GU73: The Stats Revamp

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Jul 14, 2017.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Yea, I agree, I thought the same thing, it would penalise the people running one, and then I thought exactly the same, could it detect the second one, I think at that point though it just gets too complicated and harder to implement.

    Not all power types have two PI's so some powers aren't affected by this problem, but then others are; I think having a generator that applies both PI's would be a reasonable compromise.

    That of course won't fix the debuff situation of course; one part of me is thinking, just make them all defense debuff, but on the other hand I'm also loathe to suggest that because I see the idealistic benefit in trying to mix things up in the grander scheme of things, any thoughts on that one?
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  2. Noxious Flora Well-Known Player

    This thing about generator mods and ht trinkets doesnt exactly sit right with me. If I am right in understanding that players are expected (required?) to have these to complete higher tier / more dificult content, the lair system and utility belt upgrades need to be rolled into the base game rather than remain as marketplace upgrades. It doesnt really seem fair to expect frequent use of something locked behind addtional transactions in order to complete more challenging content. Players should (rightfully imo) be able to expect to clear content (provided appropriate gear and skill level) without them. Again, i could be wrong in my understanding, but if balancing is being done expecting everyone to have these tools, then everyone needs to have them.
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  3. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    What should happen:

    Put the support roles back to a similar version of what's on live.

    Keep all of the DPS changes, CR differential removal and AM removal.

    Enjoy the game not dying.
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  4. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I think all the arguing about Weapons expert and Superpowered stuff is a pretty big waste or time. Weapons Expert gives you additional weapon damage at the cost of power, hybrid gives you better power regen at the cost of some damage, Seem like a fair trade off cause they are both useful in different situations.

    All that needs to happen is SuperPowered just needs to give some sort of buff to might only users, maybe a % of might damage similar to Weapons Expert and the prec % and nerf any weapons use with it and problem solved....Anyway i'm pretty sure the devs already said they were working on bonuses for the other masteries so i don't get all the complaining when we don't even know what they have in store.

    I'm really not sure where so much of this complaining is coming from cause if you really got into it and tested everything things dps wise really aren't that bad and are pretty close. Imo theres way to much fear mongering going on in here about this subject and about content. Its not the end of the world if you have to run 2 healers or whatever you may need in some content. Cr scaling is gone your not about to run up in everything and solo role everything especially under geared.
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  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Im not sure why the debuffs are this way. Clearly gadgets will have an advantage in non raid content like u said. And the PI stuff? I said the same thing in the quantum thread with the 1st build that had quantum. And i felt like my feedback was dismissed completely.
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  6. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Yeah I was thinking of the answer to that too. I love the idea of having diversity between the troll sets but it just seems to me that the defense debuff is the most useful one in content and it has the advantage. I guess maybe that's why gadgets doesn't have a group shield.

    I was thinking of maybe making all the SCG defense debuffs and adding a separate debuff that might be useful in different situations.

    I also thought of maybe granting three different SCGs with three different debuffs but you can only have one in your loadout but this might be awkward.

    Granted I'm not too familiar with trolling on the revamp but if this significantly reduces the performance, fluidity and usefulness of the trolls without a defense debuff then I would sacrifice the diversity and make each SCG a defense debuff and then try to make them unique in other ways.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Battle Drone is now a group shield ;)
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  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Oh thanks for letting me know I had no idea lol. I'm so used to gadgets not having a shield on live lol.

    Honestly I think I prefer support roles as a whole on live though. Not including tank.
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  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I don't know why it can't apply both PIs. It's not like there's a dps difference, since you only get the bonus damage per power you use anyway, so it doesn't really matter whether it's graviton-charged or destabilized.
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  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    PPL try trolling and noone falls for it... :p
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  11. light FX Steadfast Player

    Im seeing a difference when it comes to quantum. League mate on test right now testing it again to make sure. Will have some #s or a vid in a min. But i agree it should apply both PIs.

    Edit: So #s here.
    Without PI using inspiral waves 2.9k and 5700k crit.
    With PI using inspiral waves 3.2k-3.3k and 6900k crit.

    Inspiral waves is doing more dmg then tachyon every time too. With or without the PI. Those are both the spammable 100 cost powers.

    Because the sc generator only applies destabilize quantum players are forced to take up another slot to also apply graviton. I posted exactly the same thing in the 1st quantum thread. The way i see it, and proxy actually just said this to me, is make singularity the sc generator and it applies the graviton and is the defense debuff for trolls which addresses the problem he mentioned above with trolls, debuffs, and sc generators. Simple easy fix.

    For mental the defense debuff is telekinetic pull. Why on earth would a pull be the defense debuff? I cannot understand that. Psychic shock is the also the defense debuff too. Its just weird that a defense debuff would also be a pull.
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  12. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    In agreement with Shark and Light.

    I personally think that if we only have one SCG they should apply both PIs if the powerset has two of them. The reason is because having it only apply one PI just seems limiting. We all know that having an SC is ideal In a loadout and having a power to charge that SC is just as useful. So assuming that people will always have an SCG in their loadouts it just makes sense for the SCG to apply both PIs. IMO this allows for more variety.
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  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    Edit time ran out. Maybe singularity wouldnt work. After discussing and rethinking the cooldown on sing would have to increase from 3 seconds to 6 and probably the power cost too. So might not be worth it then. Also this is starting to get off topic. We should bring this feedback to the quantum thread.
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  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    For healing all they gotta do is take the cooldowns and mechanics from live and tone down the resto. Not sure why healing was changed as much as it was. It's op on live, that's not secret, but what's on test won't fly either. And I feel like the devs are looking at it wrong. They're looking at it like "oh they're completing content so everything must be fine' ignoring the hell being endured to complete said content.
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  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    On a side note I wish all you people that just started to now test the revamp started months ago where the feedback was really important. It probably would have looked a lot different right now.
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  16. Ringz Dedicated Player

    That would definitely not be the case. We lost testers because of going through the process of "unfortunate" changes.
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  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Sitting there throwing tantrums clearly didn't fix anything either, did it?
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  18. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Your sig is literally making me panic. Jeez that looks stressful
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  19. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Well, when your love/fire for the game depends on this one update, then anyone emotions will come out. And i don't blame those that did.
  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    I think dps wise things are ok. Yes some minor tweaks are needed. But support roles is where the issues are. At least imo and thats what ive seen when i tried trolling and tanking. And that was in the early builds and now. And yea i see some people who seem to be focused on dps and nothing else ;) As far as testing earlier well i did actually, the 1st few builds. But i felt like my feedback didnt matter. So yes i stopped. Its frustrating when using your personal time to test for daybreak and feeling like what u did/said is dismissed. I said back then id be back to test the final build and here i am :D
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