Grinding 750 LPVE instances per familly is too much!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by supa killa, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    You damn right its way too much, but unfortunately there a re few people who have them or are close to them. Its too late to remove the feats at this point because of that, it would be unfair to them.
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  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    There is a thin line between grindy feats and insanely grindy feats - the numbers on the LPvE feats are crazy for sure and wouldn't suffer that much from a reduction. Even 250 would still be grindy, but at least not that insane anymore.
  3. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Whos gonna pay for the time they spended getting the 750 feats, i would love having those to be 250 and rewarding 3 star feats, but the players who did lpve 4000 times don't like that.
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The same thing happened with the PvP feats....
    Also.... 'pay'?
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  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    well now you can't say you don't have anything to do...

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  6. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    Never said I don't have anything to do , I'm always grinding feats :)
  7. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Did everyone forget about the PvP feats being reduced? They were reduced even though people had already completed the 250 version of them. Why would that stop them from reducing the amount of LPvE feats, because people have them?

    That logic -_-

    The feats are excessive. Plain and simple. They're not fun to do. I'm playing this game to play on MY TOON. Not to spend all of my time playing on forced legends toons to complete feats. As others have said, there's a difference between grinding and an insane amount of grinding. LPvE is not fun. AT ALL to me. I refuse to keep playing anything past the alert specific feats. It's just ridiculous. 3SP isn't going to make or break my character. Nor, does it make anyone who has those feats better or worse than me. And before anyone wants to jump all over my feats, I have all the feats in the game, completed, except for the general LPvE feats. This is also from someone who has a hero and villain and grinded out feats on both toons before you could buy them, even the PvP feats.

    If I did decide to grind them, I'm 100% positive I'd quit playing the game. It's just not fun. Doesn't matter that they've reduced the difficulty. It's still 10 minutes of ZERO fun. I'd rather stare at the walls in my base than run this event.
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  8. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    I agree those are anoying feats like open 1000 treasure chest but some people already did it so its not gona be fair to reduce it now .

    There are much worst feats like ( finish raid without any groupe member KO ) those are stupid feats .Those kind of feats makes ignor list full.
    Im gona do those feats when i can pass it solo .Im not saying remove those feats but use yours brain and stop doing those kind of feats in fucture .
  9. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I agree with the op there are way to many general feats. 1 a day is 14 years to complete. 14 a day is one year. Even cutting them in half would make a 7 year run if you did 1 a day. There is a difference between grind and stupid. the amount on these is just plain stupid.
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Why does everything have to be nerfed? Why do everyone and their alt feel like they are entitled to EVERYTHING another person has but with way less effort to get it? This grind is completely optional, you lose out on a few 10pt feats if you chose not to chase this nightmare, is that the end of the world? If it is, then i suggest you start grinding. It's pretty much as simple as that. The feats are there, grind if you really want them that badly.

    No, the people that are actually grinding this nightmare are worth the keep the very miniscule reward they get.
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You pretty much drive yourself off a cliff with your own statement here. Ok, let's see: You openly admit that 1. The extra SP's from doing general LPVE feats won't make or break your char at all and that the people who has them doesn't have any advantage over you. 2. You openly admit that you pretty much hate LPVE and that it's no fun to YOU, at ALL.

    This grind is not for you, as you openly admit. You can chose to skip it and do what is fun to YOU. Why do you still go on about reducing the number so YOU, who do NOT enjoy the grind, can still grind it and get those feats? Exactly.... "That logic" came back as a bouncy ball, didn't it? :rolleyes:
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  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I understand the frustration but the thing is, it needs to be implemented right in the first place, a fair number from the get-go. They can't just introduce insane grindy numbers that people are actually spending an insane amount of time to get and then go and reduce the numbers down the road. It pushes people away from wanting to grind anything in the future, if their efforts are being "handed out" to others later.

    The next time they are about to introduce something with similar grinding, they should think twice about the number. BEFORE actually implementing it.
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  13. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    I have all the feats in the game except for the lpve general feats.
    Again, why nerf the feats just because its a grindfest?
    Its not fair to cry on the forums and beg the devs to make it easier when there are ppl that have completed them all.
    Stop crying, its embarrassing and whoever agrees with the OP needs their head checked. :rolleyes:
    I'm at 256 sp and I'm okay with that and kudos to the guys that went above and beyond with lpve, I wish that I had that kind of drive.

    Alas, scrubs always want their way and these forums serve as their platform to beg for nerfs and pander to Devs and other players to see their point of view :rolleyes:
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  14. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Clearly, if you read the rest of my post, you'd see that I am a completionist. I like having all feats completed. These are just insane. I'm not opposed to grinding. I've done it, as you can see from my feats. I've done it on multiple toons. I got the 25k gather feat on two toons, b/c I wanted my hero and villains to be maxed on all feats. I didn't feel the other feats, outside of LPvE as a drag, and something that would drive me from playing the game, as well as something that's not reasonably obtainable. Every other feat is. These aren't. You wouldn't complete LPvE feats in a year if you did 1 or even 2 every day. They'd take YEARS. How is that not insane? No feats in the game would ever take you YEARS unless you purposely decided to take years. Playing the game, normally, would get you most of the feats. But hey, I guess I can't talk about not reducing the number because, I don't like LPvE. Makes sense...

    3 feat points is what's keeping me from achieving max SP, no it won't make or break my toon when I'm at 258.

    And no, your sarcastic, backwards, OH YOU GOT ME post, didn't, at all. But nice try.
  15. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Is there any player on any server who is at max SP?
  16. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    One man's boredom is another man's fun
  17. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Yes. Why?
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  18. comrade sonya Committed Player

  19. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I agree they should have thought of it before releasing but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be corrected. All grind feats need to have a reasonable grind to complete. 14 years to complete is not a reasonable grind. 14 a day is not reasonable either. That equates to an average 3.5 hours of play a day playing the same instance over and over again. That's not a reasonable expectation either.
  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I read your post and that's the whole point of mine. If you're a completionist, get to work. It's not fair to let other people's grind become a waste of their own time, just for your own selfish need of getting it done with way less effort by a reduction to numbers to fit YOUR idea of "fun grind".
    Tell me again what's backwards, please... :rolleyes: Since you're "all about the community", you should understand this point. Guess not. ;P
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