Idea for material skins.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Revafall Well-Known Player

    Interesting, so does this mean that there's more room for pushing better graphics or just more space for the old stuff to be continued?
  2. Megzilla Developer

    I think it means we can have more complicated models and and textures buuuut don't quote me on that. I'm not super involved in the tech :x
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  3. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    We don't believe you. Our second cousin twice removed on our mother's side said he could do it over one weekend with a family sized box of Hot Pockets and a twelve pack of Jolt cola. And he worked at Radio Shack AND Blockbuster at the same time!
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  4. Dazz-252 Committed Player

    Nope. I knew and saw what the dev posted that's what lured me to a the topic in the first place. I originally said "When I first ever got a material that is how I thought they would function" but then I edited my post just to rant about the quality of the content we get, in general. Instead of creating a whole topic.

    Your assumption has caused you to be ignorant to the situation.