has WM made trolling less fun for anyone else?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yolo, May 4, 2014.

  1. Yolo New Player

    i'm not talking about boring content although t6 is boring... i'm talking about my job being boring.
  2. Yolo New Player

    maybe because i actually liked the role for what it was and everyone just wanted to be a troller just to feel important but what they really wanted was to be a dps.
  3. Kristyana New Player

    You liked being a battery that threw out an occasional debuff? Because that's all trollers were good for outside of the final fight in AnB.
  4. Yolo New Player

    idk how you guys played but i threw debuffs and stuns whenever i could. but yes i like giving power
  5. Feenicks New Player

    I wouldn't take stock on what Circe says. He seems to be a little lost on what teamwork is about.
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  6. Kristyana New Player

    Well if the stuns interfered with what the tank was doing, that could really be detrimental to the group with immunities.

    And how does WM prevent you from doing this now? You can play your troller the exact way you did before. You're not forced to use WM, but people using it consume less power.

    People that like being batteries can still continue to be batteries. Weapon Mastery did nothing to take away from that.

    If you want to feel like you're on the edge again, you could always remove some of your gear or something
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  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I don't disagree, I was just stating all the duties that are usually placed on a Controller. :)
  8. Kristyana New Player

    I agree. Anyone who has a chance to should, but the controller is best suited for it with their shield.
  9. SupesIsBestHero New Player

    Makes it easier for us trolls in instances now..don't got to worry about dps spamming..also Weapon Mastery only helps Dps..Healers still got to use power to heal and tanks still need some shields and other powers to get aggro
  10. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Yeah, and now I always have power to make sure I can pop my shield!
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  11. Kristyana New Player

    I just finished DPSing the T6 alert. I had just shy of 4m damage with a 26 to 1 damage/power in ratio as Mental. Power bar barely moved at all, leaving much more power for the other roles in turn since our troller didn't have to spam to keep me up.

    If you think Weapon Mastery only helps DPS and doesn't help other roles, you're not using it properly.
  12. Yolo New Player

    please don't misunderstand. whenever i could does not mean whenever it's not on cool down. i know i don't have to use WM but since OTHER people are using it they don't use much power which means i don't have to give any and which means after i throw pot and debuff/stun there's nothiing left to do but damage because no one needs power...
  13. Yolo New Player

    i don't like magic. try to keep your posts constructive and not fueled by spite.
  14. TheDark Devoted Player

    I'm doing more damage than I was without WM. I continue to use certain consumables but now use them in groups of 3 or more because the damage doesn't split on consumables.

    I find that it's literally the Battery players, or the players who weren't really aggressive period, that find the change boring. It's just so disappointing see these players disgrace the role. Of course the blame goes to leagues that shall not be named, dps who teach these controllers, and healers who went to Controller role thinking "oh all i do is heal blue like I healed green with healer." yea... sure bud.

    I'm hopping into these PUGs that are running 2 controllers and just seeing the other controller spam Defib/Recharge, even though everyone is above the 65% power bar mark, is just a damn shame.
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  15. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Here I thought Circe finally quit lol:D.
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  16. Feenicks New Player

    Nope. Just reinvented.
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  17. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Kinda figured I do get a good laugh out of his theatrics at times.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Here is a thought. Stop complaining, spec into some precision and start helping with damage and get from the bottom of the board.

    Battle Trolls are excited while Battery trolls are bored to death. Sounds like you are just a battery and not a troller.
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  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    ...that makes so much more sense.
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  20. MasterOfTheHunt Well-Known Player

    Good to hear :)