GU39 Preview: Donation Box

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Zinbik, Jun 25, 2014.

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  1. Zinbik Developer

    Leagues are receiving a significant number of updates to improve their functionality and add collective advancement! There are so many new systems and features that we'd like to make sure everyone can start understanding how they all work and come together now, rather than waiting till they're on Test.

    Donation Boxes are consoles found in League Halls that allow League members to exchange items for Prestige. Their UI is split into three tabs: Dematerialize, Donate, and Decorations.

    This tab allows you to directly convert an item into Prestige, destroying the item in the process. This allows you to both get value from undesired items, as well as convert currencies to Prestige by purchasing items with that currency, then Dematerializing them.

    The Prestige value of an item is generally based on its value to vendors, whether buying or selling. The more difficult it is to obtain a currency, the greater the Prestige value of items purchased with that currency. For instance, items purchased with cash are generally worth far less Prestige than items purchased with Marks of Fury. The Prestige value of an item can be found in its tooltip.

    This tab allows base items to be donated to the League Hall's decoration inventory. Doing so generates Prestige equivalent to 10x the amount of Prestige the decoration could earn per week if placed in a personal base.

    This tab shows the list of base items in the League Hall's decoration inventory.
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  2. Lady Thren New Player

    Will we have feats for a # of items Dematerialized (like Salvage feats)????

    Im excited for GU39 now woot!
    • Like x 7
  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Are we able to donate the grey junk items that we can only currently erase or sell to vendors?
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    And for the base items and donating them, can we donate 1s we have already collected and havent placed in our personal base?
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  5. Radium Devoted Player

    Will we be able to donate spare amenities such as a Bank(Individual), or Respec Machine?
  6. Notangie New Player

    Is there a link to info about decorating the league halls I missed? I'm very interested in the decorating part.
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  7. Zinbik Developer

    It depends on the item. If it has no sale value, it probably has no Prestige value. However, if it has some decent value to it to a vendor or you paid something of worth for it, it will probably have a Prestige value.

    Unfortunately not. Once you've collected it, it's yours.

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  8. Drakonicus New Player

    Question: Will things like earning Prestige, Donation and Dematerialize have feats associated with it ? I am hoping for a "yes".
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  9. Lacedog Loyal Player

    so with all of these extra marks of triumph we have, it would be a good idea to buy, say, scion gear to dematerialize?
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  10. Drakonicus New Player

    Also can you please, please make so that we can Dematerialize the Soder Turbo, Mega and Splash that we get from doing content ? I am begging you.
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  11. somerandombats New Player

    and the junk drops from content? o_O
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  12. Drakonicus New Player

    I think you can Demateiralize (Serious, we need a nickname for that) those, since you can sell it for money. But the soders you cant do anything with then, not even sell then for cash, if you are not going to use then, Just delete then. By hand. Stack by stack. Every single day. On every toon,
  13. somerandombats New Player

    i know about the soders........... :(

    alternate names for Demateiralize :
    dispose of?
    donate to cia?
    • Like x 1
  14. Drakonicus New Player

    How about "horn in" or "horny" ? Cause if there is one thing i am going dump there...excuse me, "dematerialize in order to progress my league", are Enchanted Beast Horns.
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  15. Zinbik Developer

    • Like x 19
  16. somerandombats New Player

    horn in hum......
    "hey guys gimme a sec i gotta horn in a few pieces of ion gear...."
    it works lets do this
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  17. Doc Holliday New Player

    Will dematerialize take away from salvage feats or will it count towards the salvage feat?

    I think this will play a major role into how many members actually will try to earn thier leagues prestige while their also trying to work on the salvage feats.
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  18. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Likewise, a good question. I wondered the same.
    • Like x 3
  19. Drakonicus New Player

    Thank you. May seem like a small thing, but as far as "quality of life" goes, its a big deal for me. As far as everything else you guys announced today, i can tell how happy i am. without some creative use of profanity. Or the Raptor Jesus meme.
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  20. 6000Degree New Player

    Well if you can dematerialize Scion, it's not a problem because you can't salvage it normally.
    BTW, if we can dematerialize Elemental Android too, I'll start to stack Chests in bank.
    • Like x 1
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