Devs Please stop entertaining nerfs on behalf of this community

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DC REBIRTH, Aug 9, 2017.

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  1. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    I'm being entertained by all this. I do t support all of it and some things 'may' need tweaked here and there. But my biggest upset is the controller is now completely useless, really pissed at that.
  2. Web Well-Known Player

    And I'll just leave it at,

    Whatever it was, I want it.

    I tried to quote your post Winter Sabel but it didn't work.

    Oh well. Sad face.
  3. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    I find it quite amusing seeing players complain about hybrid not having enough power. They always seem to forget the bonuses
    ( extra damage ) that they get from clipping the animations that they can clip.

    Then we have people that wanted only hybrid play style in the game because it took skill and was much harder to do.
    Now I see a few of the same players complaining that hybrid takes too much work. These guys want their cake and eat it too.
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  4. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I think he was mentioning the fact that when testing PftT (not hybrid) it was stated that they clipped weapon attacks (and used a weapon buff) in the rotation, when PftT is normally considered only that, only powers no weapons. So of course it would artificially inflate damage.

    Another way to artificially inflate damage? Claiming to provide numbers for hybrid playstyle, but actually speccing into Weapon Expert and just bringing more trolls to compensate (even though it's not practical for actual raid play) and giving them the weapon buff even though they would never have it (due to very low power regen).

    People are talking a lot about numbers and evidence being provided. What evidence was provided? Loadouts? Videos producing the numbers stated? For each power? Or just a spreadsheet where anyone can put whatever number they feel corresponds to their vision? See, even if the number is correct, you don't know what was done to arrive there? Was it a normal rotation that is actually usable in real life settings?

    Let's say that electric has tons of possible rotations that get it to 14k or earth or whatever you want. And ice is really struggling, but by USING WEAPON EXPERT and modding full precision and including the 20% weapon buff you wouldn't get ever in a raid setting because you don't have the highest power, and altering the rotation to include tons and tons of weapon attacks, you're able to get it to 14k, is that balanced? Will a person who decides to play hybrid instead of weapon expert ever hit those numbers? If he decides to mod with might instead of precision, will he hit those numbers?

    By refusing to share information, loadouts, CR, sp, how each power was modded, etc. (I mean, basic testing essential information required of us for any video or feedback given), the supposed "balance" feedback is totally moot and really empirically worthless. Anyone can write any number they want, lol, as many players have been doing over the past days in chat. "I got up to 20k with Jackhammer, seriously! You should've seen it!"
  5. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Making sure your powers are good and then moving on is a conspiracy. What make it worse is you say other powers are fine. My question is fine compared to what? Sorcery have 3 powers that miss, long cast SC builder that hit like crap and a 100% SC that need 3 tray abilities to be ok. But It's fine ok.
    I have 2 sorcery toons. I thought I will play 1 with weapons and the other pftt, because you know revamp was suppose to be "play your way". On day 1 I knew sorcery pftt was garbage and came to the forums and was told "NO It's fine" or "git good".
    I've always said melee sorcery is good, problem is everything can't be melee. On 3 targets I can get 15k with sorcery melee, but I can get that with range nature. And that's standing right where I can target the dummy. Thst's without exploit. The melee damage is without knockbacks or counters and 9800 prec. My nature dps is 200 with 240 sp and my sorcery is 202 315 sp. This is where the problem come in. Another balance issue, why is rifle taps AOE? Rifle tap AOE is op compared to hybrid range, but I guess that's fine too?
  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I think earth jh have a splitting issue, because single target is kind of garbage
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Not "conspiracies"..... "conspiracy". Singular. ;) ;)
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  8. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Face rolling is sill a problem with extremely high Cr 190's to over 200s from my experience. Specifically for players that really know what they are doing (such as a gadgets dps in the lounge duo). Though this is about leveled Tanks in endgame content isn't it.

    So I recommend just testing how quickly every level is being completed on average for X amount of days then go from there.

    Note: No matter how you want to spin it, a player that does not need their partner's help is not good. Particularly when the party is created through the queue.
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Hey anxient, so explain this to me please. When would a dps player be able to stand there spamming unlimited power in the game? I mean in content. Where they get to use all the highest cost abilities w/in their power set because they have so much power? That is realistic and accurate? What i see being done is testing dmg potential when having unlimited power to spam. And somehow that is being used as the #s for dps balance.

    Did the devs not say managing your own power with this revamp would be a skill? A skill they wanted people to master themselves. Why else would the power from the dummies be taken away? So dps cant be measured in content because there are too many variables that we cant control. So the option is use the dummies.

    But how can those #s be accurate for the reasons i stated above? Testing for potential is fine but it has to be accurate. If there is never a point in the game where u would have unlimited power to spam and use the most expensive cost abilities u have then it means yes the potential is there but it can never be reached.

