Test Discussion GU 57: Light Mid-range Adjustments

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Tunso, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    you can only speak for yourself you don't know everyone i melee and range with HL, only speak for you.
  2. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    Did you just claim unstealthing/invisibility are exploits? Do yourself a favor and quit while you're still allowed to post. You claimed to not be able to access Test server and now all of a sudden you can. Just stop it.

    Also, you do realize an increase from 16 to 19 million in your totally contrived scenario would represent an increase of 18% vs the 5% increase you claim this update to be? Like I said quit while you're ahead.
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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I never said I did not melee...it is not that common though...I have ran with hundred of Light players and I would state 99% of them do not melee. Why even have a AM rotation in a powerset that most are not using.

    I melee when needed, such as when Ingrid needed to be lunge or Grundy, etc...other wise I'm using my range AM.

    In duo and solo I use melee all the time on the bosses.

    I do like the increase in melee damage but mid range damage is a joke. I'm almost getting those numbers today on live.

    Here are the things Light needs to be balanced after testing and playing Light for over two years along with other powers that are considered competitive.

    • 4 second out of combat build up time should be made to 1.5 seconds
    • SC should not cancel AM boosted damage
    • Range combo produce melee damage when in melee range
    Get these 3 things and Light would be inline with the likes of Mental, Gadgets, Ice, Atomic, Fire, etc...
  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    on live, we are on test the other person was right stop posting you wasting other's people's time, you once again have done nothing but complain.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Why is it so hard to find people that know how to read....I mean today I did state I downloaded test and started testing, because my daughter got a PC (laptop) for Valentine.

    I figured a Light player would produce more given the following updates. No damage loss when using trinket, supply drop or orbital. In combat time dropped from 2.5 down to 1.5. Window added after interruption to not drop the AM damage. All of these updates will increase a Light player DPS. I was being generous.

    Where did I state stealth? Gadget toons if you clip distract with an EMP fast enough you can get boosted damage with that first EMP. Than hit EMP again for another finisher. This was fixed at one point but it is in Live for some reason. I can do it but not all the time. Again, I never stated stealth, another assumption on your part.
  6. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Challenge accepted. Ign Trickz. Pbr 10m buy in.
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  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Lol this guy called gadgets stealthing, an exploit.

    No it was changed on purpose, Dark explained that to me in the mental thread.
    It's actually not a bug for Gadgets.

    "Originally PDart was only allowed to deal AM damage from within Stealth. It could still do AM damage coming out of it. Gadgets recent GU made it so EMP can be used from within Stealth as well to register AM damage. How could it be a bug if it was always possible to do Stealth come out of Stealth Into EMP for AM damage and now do EMP from within Stealth for AM damage? It is intended. Otherwise why even make it so EMP can be used from within stealth if it was already working on exit?

    Using EMP or PDart from within Stealth doesn't grant a damage modifier because Stealth/invisibility form debuffs players. With Max damage it only gives you a 10% non damage role buff inside stealth. Using EMP or PDart right after coming out of Stealth does give a modifier."

    Also: Please stop comparing HL's AM to the likes of ice, gadgets, etc. If something you think is bugged. Report it, otherwise stop complaining.

    It's regarded as off topic for a reason.

    Also: How is HL underperforming when you don't have a PC to test the current build, or compare the logs?
    That doesn't make any sense.
  8. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I did test Light...please read...WTF is wrong with the forum community and reading...I mean come on now... It takes only a few seconds to properly scan what someone has posted to read it.

    The recommendation I have is based on test. Light is not competitive, it is now no better in thest than what we have on live. Maybe you are not understanding that. The minor adjustments to the mechanics will get Light to be inline for range and mid range damage for the most part; however, Light still cannot use a SC and has no productive way to deal melee damage.
  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I can melee just fine with HL, So can other people.

    Again you're speaking from your own perspective.

    Supercharges? They've been trash forever, Nobody would be using an ICE supercharge if for the fact it isn't doing what it's doing right now.
    People rarely use SC's anymore expect for support roles, so why even bring that up?
  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    apparently you haven't only 3-4 people are complaining about how HL is going to be that's it, i was HL for the longest time i enjoy how it is on test this not a problem.
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Gadget toon: In my stealth loadout I have Bunker Buster
    Atomic toon: I have a SC
    Ice: Elemental or Blizzard
    Earth: Move Mode SC
    Sorcery: Grand Summoning
    Light: Strafing Run
    Munitions: BigGun

    I always use a SC. Never had an issue with them and other than Light, SC does cancel the AM of other powers, in fact some extend it.

    Again, I can melee, I prefer not too. With this update Light Barrier and Triage does exactly what they do today, cancel the AM. Now if these powers did not do that, melee would be a more viable option but they cancel the AM. Meaning you are left to the healer and hope you do not targeted for a one shot. In alerts, solo and duos that is less likely to happen, but in raids, as Rokyn showed you should have those two abilities which would reduce your damage any time they are used.

