How do people get to the 130+ Skill Point Level?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Random Mind, May 8, 2013.

  1. Longshot Well-Known Player

    The feats come eventually, over time and grinding. I remember when, I thought 80 was enough, than I got to 90 and I thought it would be awesome to have 100. I am currently at 144 and am trying to get to 150. I am sure again, I will think that will be enough but new DLC equals new feats.
  2. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    That's what I've been doing...

    Also running a bunch of the lower end content for my solo feats and duo feats and alert feats...It helps because you also get styles that you may not have gotten earlier...

    I don't have a portable work station, so I que up in one of the wings in the watchtower right by the workstations so as soon as I finish an instance and while I'm que'ing for the next I salvage all the junk gear I just and sell off all my trash...

    So I'm basically working towards style feats I haven't completed...Alerts, Duos, Solos, Battle for earth feats and Salvage feats....And getting marks to do other things with...
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  3. Brice Allen Loyal Player

  4. uXix Committed Player

    Well as everyone takes time and even more time if u don't actually "work" on them.

    Some feats are just horrible to finish, very boring and frustrating but it feels good when u finish them.

    Must be patient.
  5. St IronMagic Well-Known Player

    You can never have enough skill points. Drill that mentality into your mind. You always have something to do if you continually check the feats tab.
  6. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Really, that's all I've been doing is working on feats.....That's why I log get feats...Gotta do my solo's....My battle for earth duo's...Gotta get those pesky central city feats...
  7. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I look at my feat list in this order
    1. Exploration
    .collections will just happen

    2.easy stuff barrels
    .booster gold crap

    3.duos the 500+ one will come i just run every day
    speed feats
    arkillo stuff

    .speed feats
    . check styles before alerts
    . go in with a premade that understands what feat i need.

    5. challenges check the feats for each one like find all the birds in penguin lion cubs that stuff.
    check raid feats again with premade group or league.

    6 i take feats for dlcs one dlc at a time last laugh is what im working on youll get most the pvp feats there.

    one thing to remember it takes time i try to get a few knocked out a week.
  8. RapidRay Committed Player

    Quick answer.

    Many of the feats in DCUO can be completed fairly quickly. Explorations, Booster Gold Tours, Races, Hard Knocks, beating Raids and Alerts the first time, etc.

    Most of the people you hear shouting out higher SP numbers have time invested in the game for things like 500 challenges completed, 500 Duos completed, 1000 orange barrels busted, winning x amount of PVP matches in various arena and Legends maps, and other feats that just take a long time to complete if you can't get to them EVERY day.

    Honestly, I've been playing since launch and my main toon (fire tank/dps) would be 20-30 SP higher if I hadn't dedicated the time to build 2 hero and 1 villain alts to fairly high levels to fill in for missing league members. I've never seen my top healer or controllers as anything but mains in their own rite. They all have 84CR+, but only role specific T4 gear. Their SP is 25 -30 less than my main's 117 but they get the job done when called upon.
  9. MARK2099 New Player

    At this point in the game any player can get easy 100 sp doing every feat who is not part of grind like complete 50 100 250 and 500 instances, most instances have over 4 feats, most of those feats can be done in a single run, where others required 3 or 4 runs more at most.

    The only reason some don't work on feat is because they find boring go to old instances to do certain feats, but in a single run can be done most feats, is just lazyness, is not like the feats are hard to obtain especially since most players are overgeared at this point, i still need 2 feats in inner kill brother eye before consume 10 minions and kill the ark after consume 1 add, yet i could easy do those 2 in a single run but i'm lazy to run old raids.
  10. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    The best way to do it is create a plan and map out feats. Then execute them as by any means. On my alt I got his SP to 78 in less than a month. My main has 115 and that only took a few months. It helps having a league but honestly a lot of feats. can be done on your own or typing in LFG. Usually people are willing to help as just about everyone has a number of feats to work on at any given time.
  11. Captain Spire New Player

    yea that too.

    I'm finding that since I focused on PvE there is a treasure of Skill points to be had in PvP matches. Eh...but that's going to make you angry for a while as other players will mock you endlessly with their honed PvP skills.

    Your hope is to play someone worse than you to get those intial skill points and drive on through.

    Trust me, I'm right there with you man.
  12. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    A lot of long time players were able to achieve higher SP by playing with people that were at a similar level. Naturally older players only had so much content to play through and as new content was released it was easier to find groups that needed to run new content, for gear or specifically for feats, than it is today. A lot of casual players will not gun for some of these 'retro' feats, and finding groups can be a royal pain in the you know where. Not too many leagues are organized enough or willing to run for feats, but the best thing you can do is look for a group of people you can trust that would be willing to help out, find a group or league that runs alts and try to achieve the feats together, or focus on your PVE gear and gear up as much as you can (full mods too) and then try PUGing everything.

    Any of the above are still possible, some methods being easier than others. If you are feat hunting though it's imperative that you have a mic or are fast with a keyboard. You need to be able to effectively and unmistakably communicate what you need done so even the thick skulled who don't normally pay attention to team mates will understand what you need. Sounds stupid, but trust me, the PS3 community is on par with stupid, if not worse. PC may be a different story, I dunno. Raid level feats are going to be a pain either way unless you get into a solid league.
  13. FrostyMagma New Player

    1 word GRIND!
    having right league helps, i just started with easy ones then chopped away at the rest.

    Molten Magma
    155 sp usps3
  14. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Thanks everybody. I think I might need to find a new league. It isn't because they are bad, in fact it is because they are too much better than me and apparently that might be holding me back, plus there is really only 2 or 3 active players. So I think I might have to go to the league recruitment forum and find an organized league that will help me in my quest, unfortunately it is tough to find out who those good leagues are. For now I think I will work on the duos and earth duos, that seems like a good place to start.
  15. Laff Riot New Player

    Been playing Laff Riot for over 2 years now. Thats how I got to 149 and will most likely be 150 today or tomorrow.
  16. Dub El New Player

    True... This is a 130 Sp club and you are not invited. Please exit now before the authorities are contacted. Lol.
  17. TheRealDeathern New Player

    I know some blowhard would rip on me for saying anything since I dont have 130 yet, but I do have a lot more than the OP, so at least I got that going for me.
  18. Burnt New Player

    LOL More than likely.
  19. Burnt New Player

    Don't sweat it. You'll get there. Check his sig, he doesn't have 130 either lol
  20. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Only 9 more to go for me...