Invisible Meteor Glitch in Shattered Gotham Elite

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Frost GiAnts, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. Frost GiAnts New Player

    Now, If your seeing this you have came across this as well when your Tanking or doing any other role while fighting Tala this is mainly for Tanks but Tala has a mechanic where she does a Meteor Shower and its a one shot if you don't move and as you see in my Video I was getting One-Shotted mulitple times and It's really frustrating when this happens and I've disbanded the Raid went back in again and the same thing happens so Hopefully you guys can see this and work on it and make it a better experience for people wanting to do Elite.
    ( It was said you can disband and run it again it never happened to me before but someone can try it out )
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  2. Juggurnaut Level 30

    Try turning your game effects up all the way. It should start to show then. I had my effects about 70% and sometimes it still wouldn’t show.
  3. myandria Item Storage


    Is this issue on the PC? I don't remember having that issue on the PS4.
  4. spack2k Steadfast Player

    I am on PC and even with 100% game effects up it sometimes happens also the AoE from Dr.Fate in the other raid become invisible depending on the camera angle, it just isnt a one-shoot like Talas Meteor which gives you 1-2 sec to walk out of the aoe in the hope u dont walk straight into the next invisible aoe since they come in bundle.
  5. Danne0075 Well-Known Player

    The best way to avoid it currently is just rolling out the moment Tala does her fist slam. 90% of the time it's also bugged for me and the bug seems to affect certain players because some people I've played with have never had it happen to them.
  6. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I'm PS4 and it's happened to me a handful of times as well as other players I've run with. I have my camera zoomed pretty far out and I suddenly die when there is nothing remotely fire colored on my screen. Combat log will say a meteor killed me.
  7. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    So this is a bug? This whole time I thought it was my internet lagging or something. Occasionally I have similar issues with the AoEs in Dr Fate fight in FoaE but this is less common for me.

    I'll have to upload my POV at some point (unlisted) so when it happens again I can show for it and maybe something can be done about it. Similar thing with Sea Beast sometimes not rendering for some in Throne raid last boss.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Happens in regular as well.