It's that time! Top 3 legends!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Titans1373, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. ChaosInternational New Player

    Not saying it was you but I've had my way with lex in ace chemicals as of late.
  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Probably not me. For the most part when I run Ace my group goes undefeated. Not gloating or anything but just stating a fact there.
  3. ChaosInternational New Player

    Nothing wrong with self recognition.
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    1. Robin is typically underestimated. Play as the underdog
    2. He has a really good stun(Aoe)
    3. Long range stun.
    4. Tap tap tap hold hold(Clip with his 5th move) deals deadly amount of damage
    5. Fairly fast block breaking ability.
    6. His attacks are very well fitted with his staff so you can combo off attacks.
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  5. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Also, Bane is easily by favorite character to play as. Love clipping his weapon attacks with his AoE move. His SC is great at the heat of the time. His rock is a great way to start off the fight by knocking a lot of enemies health off.
    "Face bane weakling, face your defeat"
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I don't underestimate his abilities, just was wondering why he was a favorite. I personally didn't like him very much while I was writing the guide for him as the staff doesn't really have the most useful PvP combo chains. Plus he has no DoT move and if your opponent has cc resistance he does lose a bit of his punch. I dunno, just my thoughts of him though.

    Also, HI BLINK :D

    I think when we were running Ace chem together you would hit groups for 1k without a split.
  7. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Oh yea that was always fun hitting 2k damage to all enemies with the brawling move.
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  8. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Probably heading on again tonight. Bumped into a really good Atrocitus player so if I'm on and you're up for it let me know.
  9. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Don't think i can today. Binge watching naruto
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  10. J Zmooth New Player

    WW is a beast.
  11. Eminence Dedicated Player

    All counter combos, which looks like they were based on 1v1 situations. I think I'm more about consistent damage(weapon, quick CD powers), but you definitely have numbers to back up your points.

    Thanks again, for showing just a little bit more of your game to us ;)
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  12. Talve Dedicated Player

    I'm pretty much inactive right now, so my opinion is outdated and does not matter that much.

    But i do pretty much agree with clutch.
    I see CW, Lex and Bane as the top dogs right now.
    Atro and 2F are close up there.

    But i'm still waiting to see whats going to happen after jump cancel change.
    Lex, Bane and 2F will get all a huge hit while CW's bread and butter stays unchanged.

    And when he said 5k damage after a single counter, he meant 5k damage after a single counter.
    "Working as intended, nothing wrong here." :>
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  13. ChaosInternational New Player

    I really dont see atrocitus as all that viable. Sure he has a mean SC, without a DoT or being constantly attacked it becomes a waste. Whenever I see him use it, i either retreat or play defense only.
  14. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I actually prefer Joker to all the characters you mentioned, but I also think legends doesn't have a top 3 because its pretty well balanced...for now anyway.
  15. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Joker is my favorite of all time. As far as balance goes he's the starting point. Cracks me up every time I hear "what, too soon".
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  16. GodofSorcery New Player

    John Stewart....

    I am a beast with him even after the Nerf.. (Skills)
  17. Mr AFK New Player

    Two-Face is still a ... :confused: always all the time 2 or 3 of them in ace :rolleyes:

    For me... hmmm....

    Legends are now more balanced.. all of them can be good if you know what to do ofc.
    Superman is still bad but a little better than before.

    for me 3 top ll be probably:

    Lex, Felix, and maybe Two-Face.
  18. Ramonater New Player

    My top 3

    1) Nightwing, yes nightwing i have been using him since day 1 and he is the most underrated Legend. In the right hands (mine at least) he is frekaing deadly. Especially after the took the charge triangle move away it actaully helps me out alot when it comes to block breaking. NASTY when used the right way

    2) Amon Sur, i am sure everyone knows

    3) Future Batman, i have never used him but i always get my booty handed to me by people that know how to use him
  19. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    My favourites:
    Wonder Women
  20. ChaosInternational New Player

    Oh yeah, Dr. Fate has a pretty hard stun too.