HardLight Damage in PVP is stupid op....!!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by CaptainPoptart, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. CaptainPoptart Committed Player

    All i have to say is HL is beyond op Nerf it right now, its doing stupid crazy OP damage in pvp .....

    (Please Add on so we can get this discussion started)
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  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I don't think there is a way to add on. It's pretty self-explanatory. HL has been one of the most broken powersets in PvP for quite a while now.
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  3. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Or, leave it alone. This is why HL got so messed up in the first place. Stop all the nerfing.
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  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I would still prefer for a broken powerset to be fixed. But that's just me.
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  5. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    What is actually broken about it? I have never PVPed using HL. Does it hit to hard? Cause I remember that used to be the biggest complaint then it started getting nerfed so bad that it effected PVE play.
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  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Well for starter it has the best single target damage in PvP.
    If you are countered once with it's AM you are dead.
    It also has an uncounterable combo that can wipe someone's health with no vulnerabilities.
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  7. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    Can you provide evidence of this? Serious question.

    I'm not a seasoned Veteran in PvP, but I've done more then the average when it comes to PvP, and to be honest, I don't ever see this with HL anymore then I see it with other powers.

    I've had more issues with Fire (Self Heals) and Nature (Dots) then I've ever had with Hard light.
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  8. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    This thread, this thread right here is what is really wrong with the game. Not the devs as I hear everyone screaming. You have ticked off PVE players because of how bad HL got nerfed. It got nerfed because of ticked off PVP players. HL gets a good bump and here come the ticked off PVP players again. How bout sit down and enjoy the game. All this screaming of how the game is broken now, it's threads like this that cause it.

    Rant over.
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  9. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    "Good Bump" is a little bit of an over statement... But I agree with you.
  10. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I would agree with you if Hl was not broken in Arenas ever since it got it's AM update.
    Funny it's backwards in PvP. You have ticked off PvP players because of how hardcore powers get buffed in PvE. It got buffed because of players who can't handle being number 2 on the scorecard. Just look at when Mental was buffed it was one shotting players in Arenas, Fire got buffed and now it can heal like nobody's business, Ice got buffed and it killed players with a single button, Nature got buffed and Wolf does more damage than most weapon combos.
    Check the PvP section every now and then.
    Hl, Rage and Nature are considered to be the 3 most powerful powersets in PvP. With Gu50 PvP got affected by an update to powers made for PvE. So now Nature and HL are even more so powerful.
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  11. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    I'll keep an eye out. If funny how HL is Top in PvP and so low it PvE.

    I bet this has something to do with why ALL Prec based powers are below average in PvE.
  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Prob has to do with Hl single damage and the viability of melee powers in PvP.
    You can't really use Hl's melee powers in PvE so you often have to rely on mid-long range abilities which is its weak point but its melee is a strong point in PvP.
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  13. BlueGlacier Well-Known Player

    Lol this game is just a mess...they mess with stuff that isn't broken...don't fix stuff that is broken...introduce stuff with absolutely no idea of the impact from PvE to PvP and vice versa...(WM anyone?)and I now have an Electricity loadout that destroys everything in PvE and now I cant even finish a rotation through lack of power and is no better in PvP...lol its their game right?...I said ages ago they need people who play the game and know the game to be involved with the decision making.
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  14. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Reading some of the peoples comments in here, I think it's so funny how people ask for proof and videos etc, when hundreds of people have been saying, Fire Tanking, HL and Nature and Rage are the big OP 4 in PvP for weeks, if not months. They aren't entirly however to blame because PvP has allot of issues, but pre gu50 HL and Nature were OP, now they are just outrageously OP, and balance needs to come soon.
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  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Let's just say Gu43 which overbuffed Light and Fire in PvP was in November 2014. Which makes it roughly 9 months.
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  16. AllanPage Committed Player

    I'm a HL player since early 2012 and have been using it for PvP for quite a while now. HL is OP right now, but so are other powers like Rage and Nature. If you are going to nerf HL you better nerf other powers too. In open world Rage Tanks (resto spec) and Fire Tanks are way overpowered as well.

    All I'm saying is HL has got lot of updates since its launch so much that old HL players might not even recognize this powerset, all because the devs keep messing with it and someone's always unhappy with it.
  17. Ghostof91 New Player

    Dude wake up, Hl needs a nerf.
  18. Ghostof91 New Player

    Hl if done right can kill a fire tank in a matter of seconds, I would go as far as comparing hl to the one shot Mental that was recently nerfed, I just dont get why do powers like hl make the update without proper testing.
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  19. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Wow, can't believe it's been that long... smh.
  20. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I don't think the Devs have the tech to balance the powers in PvP, untouched PvE, but when you look at the SC controller sheilds etc, that are cut shorter in PvP then PvE, it makes me skeptical.