Grinding 750 LPVE instances per familly is too much!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by supa killa, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    750 times playing LPVE with flash after completing all instance LPVE feats, no thx really thx, the feats i will never finish, the feats that have pushed me away from DCUO.
    MAYBE, yes maybe if those feats are reduced to 150, i would consider to complete them in time, but a still maybe.
    those arena wins reduced to 50 from 250 after i completed 250 wins, it was hurt to many people but it should be done at that time.
    now this is the time, why the devs waiting to fix those unintended numbers? honestly i am expecting that to come in one of next GU's.
  2. supa killa New Player

    C'mon devs fix this !
  3. SSeid Committed Player

    How can they fix something that people have already completed? It's not broken, it's annoying.

    Some things are not meant for everyone, get over it.
  4. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    Forget about the completion part but the reward part is really low. The feats should be worth more than one star.
  5. Pinky Well-Known Player

    Don't be obsessed with the LPVE feats. Many years from now when you look back, you might regret the huge amount of time you spent farming LPVE feats when you could be doing other things like spending time with loved ones, pursuing other hobbies, working out and getting fit, etc.
  6. SSeid Committed Player

    Most SP are given by the individual instance feats. Being vague, with minimal LPvE farming you will end up missing about 4 SP that come from the crazy farming feats, such as the 500/750 runs and so on.

    Apart from the fact that you can survive without those 4 SP ( if you couldn't then you would have done them! ). I think that those 4 SP are a nice advantage that those very few players willing to crazy over farming it deserve to have.

    Do you want every 250+ and 500+ runs feat to be 2 star feats and the 750+ to be 3 star feats? Then we are not talking about an optional reward that is cool to have but a major drop in performance if you do not. Those 4 SP are already the difference between getting those last 3 T3 innates.
    Do you want to be obligated to do this?
  7. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    For the time invested I would suggest its a bit low. It seems odd to get more rewards for something that takes less than 5 minutes than something that takes years.
  8. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    Absolutely asinine to expect people would complete these feats through normal play, and since theres realistically no way that i'll complete these without grinding lpve until my eyes bleed theres no point in trying.

    I mean, its legends for christ sake, was it really necessary to go overboard? With legends?! Lol.
    I didn't care for legends play before lpve, now just the sight of them pisses me off.
    Thanks devs.
  9. SSeid Committed Player

    You deflect.. do you want to be obligated to do this? Do you want this to have an major impact on your performance?
    Do you want a badly designed system that sucked the fun out of LPvE from the first moment to be that important to your progression?

    It does not takes years, some have already completed it. Trust me the people crazy enough to farm this all day, hate every minute of it.
  10. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    You guys put in ridiculous time on grinding feats for such little rewards. Spend weeks to months grinding certain feats just for One to Two Extra SP.

    To each his/her own.

    Yet I find it ridiculous. You won't catch me grinding these ridiculous feats out until they revamp skill points to effect your attributes much more then the minimal amount it does now.

    To each they're own. Not judging those who like grinding them out for a personal achievement; yet i'm not losing any sleep spending a majority of time on something that gives such a small reward. I'm at 206SP an don't care to grind a damn thing anymore until SP gets a proper revamp.
  11. Biggdaddycane Dedicated Player

    AN most of the community is under the thought of Feats are to be grinded and achieved in Hours to Days; and Max Weeks..

    Yet I strongly remember Mepps saying most of the Feats are to be achieved over years of playing. Reason they make Feats in this manner. They're not making any player grind 5000 Reapers in a day. Or 750 LPVE Feats in a Week.

    Relax and do a little everyday and Milk the game slow. Unless you want to end up like some of my League Mates with 254 SP - 160CR trolling in the watchtower all day with nothing to grind or do until I send them a invite.

    Then you wonder why some people are bored. Trying to achieve Max CR and all Feats in a Month of playing. Then say "HEY SO AND SO FEAT NEEDS TO BE REDUCED". No it doesn't, it was meant to be a feat over longevity. No how fast and dedicated you are to grinding it.
  12. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    If I had my way progression would be based off of experience instead of these feats, like tokuma or however you spell his name has suggested many times. I don't enjoy legends and I don't enjoy pvp, so why should it be tied to my progression at all in the first place?

    There isn't an either or answer to your question... my answer is to change the system entirely. So instead of necessarily uping the feats gained, change the system so that people become stronger based on what they play.

