Does any power have a single target supercharge?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Shark Dental, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    You should play with better dps
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I'm not here to impress anyone.
    I never topped using barrage, when I switched to volcanic is when I noticed a difference in performance.
  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ok sunshine ;)
  4. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    A change in supercharge that hits for 150k for the most part is not going to make a difference in topping when people do millions. But we are derailing this thread.
  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    This makes no sense. Your damage at the end of a raid is not determined by your SC. If it were, you'd be able to do the math and see that the 100% SC does not out perform the 50%. People tell me the same thing with atomic and they are wrong.
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  6. L T Devoted Player

    Water, Ice, and Sorcery have single target supercharges. They're all really good.

    I wrote a thread called "is my supercharge super" that was pretty much ignored but it spelled out pretty clearly which ones are good and which ones are worthless.
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  7. Mazahs Loyal Player

    There are a lot of things that go into which to use...length of run, power you are, multi or single target etc..

    Take LT's work on the SC's on Atomic and Quantum using 50 or 100%
    On Atomic the damage was 12,762 on 50% and 25,022 on 100%. So you would be correct with Atomic that (2) 50% SC net .02% more damage than (1) 100%.

    However if you look at Quantum, you are almost always better off using the 100%. The base damage of T-Vortex is 12,550 while Oblivion hits at 31,130 (nets 19.4% better damage) by getting (1) SC 100% vs (2) 50% SC's)
  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, yes but there are more to know how to use powers than just the numbers. People take some of these guides and YouTube videos as gospel. Not knocking LTs work, cause I know he likes to crunch numbers. But using atomic as an example. Show me a player, or video, showcasing SC, and how to use them correctly. Most players and videos I've seen all lean towards 100% SC.

    And yes, I understand all the factors that come into choosing a SC. Now I haven't played quantum in many years, so I'm not sure how each of the SC work. I know oblivion is a aoe SC. Is the other a cone or single target? I ask because maybe the other quantum SC needs a buff, or oblivion needs toned down a bit.

    This is only my opinion, but playing with multiple powers, and their SC this past year. Majority of the powers are better off using a 50% SC rather than the 100%.

    Now, if I were being a total team player. Not trying to make the most Dps I can. Then yes, I would use the 100% SC and save them for boss fights. Most of us don't though.
  9. Vagrant Committed Player

    Best way to use Fireball Barrage is to clip it with something, even when its clipped all the fireballs will come out so you can move away without being stuck in its animation.

    When I was fire I would wait til I had FB, get close enough, use FB then clip it with Stoke Flames and then get out.
  10. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Then you have to have stoke flames on your loadout though. Theres not a way to do that without losing dps on non supercharge rotations. Fireburst-inferno-massdet-wildfire is the go to rotation with cascade as the spam for when adds are low. In some content thrown meteor is superior to inferno. Anything else is a dps loss. Not saying you can't play that way or that people can't have their own playstyles by any means.
  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Link, please?
  12. Mazahs Loyal Player

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  13. Vagrant Committed Player

    Could clip with trinket. I used Stoke when I played Fire Dps it was really handy to clip with a lot of my moves and apply burning.
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  14. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    But then your fireball barrage isnt getting the boost from the trinket. Idk not trying to be argumentative. I find the best way is just to time it out. If I'm using it on a boss I use it right after his aggro dump mechanic right when he goes back to the tank. You cant usually count on him staying put for awhile then. If I use it on adds I lunge in, use it and back up while casting fireburst.
  15. Vagrant Committed Player

    I’m speaking from an Elite Raids perspective so losing trinket boost over surviving usually isn’t as bad. Definitely not saying your way isn’t viable either.
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  16. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Oh true elite raid boss I'm not taking any chances. Dead dps is no dps.
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  17. Original Cryo boy Committed Player

    Your fire dps loadout actually just popped up on my suggested vids on YouTube. I thought it was pretty interesting apart from my frustration with meteor recently. I personally can't use it in elite raids after some recent experiences with tank pets, back ups and melee dps cluttering the boss area too much. Meteor never made it thru. But I'm going to check it out as a melee range alert loadout. Absorb heat takes about the same about of time as a fireburst so I'm going to look into switching those two for better aoe numbers. Nice original loadout.