Dev Discussion Episode 35: False Idols 8-Player Raid

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Charon, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Rushsteel Active Player

    We just ran fi e lb and was kind of sad. The adds being immune in elite kind of just made that fight that needed a buff really easy. I think if people beat first boss and second boss they will beat lb always first or second try with the new changes of immunity. I'm wondering if we can have that immunity still in elite because it was still easy but that stress was the only real threat in that fight.
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    So this Shows Pretty much perfectly whats going on.
    Additional info: i play on EuPs; this was False Idols Elite; i didnt use anything, so that my Character rotates 180° instantly; i couldnt test the Gorgon gaze in the add wave at the start so far. Also, there was no delay in that run.
  3. Ully Committed Player

    This is a bad video. We can't even see the gorgon when she does the attack because the camera isn't on her. Make another video, and show the gorgon. A lot of players are caught in the gaze, because their characters aren't completely turned away.
  4. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Hey Charon, can u confirm if the bloodlust when initially pops affects only one of each role? (Or is random)
    Lets say:
    Tank A - gets bloodlust
    Tank B - doesnt, but can be passed to him
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The Gorgon doesnt move at the skull, if you look closely you can see that its almost exactly 180°.
  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    idk if already mentioned but LB Merciless can vanish and the players cant even wipe to restart the last boss fight... really broken.

    Players will get the message to revive Ares and after Merciless cant be found anylonger.... not sure if Ares was even dead at that point of game where the message was displayed.
  7. Charon Lead Content Designer

    The couple reports weren't consistent on when it happened and it doesn't happen locally so it's extremely hard to track down. When this has happened to you, has it always been when you get the message to revive Ares? Was Ares KO'd and wasn't revived in time or did it happen as soon as he went down?

    I've heard one report when the Drachma was active (but the Ares part wasn't mentioned) and one report that happened before the Drachma was even remotely about to start. If it is always when Ares goes down, that'll help tremendously in tracking down the issue.

    And what mode was this? I looked before and couldn't find a smoking gun but the more info I get the better the chances to find and fix.

  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Ares had no cog to be revived but i dont know if he died before already and if it was his second death, Merciles did his yellow claw attack towards Ares and we got the message to revive him but when Ares is no where to be found Merciles just venishes.
  9. Charon Lead Content Designer

    That was going to be my next question - if he had died once already or if it was his second time. Hmm. If anyone else can chime in, please do so.
  10. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Found and resolved the issue. Ares was the key factor. A fix will go up next week.

    In the mean time, keeping the god cleave ability away from Ares, whether he's dead or alive, is likely the best way to keep this from happening.

    Thanks for being the linchpin that combined the other reports into something I could track down.