    And if you can melee just fine for any content, go into BPE and melee away because if you can melee end game, it should include elite content. I'm not saying players cannot melee, it is not typically done.
  12. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    My bad on the stealth mention. Reading is bad today lol. Anyways, I'm fairly certain The EMP clipped by distract>EMP thing you're talking about is known to the devs and not an exploit.

    Also not going to go back and forth about your "testing" methods. Post a screenshot on your new laptop of the parses you have. Shouldn't be an issue now right?

    I get that you like HL a bunch. But your big blocks of text literally taking up pages isn't helping HL testing at all.
  13. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Since GU50 the ask for Light has been...

    Allow the Range combo to produce melee damage when in melee range. That ask is still here. Many stopped asking because the developers do what they want regardless of input.

    When I saw GU57 Light Mid Range update I had a gut feeling that damage would be put inline and mostly on the lower side with maybe melee getting a slight increase in damage, maybe some adjustment to the mechanics (that it got) and that would be it.

    Light so far has gotten exactly what I thought. It will be a hair better than it is on live. But will not be competitive enough to keep up with powers that can produce melee damage when in melee range.
  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I did Tunso test and on test Light is producing within the set damage values. I have no major issues with that...

    The thing I have an issue with is that Light players literally have no way to squeeze out extra damage like other powers. That is a shame, because the developers at one point encourage this, Light does not have this option.

    Other powers do, and due to that, Light is inferior.
  15. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Please explain where this comes from that a) other powers are designed to have extra damaged "squeezed" out, and b) Devs encourage this "squeezing".
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  16. MrB Dedicated Player

    You are literally the last person who should be criticizing anyone about quitting, making promises, or threats. Those make up most of your threads and posts.

    Now back to HL. Based on my experience of playing light since t4, don't remember how long ago that was, I can say with 90% confidence that even though hl is much better off on test than on live it will still be hobbling behind already updated powers. The latest update doesn't seem to be helping that. What is the point of taking a dps that can't use a sc because it reduces damage, needs to be meleeing to do highest damage, if meleeing gives immunity to the boss, if speced for melee & range can't take a shield for picking up, and if speced for range can't reach it's maximum damage? Sure I could have 2 armories for melee & range but how am supposed to adapt since there are cooldowns on when armories can be activated in combat, what if I'll have to switch to troll but already used my in combat armorie timer? Again what's the point of taking hl if other powers are much better at adapting to new situations? There isn't.

    I really hope hl doesn't hit live like this.
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  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Let me us Light as an example. When Light was updated the AM was designed around holding LB and MG for 4 seconds to get max damage. However, Light players learned that by passing the animation you could squeeze more damage out.

    Gadgets the AM is design around Distract with Battle Display, not using Stealth. Using Stealth you can squeeze a bit more damage out.

    Ice, you have the SC to use to squeeze more damage out.

    Atomic, jump canceling Geiger animation or clipping the animation when using the combo allows players to squeeze more damage out.

    Pet powers, using movement mode SC or specific weapons and abilities.

    Nature - Starting off with Carnage in normal form produces more damage due the extra crit hits on the DoT powers.

    Need I go on?

    Light, use buff, lose the AM damage, use a PI, lose the AM damage, do this or that, lose this or that.

    Light it is your combo or nothing to get max damage and now with the animation of the combo of LB and MG modified, that extra damage has been removed from Light.
  18. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Tunso, is there a chance that impact could just stun enemy's in control role instead of sending them flying then stunned, it's pretty annoying, I know we have claw and boxing gloves as an alternative pot, but impact just to stun with no push would make it better pot move.

    Pretty please :)
  19. TRELL1 Well-Known Player

    As stated above that EMP clipped by Distact to EMP is not an exploit. Ice elemental is and I'm sure there are other exploits that squeeze out extra damage as you say. I'll bet once this goes live someone will find a HL exploit that squeezes out extra damage. That's not the point of this balance pass.

    The objective was to tune the base numbers and AM multipliers as such that all powersets can hit the designated benchmarks using AM rotations.

    HL does have a legitimate gripe around how the PP trees are arranged. the trees as currently constructed don't allow for much wiggle regarding melee to range transitions.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    AND powers to help you melee are useless. SC are useless. Oh yeah, 4 of the 6 tray abilities are worthless as well.

    One thing I think needs to be considered before Light hits live is that Light is within the damage ranges, but on the lower side. Please try to buff the damage say by 1-2% to get it more inline.

    As for Mental, Gadges, Atomic, and Ice, they are above the mid range threshold based on Tunso test when using the 95% confidential interval testing statistical method. Light is within the acceptable range.
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