HardLight Damage in PVP is stupid op....!!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CaptainPoptart, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    not anymore. One pvp update reduced rage's healing ability, especially in PVP gear. Fire Tanks on the other hand heals are crazy good.
  2. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Yeah, it's a bit insane. I was shocked seeing this in arenas the other day :eek:
  3. CosmicIV Well-Known Player

    So, I have been HL off and on for the last couple of days. I have changed back and forth to ice. I can agree HL damage is really broken. Grasping Hand -> Light Blast -> Boxing can one shot in PvP. A lot of HL's CC and damage needs to be brought down a lot in PvP. Nature's dog form also needs to be taken care of as well.
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  4. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    CC is an issue across all powers. Honestly DPS probably shouldn't be able to control at all. I'd also say that the ability the AM has to make everything apply a counter should be considered in line since everything will also be vulnerable to counter. The CC is a lot better now post GU 47.

    I do agree and have said this before, Light should suffer a damage penalty in arena's while the AM is active. This would reduce damage from the AM and bring Light in line with other sets. Similar to how Gadgets/Mental have a damage reduction for their AM heavy hitter's. Maybe a specific mechanic where the hit counter reaches a high number the penalty would lift. It would have to be high though. That would most resemble Gadget's AM reduction.

    I'm sure the Dev's can find a happy medium for what the AM should produce damage wise in arena's. Something more resembling GU 49's damage would be ideal in PvP arena's. (The Melee combo's received an 80% buff from GU 50).

    Dog Form is cheap and Nature should get looked into as well. I'd throw Rage under that bus too since if a counter isn't applied they'll burn through a health bar in about 3 attacks.

    Light, Nature, and Rage seem to be the most popular powers in PvP for those reasons. Their AM's are the most friendly and have the least amount of penalty.

    (Perfect world AM's would be taken out of PvP(and WM)). Anyway's that's my opinion.
  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Last time I played PVP CC was not as bad as it was, say in February or March. One of the more recent updated did a great job improving breakout. Now if breakouts did not drain the power bar I would like PVP more. It should take 1.2s to use breakout, without power. Meaning you cannot use breakout for 1.2s. If you have power you can breakout immediately...this would improve PVP for me. I swear with all the CC moves most of my power bar goes into breaking out with CC.
  6. MMM Active Player

    Lol why are you crying?! Devs can easily fix HL in pvp without touching pve. They did it with mental and ice and nothing happened to those powers in pve. Just look at how shields and sc work differently in pve to pvp.
    you learn something new everyday ey
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  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Really needs to be looked at, particularly the CC effects.
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  8. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    Yup, Don`t understand how they didn`t know it was stupid OP before it came to Live
  9. DulcesS Well-Known Player

    They knew it. But didn't bother balancing it to make money of PvP FOTMs.
  10. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    They keep doing things like this how do they expect this game to last long and old players to comeback and say "Oh they changed they step their game up" ,like they can doo soo much creative things with dcuo but they just keep screwing up with mistakes like this....tbh i give this game like 2-3 more years before it die out unless they make like some huge improvement that will make players comeback and start listening to the people that really actually want to help and KNOWS WHAT THEIR DOING....
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