Honest Criticism & Bring Back Skill

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Horrorshow, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Fused New Player

    I've never been in such unequivocal agreement with a post on the dcuo forum. What makes it so depressing is that when has SoE ever rolled back anything they break pvp with? Replay Badges? Immunities? PvE mods? Home Turf Mods? It's hopeless.

    You can't even escape it by doing legends with the rampant Steel cheese.
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  2. Giggles Loyal Player


    First off, if you think I was being rude to you, you are mistaken. I was intentionally being rude to Yallandar because he started the name calling. Obviously I struck a nerve with him. You, I'll let slide because words are cold and you simply misunderstood my tone. I was not trying to offend you horror.


    Those of you who think lobbies is the answer is mistaken. Sure you can que against who you want when you want, but the ques will slow down because we are no longer queing. If they just made 2 play lists and split all the maps we have now between the 2 it would be perfect and then he people who enjoy PvP now can keep enjoying it and we can get our own variant. Lobbies is something only a minority of the community would actually use. Where a new variant with no PvE would be something that we could all enjoy. Again, leaving 2 options, current arena for those who enjoy it now and the new variant for vets, like myself who prefer the old way of PvP. Again cater to everyone and not just the opinions of the minority.
  3. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    Most leagues just que for boxes. once they get the boxes, they are done for the week.

    Us pvp leagues que non stop for the fun of it, we dont care about marks or boxes.

    and if their is only like 20 of us that want lobbies, how much slower will the ques be??

    but i will agree with your idea of spliting the list. that is a good idea. so people who want to random que can pick one option, and people who want to synch in a lobby can pick the other option. good idea.

    honestly though, it isnt even the lobbies that will do it for me. A hardcore mode is really needed. me hate henchmen long time.
  4. Giggles Loyal Player

    Yeah I agree, I prefer PvP prior to immunity. Do I like PvP now? Not as much, but I do fine in it. However, I can respect the fact others do enjoy this new PvP for some reason. So I want to make sure we all get what we want and it doesn't become a one size fits all type scenario. Main point, try to please everyone instead of just one side. It will be better for the PvP community in the long run.
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  5. Volaron New Player

    God forbid people have to learn to kite & focus one target. Compared to lair battles (duels) and batcave which are fightclub style 2 tanks on the node. Yeah that's tough. Those who prefer 2s over 5s are carebears to me. :)
  6. Zypher New Player

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  7. Horrorshow New Player

  8. Horrorshow New Player

    I unsubbed until they decide to fix this stuff.
  9. Giggles Loyal Player

    God forbid people que without a healer and have to fight without 4 other people backing them. It's funny you call me a carebear, yet you depend on a healer to keep you up and never pug. I can tell you as a controller, it is tough when you don't que with a healer and are stuck with a pug against 2 tanks. If anyone is to be considered a "carebear" it should be the bunch of people who need a healer to keep them up. I'll just leave it at "to each his/her own", you like what you like and I like what I like.

    I do agree that PvP has changed, I personally loved PvP before GU13. However, instead of complaining about everything I just chose to adapt and enjoy it for what it is, a game. MMOs are never balanced, PvP is always unbalanced in MMOs. If you can't accept this fact or aren't happy here, maybe this is not the game for you. My advice, take a break or unsub for awhile. We will be here when/if you come back.
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  10. SlayingDaimon New Player

    We really need a bare bones arena. There are people complaining trying to get acrobatics nerfed again because of the tumbling master mod. Just another issue that could be avoided.
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  11. Giggles Loyal Player

    Yeah I would definitely like a barebones arena option along with the current Arena. That way we have 3 PvP types to choose from, Arena, Legends, and Classic PvP. Everyone is happy. I know some people will say "this will split the ques". So what, if you really like PvP you que for them all anyways. Truth is, those people who use the "it will slit the ques" excuse, are just scared because of the possibility they see that their preference isn't as popular as they believed or thought it was.
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  12. 478874 Dedicated Player

    I don't blame you and you didn't miss much, mics have been down for hours.
  13. Horrorshow New Player

    I was already gone for a while xD Oh well. If another five months wont do it, what will? Lol.
  14. 478874 Dedicated Player

    I just returned at the beginning of February after not playing since the end of 2011. I am already growing weary of the familiar, underachieving and buggy antics of this game.

    Unfortunately two of my good friends from RL, who I've gamed with for years, are very fond of this game, so it's this or nothing. I wish the Devs would finally get it together. Well into year 2 and comms down for the better part of the week. It's an MMO, layers of communication are what makes MMO's what they are. How this system isn't air tight, especially at this point, is entirely beyond my comprehension.
  15. Volaron New Player

    Nowhere in there did I say YOU were a carebear. I generalized a group of people, singling no one out. I don't pug? lol. That's funny. On reset I pug all my arenas, and 8/10 times I'm pugging Batcaves. I'm also a controller, and I run into tanks. They're usually squishies in blood bat. Quite easily killed, and yes the people who que up with a healer are carebears. Why do we even have healers? To heal? Pfft they should be dps..lul
    @Thread PvP before gu13 was much better than it's current state (similar to CoH) There are many who think adapting is the answer. It's not. If you don't voice your opinion, change will never happen. Although we get VERY few changes made from our opinion (PvP) it's still change. Sit back and accept everything and before you know it PvP will be taken out all together.
  16. Horrorshow New Player

    xD You two need to kiss and make-up.
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  17. recespieces31 New Player

    I agree that PvP needs to be refurbished severely, but until it is acknowledged from the people who actually can modify PvP, we all will just have to adapt to the direction PvP is heading, but this in no way means I like it
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  18. Yallander Loyal Player

    This post helps show 2 things:
    1. Our voices are reaching the devs
    2. Competitive PVP is receiving recognition

    Now if they don't screw up whatever they are putting together I think I'll be around for awhile--Tera was horribad imo! :p
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  19. Horrorshow New Player

    Tera sux.

    I guess all the complaining got their attention.
  20. Giggles Loyal Player

    If you weren't intentionally calling me a carebear, then I apologize for reading it that way, it was late last night when I was reading it all. I agree people should voice their opinions when they aren't happy, but after a while it is just "beating the dead horse". Lately, all these threads fall under the "beating the dead horse category".