has WM made trolling less fun for anyone else?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yolo, May 4, 2014.

  1. Tre Day New Player

    If you think it's too easy to complete the 'main priority' of the controller role, which, if I had to base it on reading on your posts, I would have no idea what it was (lol), then focus your attention on the other aspects of the role. This thinking is not limited to the controller role; it can be applied to the other roles as well. I find it most enjoyable when I grow with all aspects of a role are explored, along with other ways I can contribute in a group not restricted to a certain role.
  2. Amber Serenity New Player

    All these trollers complaining about getting bored because the DPS aren't using their powers often should run with me. :) I still definitely appreciate a troller with good vit who gives out good power since I don't use WM very often because it's not as useful for celestial as it is to other powers, so I rely on my powers to do damage and that means my power bar needs to be recharged constantly.

    The thing that worries me is that because of WM people will most likely stop doing raids with 3 trollers, and maybe will even do them just with 1, which would be awful for me since I rely on my powers for damage so much.
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  3. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I was about to type something similar when i read your post. How exactly are "experienced controllers" having more fun now' hardly anything in the game requires Crowd control. Besides if we start spamming our CC we give enemies immunity eventually so if tanks need to pull or handle the adds, they can't so they die.

    I got scolded by some well respected and experienced tanks for spamming my CC. So if we can't crowd control and we can't give power, then what's the role of a controller now? Most things in the game now can be killed by a good dps in less time than it takes to CC them. I haven't played around with weapon master enough, but it does sound like controllers are watered down dpsers now.

    Of course i'm not as experienced in trolling as others here, so if anyone can clarify what exactly is supposed to be the controller's role i'd appreciate that

    edit. I see some people trying to say trolling as a complex and intricate role. I only see 4 functions that are not exactly rocket science:

    1 Give power,
    2 debuff
    3 CC
    4 deal dmg

    Its been a long time since we actually needed to CC cuz tanks take care of most of it and things die too fast to make it worth CC'ing them.

    Now giving power is much less important also since WM is very efficient.

    Also I would ike someone to explain to me how is it essential for a controller to CC in the game's current state?

    I mean, if you take away all the different abilities a troller has (CC, power regen, debuff and dmg) which would be missed most by a group?
    Can a group not complete anything in the game even if trollers never CC? If a troller never dealt dmg, would it even matter? A part of 2-3 instances where debuffs are important, would anyone care about 7% dmg or defense reduction or the near useless healing debuff?

    I've had the most fun trolling when i CC alot, but it's not really necessary and in some cases it can be detrimental to the team, so I really don't understand why are trolls still as important after WM as before.
    Not trying to troll, just asking a question.
  4. Archangel Rafael New Player

    Pvp also has feats which all players have to do if they want the SP from that.

    The idea that players should be able to play only a small portion of the game, only pvp or only raids for example, yet still gain all the game's power-ups, is counter to healthy game design.

    All players get the Feats for the parts of the game they complete. One cannot choose to non-participate in any portion(s) of the game and then complain that others who did participate have more SP.
  5. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    What? You WANT them to spam powers? No thanks. I like it better this way.
  6. Archangel Rafael New Player

    so you're saying that since WM you have plenty of power to just fly around the field debuffing and stunning everything, even all those Themysciran adds while still providing plenty of power to the group and dishing out a fair share of damage too?

    So what is your complaint now? You' had to spend skill points in not-vit to unlock the awesome power of WM? That's whats wrong here?

    Trolling is less fun because WM works too well? Try using WM yourself and spend the extra time and energy throwing out even more damage I guess.

    This is a headscratcher to me. "WM is broken because it works too well". There is no pleasing some people.
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  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    In the alert, I could see it...Not having a Tank in content like that DOES free up the controllers a bit more and lets us really utilize all of our stuns, however there is no raid in the current endgame that requires me to CC anything in order to pass the content or even to make it easier

    Until the day comes where content is released that necessitates crowd control, or allows us to work in tandem with Tanks to CC enemies, controllers value to a raid group is minimal and 2 controller raids are kind of a waste
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  8. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    i get your point, but there's no denying it affects trolling much more than the other support roles, perhaps even more than dps role. I haven't played the new alert, but if there is stuff to CC that's great! Hopefully a trend for the future, since nothing in the past required CC and in some cases overdoing the CC was detrimental to a group, especially in hard raids where tanks depend on their own CC to survive and a troller making adds immune to a tank's CC is not appreciated.
  9. Yolo New Player

    if i wanted to focus on doing damage i would switch to damage role.
  10. Yolo New Player

    yes i would love to have power spammers in my group. at least it keeps me doing something i signed up for.
  11. Yolo New Player

    the alert is nothing like ANB. there's a lot of ads but no real need to stun them if the tank has them all rounded up. and you can even skip a lot of the ads
  12. Dazuzi New Player

    Some of us enjoy challenge. It was fun when you had to work hard to keep everyone at full power and do all the other little things at the same time. There was constantly something useful you could do.

    WM is kind of broken, it made the game even easier, and it wasn't hard to begin with.

    Why not? Trolls have one specific and important job to do, no one else can do it. Now it's been reduced to nothing.
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  13. TheLoneLantern New Player

    1) I still make my controller work at giving power. You can choose a rotation that is power hungry or power conservative; both options exist with WM.

    2) There is no reason to do anything besides giving power and debuffing when adds gain CC immunity after 2 seconds. THAT is the true problem with "controlling."
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  14. Yolo New Player

    i never even said it's all about the blue bar.
  15. DC-Doll New Player

    And in return pve players aren't rewarded for doing pvp feats? That's been a nice thing about feats since..well since feats. WM has nothing to do with that
  16. DC-Doll New Player

    Good. I'm tired of being told I can't use powers because I decided to help a troll with 1700 vit do an alert.
  17. Yolo New Player

    but with weapon mastery you're not using powers....?
  18. Eranthis New Player

    Made it less fun for me because i do less damage and my weapon is slower. :(
  19. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    Im having a lot more fun, its actually semi-enjoyable now. If I was still Gadgets or Mental, my "troll damage" would be through the roof...but HL kinda sucks for troll-psing, lol.
  20. RiskVsReward New Player

    Yes, all 12 powers having the same dps rotation is much more fun... Who needs powers besides at the end of the WM combo?

    At least we won't see many "which power should I play" threads since all classes use the same rotation with WM. Just play weapon mastery, forget the power. Yes, this new way is much better and original