    If someone wants to pvp let the pvp they do make their character stronger in pvp. If they want to pve, make them stronger in pve by running content. I would just give titles or some other reward to those other feats.

    It actually does take years to get all of the legends feats, IF YOU WANT TO actually earn something running the content. I don't really want to do something for nothing. I will admit I have done that in some pve type feats, but honestly I want some sort of reward. Time spent should be earning something. The whole lockout makes it only viable to run each map available 1 time per day. So it does take years to obtain those feats, if you want to earn marks.

    The whole system really doesn't work all that well. They are working on redoing the progression system but it is pretty antiquated as it is now. They did a much better job in everquest in its progression system than this one, which is surprising because this game came out much much later.

    But to answer your exact question, I see your point that it would suck to have to run the feats, but where I am standing now in sp, there aren't a whole lot of feats I have left that I can run on my own, beyond pvp and legends. I of course have a few raid ones that I haven't completed yet but the bulk of my feats left are actually legends and pvp.

    I stand by my answer that the system should reward us for what we want to do. Daybreak advertises "play your way" all the time...they need do to do more than lipservice, and actually make this feasible.
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  13. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    i completed moon 250 wins at the time after huge grinding, next day they reduced it from 250 to 50, same reduction happened on most maps, now how you can say some ppl have already completed them? or we are just not important customers here?
  14. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    I completed all feats in game but not general lpve feats and i am standing on 260,55 skill points, and in my league there are plenty 265 sp, 264 sp, 263 sp, and that difference will be there forever because of unlogical numbers of unnecessary grind.
    I know there are lots of ppl who gave up to max their sp because they won't be competitive anymore because of the time required to obtain those general lpve feats.
    5250 runs means minimum 52500 minutes (10 minute per instance) means 2187 hours, if you farm exobites in this time, u can farm approximately 45000 stack of exobites in this time. I mean if you grind those feats you LOSE 2187 hours in pain OR if u farm at this time and sell stacks of exobits for 100k then u could earn 4,375 billions ingame cash ( a point of view)
    Another point of view is, if you run everyday 2 lpve instances, then it will take your 2625 days to complete those feats (nearly 8 years), if that is intended, i have nothing to say.

    All other grinding feats are logical maybe necessary and sometimes a bit fun UNLIKE LPVE general feats, 25k gathering is required because u need bytes for your mods, 1000 treasure chest feat is automatically happens after some years, 500 cc bounties are easy because u only spend 20 minutes daily for 56 days and u get the feat, 500 alerts, 500 duos, 500 solos are all fine and logical.

    Those general lpve feats absolutely gives you nothing, seriously nothing, i dont think anyone enjoying it, tbh they must completely remove those feats which has no benefit at all

    And to the people who will say me if you dont like it leave it, let me say i will leave it but not only this, if you say me there are people who did them already, i can say it is not my fault, they didn't ask me when they reduced 250 arena wins to 50 after i completed them, but if you tell me how this lpve general feats are fun, then i will really wanna try the way you think, anyone really have some fun while grinding it?
  15. Chazarr Level 30

    O_O and heres me thinking the arkham asylum plant wrapping feat was ridiculous. Didn't even see this lol
  16. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    this game will not be around by the time someone actually has these feats.

    you would have to spend every second of your in-game time to be able to get all of the 750 feats.

    No one will ever get all of them and if you do...sheeesh
  17. TestReporter Loyal Player

    It's too late to change it ;), i don't think Violet Love and BrOsHoLa will be happy knowing they will remove or nerf those feats after they spended minimun 52500 minutes (i'm sure its more) farming. No money in this game can pay the time they spended doing it, not even 4,375 billions ingame cash, its not a day or a week farming something insanely, its a YEAR, you know what is spending your life doing something over and over and over 5250 times, its not 250 or 500, its 5250...
  18. TestReporter Loyal Player

  19. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    please read the replies, 3 years ago we were pvping a lot to get 250 wins on arena maps, many of us completed those 250s feats and next day it was reduced to 50, we felt a little dissappointed in the beginning but later on we understood it is good of game, exactly same thing may happen with the people who completed them
  20. TestReporter Loyal Player

    250 PVP matches have a average of 15-20 minutes each, even if you had to do 1000 pvp matches supposing you lost 3/4 its not near the LPVE numbers... I wouldn't mind if they nerf it at all, but i have to think about the others, i would feel extremelly bad if i was one of those who did the 5250 runs.