How did we get this lag fest?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stanktonia, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. Mad4320 New Player

    can't even beat the first boss in clock tower with geared up group cause lagg delays the heavy hits and tanks not getting healed when they should.
  2. Crn Well-Known Player

    because for some reason they don't want to admit when they are wrong so they would rather delete the threat and go about promoting stuff that they can make money off of
  3. Crn Well-Known Player

    sounds like you have it worse than I do man, I was able to beat both raids no prob but was exp lagging on both but we manager to pass em
  4. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Wait, we can say "slap in the face" again? Are all of the filters off? Time to watch the world burn...LOL
  5. BeastGamingSkill Level 30

    Maybe the lag is part of the DLC. Oracle is hacking us and making us lag. If it weren't part of the DLC, they would of fixed this by now. Being serious though, it does seem to be lagging even more today which makes it even harder to complete our missions.
  6. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I don't think the threads are vanishing or anything, they're being merged into one thread since they're all about the same current issue.
  7. Spartanknight New Player

    New content comes out and it brings lag with it. Smh. DCUO wouldn't be DCUO without a dlc coming out accompanied by problems. It has been the same type pf problem since the game came out. The devs need to actually fix the problem.
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  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Undersatand that Lag comes with new content in most MMOs. Its not something that can be magically fixed overnight. Mepps and the Devs have been monitoring it since release. Working from Home doesnt make it easier either. They are doing their best and will hopefully have it fixed soon.
  9. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    People won’t know how to beat fbe without lag once it is gone:D ...but hey we still disconnecting from pcr/ pce a week into the next DLC So maybe it never goes away! i’m disappointed and i champion the devs 99% of the time.
  10. Balton hero Committed Player

    Take replies with a grain of salt. Some forum posters get rewards for blindly defending the Devs.
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  11. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Why can't it be fixed overnight? Why do you feel the need to defend them? They take a subscription plus more money from some of us and we should have a playable game.
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  12. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Think maybe he'll share some of that Kool Aid he's drinking.
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  13. High Troller Loyal Player

    Fix is coming:

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  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    It cant be fixed overnight because my knowledge on servers and coding tells me so. I get the frustration but all I can echo is that they aren't ignoring the issue and they are doing the best we can. If you want to pitchfork then pitchfork but I'll always come in with at least a clear head and understanding of what they are going through and I hope it helps others understand the situation. It sucks but all we can do is be patient.
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  15. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Sure some people will ALWAYS be vocal & I think right now with most of us being couped up it's a bit more frustrating too.
    Cmon though Trex, this has become an EVERY STINKING DLC issue. Lag, bugs, crappy coding whatever you want to call it, but it's been happening for so long then hell yes get your damn pitchforks out.

    I'm willing to be patient up to an extent but also realize that I and countless others pay for a service that has been working half-***** since BOP dropped. Would you not be upset and vocal if your leased vehicle worked 60% of the time? How bout electricity or gas turning off randomly through the day?

    I'm guessing the way you state it that if these things happened like this on those things you wouldn't be a bit upset?
    At some point they (the DEVS) need to step up and either make something work better or take thier lumps.
  16. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I rarely experience the bugs or even the lag in most episodes. Im certainly not a fan of the small window of Testing we get in order to find these bugs. But the Lag Ive experienced a little bit in this episode but not a lot in others.

    Ive been playing MMOs since 2005 so bugs, lag, and other elements Im just numb to it at this point. The Devs know about it and seeing Mepps log on and off investigating it tells me they are doing everything in their power. Bugs and such releasing with Episode launches or even GUs are par the course of MMOs to me. All we can do is report it and wait for the fix, if it ever comes in some instances.

    Im certainly not ignoring the issue and folks can complain certainly. Im just being the voice to reassure folks the lag is being investigated. If bringing this reassurance is called me being a knight then so be it. People are wrong all the time and it's just another example of it.
  17. Controller Devoted Player

    I must say that for ME the lag has gotten better the last couple of days.

    I ran all the reset raids yesterday and personally did not notice any.

    Hope this becomes the case for the rest of the player base soon.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There isn't an update to share. The lag remains our top priority, and myself and the team are spending most of our days in the game capturing data and examples. We don't have the culprit yet.
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  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Is there anything we could do to help gather data? Tracerts, pings, videos?
  20. Brav Well-Known Player

    Hello Mepps,

    Just sharing my point of view so far during the first week of the episode. What I've noticed was during sudden changes within the instance/area like mechanical scripts (Boss and Environmental) and Audio scripts (Ally Prompts) going off at the same time with the constant normal visual attacks from npcs' and players all occurring simultaneously seems to cause abrupt lag spikes, which tend to drag a bit and then continue again as the mechanical and audio scripts repeat thus prolonging the process to recover.

    The areas are too confined with a lot of activity occurring in one location causing the rendering of each effects to be delayed for the game servers and the players' client.

    Constant spawn of adds in already condensed and crowded areas along with audio prompts for current objectives like the server room in the clock tower raid causes a slight delay with live time rendering. The Audio Prompts seems to be the main culprit but it is not the only cause.

    Perhaps minimizing the audio prompts throughout the episode, reducing environmental activity by giving more time in between each, lower the amount since its' such a confined area and let them gradually appear instead of suddenly appearing all at once. Also reducing ally npc activity may help some as well.

    Some examples: (Audio Prompt reductions apply to all, where they are appropriate and can be removed).

    Bounty = Remove or lower and reduce the teleport effect that is used on players. And maybe reduce some of his add spawns.

    Solo = Reduce or remove add spawns, mainly from the ending portion. Change the feat to multiple runs instead and lower the timer on the portal (perhaps 10-15mins from start of the instance). Too many instances are opened during this process, the problem will diminish as time goes by with less players running it but perhaps this shouldn't have been considered with the current state of the games' server issues.

    Alert = 2nd boss turrets (perhaps shrink them some as well) should appear slowly one at a time a few seconds or so after another. LB try to spread some of the effects out during environmental appearances.

    1st Raid = 1st boss, spread out (time wise) and reduce (lessen coverage) environmental effects. Sideline or reduce Ally npc activity, if possible. Server room, lessen add spawns. LB, spread out environmental effects (perhaps have only 4 pools appear at a time like how the metals first appear on 4 players, then have the other 4 appear a few seconds later, if possible).

    2nd Raid = 1st boss seems fine. LB, perhaps reduce some add spawns, spread out and reduce some environmental effects. (To be honest, in this raid I haven't noticed much lag with it compared to the rest, so perhaps just the audio prompt reduction where appropriate and some slight adjustments mentioned above as the 2nd portion does have a bit going on, which can lead to some slight delays).

    These were my findings so far and some suggestions that I believe will help alleviate, if not completely remove the current delay issues occurring throughout this episode mostly. Thank you for your time and hopefully this was helpful. I appreciate the developers effort in resolving this issue. Good luck and Thank you again.

    Sincerely: Brav
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