GU39: Fire Update

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Newsflash New Player

    You're right it's philosophy not testing feedback. Sorry man but please could you stay on topic.
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  2. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    At the moment, it is hard to really judge a powerset DPS potencial, cause the only "hard" thing is TD, everything else is melted so fast...

    We will really see what powers are slow, inneficient, when the new raids drop.

    One thing is sure, the time spent to cast FB or MD is too much, compared to some WM movements...
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  3. Remander Steadfast Player

    This is my concern, as well. Unless they plan to reduce the burst potential of WM, these cool mechanics will only be competitive in long, drawn-out fights, which is honestly a relatively small proportion of the content and for a limited time at that (once overgeared, even the long fights aren't as long).
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  4. Newsflash New Player

    Amen, finally someone on thread who knows about DPS.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, with the new raids coming and more SMs, as long as they are keeping up with the content release on a regular basis, knock on wood, hopefully we will at least have use for the over geared. That is why I'm not concerned by Nature and Electric's DoT stacking AM. They are really good and effective, but if I would just compare Nature, which I've run for a few months before going to earth, to Fire's current potential. In a 1:1 comparison in a long battle, Nature would probably come out on top due to constant DoTs always up, while the prep work for fire takes a lot to setup. Which the mobility makes a difference, but you still will get pulled, pushed, etc that will require you to start another power again, all the while, Nature has to hit Harvest when it's up.

    This is my concern. There are way too many steps to get to the big hits that equal the awesome mechanic. I know I've said this for a lot of feedback in this game, but risk vs reward is no where near balanced. If Rage's risk is the chance to get interrupted, the reward for it is way higher than being able to move around while getting cast powers up.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    I will agree with you on the snooze fest. I always mod with might and precision for my reds. In any case though, WM was supposed to be an alternative, right now it is a goal. That's a problem. lol Now we have to balance UP the powers to it, instead of the other way around. This is also why I'm comparing the awesome mechanics to awesome mechanics while giving an example how WM can do the same.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    If you do have tank-specific suggestions, please post them as well.
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  8. Naija born Well-Known Player

    After doing some testing, i found some things that needs looking into
    Thermal absorption pi applicator. this one is weird, according to the power description on the tool tips, it states that its only absorb heat that applies this pi, i tried getting used to absorb heat but just couldn't. and again absorb heat is a single target power, does that mean thermal absorbtion will only be on one target at a time? if that is the case, then it needs looking into. either make absorb heat aoe or let another power be an aplicator that is an aoe.
    like many other people have said, the time it takes to set up is pretty long although when you set it up, it is a bit worth it.
    and the consistencies between the crits is rather large i get crits close to 10k and then crits of 3k
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  9. Naija born Well-Known Player

    abosrb heat keeps you stationary, and i believe the effects of thermal absorbtion starts at the end of the animation ( i maybe wrong here) but doesnt making you stationary defeats the purpose of the mobile mechanics?
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  10. blklightning New Player

    Absorb Heat only activates Thermal Absorption. For targets to return power, they need to be burning. TA only needs to be activated once. If you don't like that Absorb Heat keeps you stationary, you can forgo the damage and jump cancel it. This will activate TA and let you go about your business.
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  11. Opamp Committed Player

    Below is a lengthy reply, so I will try to segregate the concepts into manageable sections.

    I have been playing DCUO for quite sometime now, I purchased the game when it first came out. My most used hero is a Fire toon, and that was the only power I ever used up until a few months ago. I am a casual player, netting somewhere between 5-20 hours a week on the game. I don't regularly keep up with testing, WIP or mechanics. I find the information very spread out, and cumbersome to find. There is no centralized change log or suggestion area which makes finding information difficult.

    My take on Fire:
    Fire is an interesting power. I believe it's greatest assets are the Area of Effect (AOE) moves and the Damage over Time (DOT) moves. This allows a Fire player to deal damage to a group of enemies, over time, continuously. All while other moves and attacks can be piled on. This is how I understood the power to work, and where I thought the developers were going.
    Moves such as:
    Mass Detonation
    Spontaneous Combustion
    All fit this - and the other individual powers either do AOE, DOT or have a special effect added.

    My original Concerns:
    My original concerns were diversity. Take a look at the fire tree. Some powers just don't make much sense. A good example Spontaneous Combustion and Meteor. Both identical: AoE, DoTs and a Burst component. So if one is more powerful than the makes the other obsolete. In our example, S.C. is better than Meteor. Thus I had to ask myself...why do we even have Meteor? Some moves are simply more powerful than others. I love the ability "FlashPoint". It's really cool, AOE burst damage. But for some reason, it doesn't do much damage, and you need to be in melee range. The abilities should be unique and people should be able to vary the builds based on preference. There shouldn't be the "best" powers and then everything else. Flashpoint is a great example. If it did less damage but always knocked back enemies, or gave you a short Fire Shield or something, that would be different.

    My thoughts on the updates:
    Disclaimer: I have not tested the new builds - so everything is speculative and understand that "thoughts" and "practice" are different.

    As of the recent change to the game (Weapon's Mastery) the value of Fire's moves have changed. Since you get a Crit on your power after finishing a Weapon's Mastery combo, you want powers which have a strong burst. Moves that provide DOT will not increase in damage. This means moves like Detonate, Fireball, Flashpoint etc got better. Channeling moves and DOT moves remained the same.

