knew who she was, but this really doesn't make me want to watch that show. Needs more magical ponies and stuff :)
  17. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    There's a mysterious white horse. Seriously. You''ll just have to watch it.
  18. Alex Denton Dedicated Player

    XD Ok I'll check it out ^^
  19. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Still have no intent on watching this, ever, but how could they possibly make a show about her, and not have all that 'bad' stuff? o_O
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