I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Plowed In Loyal Player

    How do you do this in open world, or would you restrict it to queued-in instances?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    No mark rewards and your loot locks on all drops returned and your good to go.

    I'd tell you no feats either but it'll make you angry cause that's what you're after. ;)
  3. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Who are you to say how it should be?


    "Meh!! Yy-y-ou can h-h-h-have your stats b-back... b-b-b-ut... You can't have -"

    Just shut up already.
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Because , The Con, that's what you had before the clamp, if you want the clamp removed then you don't deserve rewards and you can have your loot locks back ;) enjoy.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You actually did get some rewards, so don't say we didn't. FOS3 was a few quick marks, as was Paradox and Nexus if you knew what you were doing Most all raids paid source in the choosers, as did a alot of the other content. NGN/HH was nice to farm 102 gear for fast prestige and a few marks as were the AF2 runs for 100/101 gear....which also dropped. Base items, styles you might need and a few source from the choosers would be what was 'before the clamp' and was enough that I had 10's of 1000's(cumulative) of them before it ever went live...it wasn't hard to get source marks, no matter what you people say. Collections, base items, prestige tokens, etc....all dropped 'before the clamp'. Yeah, one time a week (for raids), but hey....that's fine by me and I'd guess most. Alerts and duos were daily too. Maybe the spammy spammers like running on repeat 100x in a row, but personally I'd be good with one pass a week/day. Your same argument about 'once people get the feats....' and not running any more, can be applied to 'once people have enough loot....' if loot is the driving factor behind getting into the older content, what happens when someone has 'enough' loot? Oh, yeah, they will supplement it once every few months by spamming the bejezus out of whatever the spam of the week is...then go right back to not giving a crap about EEG, clamped or not. If anything, doling it out under loot locks almost insures people will run DIFFERENT content vs spam the same junk over and over. Heck...add loot locks to EEG as it is I say if you REALLY want the system to work.

    Personally, I'd say the OW would have to stay clamped, much to some people's disappointment. As there is no 'optional' way to do the OW unless you run parallel open worlds, but those OW things are already on loot locks, so tomaYto-tomaHto.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah we know you don't care about those though, you're just after the feats, let's keep it real.
  9. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    "You don't deserve"
  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    [IMG] FEATS!!!
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes...you get called on your BS statement on 'no rewards'...so deflect. I expected no less.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Not at all, I couldn't care less whether you want 2-3 source marks out of a raid once a week, go for gold.

    The fact that you're protesting about such negligible rewards is kinda sad when we both know this has nothing to do with those measly level of source marks.

    We both know, the dog knows, the village knows anyone seeking a release of the clamp is after one thing and one thing only, easier feats.

    They'd love to be given the source marks too of course, because they're crazy enough to think the devs will let them farm out endless source marks in a fraction of the time while leaving all the pricing the same.

    it's all a little farcical, but hey you keep doing you boo :)
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  13. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Thank God!! We all can rest easy knowing that you couldn't care less....:rolleyes:

    Given your last 5000 posts on this matter... I'd hate see if you did care more.o_O

    Nobody wants easier feats.

    I like hard feats.
    I like accomplishing hard feats.
    I just want to accomplish them when I accomplish them naturally. I don't want my stats - that I worked to get - transported back in time to do some of them.

    And that's the thing....
    Most feats are gotten when the DLC is relevant. When most people are doing the content.
    Hell, most bounty-count feats are done on the first day... Regardless of rewards after the first one.
    We're not even talking about most feats.... just enough for you to cry about.

    Do you ever not talk as if you're a dev with some authority?

    As far as I can tell, you're just another player... I guess you like to pretend.
    But, hey... "You do you" :rolleyes:
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, no don't mistake "lack of care" for if it ever happened to a change in view or anything, it still shouldn't happen.

    I'm not talking as if I have authority at all, I'm simply expressing, as a player that it shouldn't happen.

    And yes you do want easier feats, keep lying to yourself though.
  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    No... You've just been running around like Chicken Little crying it would be the end of the world for the last year and so... for fun. I guess.

    That's not what:
    they're crazy enough to think the devs will let them farm out endless source marks in a fraction of the time while leaving all the pricing the same.
    That's you speaking on behalf of the devs... as if you actually have authority to do so....

    I swear.... Half these conversations are having to explain the obvious to you.

    And the other half is you just repeating the same lies over and over.

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Proxy.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, It's difficult to take this seriously from someone making alternative accounts to ban evade and has been spamming threads about the clamp.
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  17. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    I bet some of yall went to the anniversary zone and shed a tear when you weren't clamped. Poor random shadow archon. What did you do to deserve to be defeated in 2 seconds? All these lazy players who don't have 8 hours a day to spend on dcuo on old content! Who do they think they are?
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  18. Dene Devoted Player

    That's a group bounty.. that's why you are getting killed in 2 secs
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    so let me get this straight? Nobody wants easier feats? But every time a un-clamped version is mentioned and we say "feats/gear shouldn't be given out in a mode designed to be trivialized" Then its "ohhh i want my feats as easily as i used to get them!"

    So you want your feats trivialized...? If you can sleepwalk through them if your gear allows it, you consider it "natural" and not "trivial" despite it being trivial to obtain?

    Not really since High SP players are a small minority, most players will need to go back to older content to get feats they have missed. Isnt that what people are complaining about? Bounties and feats players didnt get yet?
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Actually its been pretty clear they don't want us to be rewarded for trivial content. Was the relevancy window not a clear indication of that?
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