    In addition to the burst change, Weapon's Mastery does a lot of damage. Just by doing a standard ranged weapons mastery attack you can do more damage (in general) than you can do with the channeling moves.

    Where does this leave us?
    This means that, in general:
    DOT moves are unchanged
    Burst moves are more powerful
    Channeling moves are less powerful

    So I would expect your loadout to have 1 (or 2 depending on cooldowns) burst moves, the rest being DOT moves.

    How do the newest updates affect players?
    • Absorb Heat : Tank move, useless for DPS. It would be VERY beneficial to have ALL moves work for both Tanks and DPS. I don't enjoy having a move in my power tree which doesn't do anything for one role.
    • Wildfire: Originally a "weaker than inferno" move. It now gives burning, which might make it worth getting.
    • Flame Cascade, Fireburst, Mass Det: All channeling moves - which need to have the damage significantly boosted. Since that is not mentioned in the notes, I assume they are still weaker than just sitting there and doing Weapon's Mastery combo attacks.
    • Fiery Weapon: A filler move - generally not "cool" to watch or use. Should be built into other movies "if you're on fire you gain this bonus". Looks like they continue to keep it. Especially pointless in groups like Raids as it doesn't help allies.
    • Spontaneous Combustion: Since it now doesn't cast burning, but does more burst, it is comparable to a move like Detonate. So essentially we just test which is more powerful, and use that.

    Overall Outcome:

    Fire has a lot of work to be done to it. Many moves are just not even able to be used as a DPS:
    Stoke Flames
    Absorb Heat

    Others are just too weak:
    Fireball Barrage

    These issues would be better addressed. For those which can't be used for DPS - give us a reason to use them. For those that are too weak, buff them in their own way. Maybe meteor stuns, maybe Immolation provides a damage shield, maybe Fireball blinds the enemy, etc.

    My feelings - Disappointing.

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  12. Naija born Well-Known Player

    yea i just found that out thermal absorbtion is really only needed for power back, while volatility ups the damage which can be set up by flame cascade, fireburst and mass det
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  13. blklightning New Player

    I think that, in order to appreciate the changes, you may need to let go of WM so that you can see the new mechanic.

    Sadly, WM is the standard by which ALL other powers are measured. Many of us speculate that WM will indeed one day be nerfed (corrected), and this will allow the new mechanics to shine.

    Come up with a bursty WM rotation and a 2nd Fiery rotation. xD
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  14. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    I have one that most if not all of the community agree:

    Is not worth the 100% SC.
    A 50% will be more suitable.
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  15. Newsflash New Player

    TA is a PVP mechanic anyway. The presence of Controllers makes it nothing more than fluff in PVE and I'm not in favour of diminishing the role of controllers any more than has been already by superbuffing it.

    If Power In from TA is too significant in PVP there will be massive complaints and nerfs to follow. If it 's too marginal or deemed useless then you breed resentment among Fire players who wanted a real update.
  16. Owl Devoted Player

    Every single power set has a Self Heal. Every Power set except Fire has a Usable While Controlled Shield.

    Fire is the Only power set with NO Shield:
    • Celestial: Blessing, Consecrated Ground
    • Earth: Envelop, Gemstone Shield
    • Electricity: Group Transducer, Flux
    • Gadgets: Anesthetic, Distract, Energy Shield, Neural Neutralizer
    • Ice: Bitter Winds, Hibernation, Ice Elemental, Reflection, Shatter Restraints, Winter Ward
    • Light: Group Shielding, Light Barrier, Restore
    • Mental: Bastion, Convalesce, Grandeur, Reflect Pain, Telekinetic Shield
    • Nature: Swarm Shield, Thorn Burst
    • Rage: Redirected Rage
    • Quantum: Closed Loop, Event Horizon, Oblivion, Quantum Tunneling, Time Bubble
    • Sorcery: Boon of Souls, Transcendence
    I think for Balance that every single power set needs a Shield just as every single power set has a Self Heal.

    Improvements that may help Fire Tanking:
    1. Adding a UWC Shield would help to absorb damage during spikes and allow time for a HOT to work.
    2. Making Burning Determination Usable While Countered would give Fire Tanks 2 Group Breakouts in PVP.
    3. Reducing the Supercharge cost to 50% for Eternal Flame would make it a viable Tanking Supercharge.
    4. Swapping Stoke Flames and Spontaneous Combustion positions would place 3 Tanking abilities in 1 Branch.
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  17. Newsflash New Player

    I have literally no ideas at all. Do I get the job? :p
  18. blklightning New Player

    This is from Supreme Monarch:

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  19. xSpartacusx Well-Known Player

    Mepps, some time ago several fire users agreed on some suggestions, which TrueOlympus posted.

    But one of the most important ones is this:

    Kristyana said:
    “During the fire/ice revamp they made dominance and restoration stack together for all roles. There was a bug where dominance was being doubled before being added to the stack, making troller/tank shields and fire heals much stronger than intended. I pointed out the bug.

    As a temporary fix, they lowered the amount of healing that fire did for itself. When they fixed the bug, they never reverted the temporary fix. I've pointed it out multiple times to the developers, but for whatever reason they've decided to keep it as it is.”

    Could you guys take a look into this?
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  20. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    i think tanks should look like that
    eternal flame sc down to 50 %
    upgrade the tank amminity from 60 to 75%
    upgrade stokes flames heals over time from 15-18 to 30-40%
    allow the sc to build up from powers too
    change burning determanation to additional Hot that can stack with stoke flames
    and be 5-10%
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