I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Wait.... this isn't the "I love DCUO so can you add a party-size option already?" thread! How did I find myself here again?!
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  2. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    So the clamp can be removed... duh! :)
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  3. The Con Dedicated Player

    The other thread has 90 more pages to catch up....

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  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    Does this thread look "necroed" to anyone?

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  5. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Well-Known Player

    At this point I'd rather have a option to run with npc just leveled a new character only cr60 taking 20 to 30 minutes to get into alert or raid. Try to clear my book but its not working well. I used to q every raid while level to get as many source marks as I could but now its hard getting into anything
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  6. llllDeathstroke Active Player

    So.. have they done anything regarding the stat clamp or?
  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    No. Nor has there been any kind of dialog from Official sources about it.
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  8. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    How long has stat clamp been here and now ask yourself why would they? You lot could just go find devs responses to stats clamp and it wouldn't even matter to y'all because it's not what y'all want to hear. At this moment you guys aren't arguing with us y'all are arguing with the devs. It is what it is.
  9. llllDeathstroke Active Player

    Argue? This is probably my 6th comment out of the 4.5k comments on this post.
    Trust me, i have quit arguing & even quit this game on day 1 of making this post.
    In fact i am closing in on 6 months of no DCUO, i only logged back in to check and ask.. not surprised nothing changed though!
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I am beginning to think you might be on to something. Friday, I was so excited about the Anniversary Event and all the new goodies coming out with it, but not now. After this weekend, with the attacks that have been levied at me, I don't think I love DCUO anymore. I wish I hadn't renewed my membership now. I really wish I had NEVER heard of this Forum or ever made my first post on it.

    I hope you have found something you enjoy playing.
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  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    You are included with everyone who is in opposition with stats clamp. the devs have already spoken on stats clamp. It's pretty selfish to think it's us when it's not. It's the devs who decided to go this route and then they spoke about it. Those of us who are with the stat clamp just adapted and moved on and continue to have fun one way or another.

    You said you been off for half a year or close to it. Have you decided to go on test server when things were being tested? At any point? Where you one of those testers when stats clamp was on test server? I was, you might not have the luxury of testing things but if you feel so strong about something, put in the work and test things out to find outliers and everything else that needs investigating. Who knows maybe you could have made a difference. At this point you haven't even played DCUO as you put it and the only thing you've done is voice your opinion. You have a better chance of just PM Mepps about your feelings. I always make new toons and I go through the process of every new player. I found bugs from certain powers just by simply playing the game. You could have been more effective if you actually played the game instead of ranting on the forums for "change".
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  12. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    Final fantasy,Undersize option to unclamp you to kill anything in your path through low level.I can do any mission unclamp and other things for quests and etc.They remove marks only from it and you can’t unclamp your current level and even 10 levels below you need at least 4 people because those bosses hit hard still but you do way more dmg than when you were lv 80(current lv Is 90) and you do got to sometimes slow burn the boss because if they go over a certain percentage they’ll one shot you easily.There’s a mmo for you Mr Deity and if you haven’t played ff14 then you can’t understand what I explained huh?I played ff14 for a long long time and what you just said is false because that mmo is adapting to the content as it goes up in an a crazy number amount that some people over level their character to breeze through to be in end content with the rest of the end game players as the devs want you up there not below

    let put this example of a player humbling another in ff14 that said undersized is a problem

    "Most critically, this function effectively kills all old content."

    No it doesn't.
    All regular old content with the exception of Coils is well populated thanks to the daily roulettes, and Coils is excluded due to it's difficulty, which likely isn't going to change any time soon.

    Only Extremes and Savage aren't designed to remain a challenge past their expansion cycle. Not only does undersizing reduce challenge, but job redesign alone often reduces the difficulty of them. This is why simply running ARR EX trials synced with minimum ilvl was not a valid representation of their difficulty and prompted them to release Unreal Trials.
    Pre-80 is not designed to be a challenge, and in about 9 months time, it'll be pre-90.

    If you really want to run this content as it was... you're going to need a time machine, because your jobs at level 50 now aren't as they were at level 50 5 years ago. Undersized or not.

    "Until level 80, this game is barren for those seeking a challenge."

    Then get to level 80. Make that your challenge.
    Otherwise get a group together to do them synced at minimum ilvl. Its not difficult, and people DO want to do it, just as you are asking for it right now, others want to experience this content synced as well.
    Join an FC, use Party Finder. It takes some pre-organisation, but so does current end-game Extreme and Savage.
    If you can't tolerate this recruitment process now, then you wont be able to manage at level 80 either.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m level 90 with 610 gear now. It’s really enjoyable to go back and run the Savage for mounts. My FC will do this for members who don’t have the full collections of mounts and we all have a fun time.
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  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Do you include non-members? Or is it typically something you restrict to within the FC?

    Isn’t this also advice to join a league?
  15. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    We have invited other players outside of our FC to join us on mount hunts. The more the merrier! :)

    And yes, I encourage everyone, both on DCUO and FF XIV to join a league or a Free Company as leagues are called.

    Leagues, they can be great sources to meet new people, make new friendships, and have people to share adventures with. I am part of a great FC house in FF XIV and I am proud to say I am a member of 2 of the best leagues in DCUO on hero & villain!

    The leagues I belong to here in DCUO both foster friendship and helping each other. We take care of each other and I am blessed to be allowed to be a part of them.
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Also, EverQuest 2 as well. You can enter and/or complete any content unclamped. You just can't get loot unless you clamp within 10 or so levels of the enemies, but you can definitely still finish quests and achievements either way.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but don't name some rinky dink new startup like EQ2.....I mean, who's ever heard of that? :rolleyes:

    Besides, the company that runs that game might not realize how damaging unclamped can be. Otherwise, obviously they'd 'fix' it.....right?:p
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  18. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    I agree and the fun you can have it’s surreal
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  19. STsource Well-Known Player

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  20. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player


    Its not really about anti-clamp versus pro-clamp. Its about how a certain segment of player base wants to control how the other segment plays the game. You wanna run clamped? Be my guest, go nuts, do your thing. Just please, for the love pete, let me play my way without you.
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