    Also what ive been seeing is that ingame parser, which many players use and the devs have said to use, is not registering some hits. For example ive done a 10 sec parse and cast only oblivion and parser read 0 dmg. This only happened once with that particular supercharge but it did happen. That is concerning. Ive also noticed flip slash hits that were not hitting the dummies the 1st few days. With this kinda stuff happening how can anything being done at the dummies be accurate?

    I have also noticed parse #s jump all over the place when using the same loadout/rotation. For example ive hit 14k per second then 8k per second. Using same loadout/rotation and ive seen this with multiple powers. Now before ya say crits the dmg parser is showing the crit % as the same or a very slight difference when this happens. Its showing the amount of hits is the same. U spoke about the roleless buff in the alerts being overpowered but wouldnt 2 trolls feeding 1 dps player power also be overpowered? Is the roleless buff more powerful then 2 trolls feeding 1 dps?

    Why were testing parameters given to what seems like 1 group of people? Why did 1 group seem to have the devs ear? It cannot be said this isnt true. Not when 1 group is being told how to test and what to test. Does this mean everyone else doesnt know how to test? Wouldnt knowing what the testing parameters are help others know how/what to test? I have not seen the devs say anything about how testing should be done. In fact i saw the opposite or basically go on test and just run stuff was pretty much the message. But then we have players telling other players how they should be testing? Does this seem normal to you? Id suggest looking up how video games are tested. Because this here^ is far from the norm.

    Ive also parsed with a troll using multiple powers and tried every loadout possible and different specs. And when i compared all i saw was inconsistency. Hybrid and pftt. Now notice all im doing is asking questions. So please explain it to me if ya want to/can. Please tell me im wrong if i am. Im definitely not above being wrong or any criticism. But please just answer what im asking. Not that i think u would be rude but been a lot of that lately so that is why i say it. Please none of that. Btw i quoted anxient here and asked him a some questions based off what he said. That is who i expect a reply from. Thanks.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Okay, several points and I'll break this up.
    It's not artificially inflating anything, it's hybrid and should be considered hybrid. I get what you are saying, but I think there is a disconnect between each person. The devs have the playstyles considered to be on a spectrum, but in all honestly, there is only Hybrid and PFTT. As even weapon only requires you to buff yourself. But that's debate for another day.

    It's very easy to skew things and the developers have done something that they have not done in the past, and that is to wait. Look at the recent dev announcement for that example. People are still settling. Adjustment period is going to take time.

    So you would agree with my post, though your response tone seems like a disagreement. Posting all the information that you can makes it easier for the devs to try and replicate the same thing. If they get the same results as you, they can adjust accordingly. This is why when a dev comes back and asks for more information because they can't recreate it internally or ask for the character name to try to figure it out.

    What the person I responded to was trying to assert was that players were falsifying their results by using things that aren't supposed to be used. Where the dev (Moja) specifically said that use what you can to make a proper comparison based on the makeup you are building your loadout/rotation for. If solo, duo, alert, or raid. They all have variables that change numbers. In a raid, I can do way more damage than in a solo/duo because I have the presence of a controller.

    The feedback you give can be filtered and weighed by the devs afterwards. They know what is up and often have come and pointed out things that can change the outcome. (Like clipping, Moja said that specifically makes it harder to balance.)
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  11. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    First off hardly any powers use a super generator at high levels of dps'ing cause they have long cooldowns and they do low damage so if your using it theres another reason your not doing to well. And this argument that you need 3 tray abilities for Grand summoning to be good shows you just don't understand how things work. Sure having offering and your own fury will maximize your dps with the super but you can also do around 100k damage just letting it rip with no offering or your own fury so while its not the best without powering and your own fury its ok but not the best damage but then it comes down to why would you not be running a pet build if using GS???. With these statements your just fishing and trying to start problems or maybe you just truly don't understand how things work fully? If GS did 150k damage just by it self then when you powered it or used in in combination with your own fury it would do insane damage. it works how it does cause its focused around a summoning build. If you don't want to have offering or your own fury the 50% super sorc has is right on par with other 50%'s

    Also on your abilities that miss subject sure sometimes it happens and we have left feedback about it but when i used sorc i only used one ability that was a projectile and did just fine. So until the issue is looked into more there is some work arounds that still do well. You bring the same things up over and over in multiple threads. We know the issue exists and many people have left feedback about it so saying the revamp suck and everything is a mess cause of the things you keep going on about is kinda funny especially when its not even a bad as you make it out to be, again not saying theres no issues with it but not to the extent that you claim.

    And this comparison with nature on the dummies lol. In a raid if you tried to set up 3 dots on adds (none of this roar crap either cause i see that getting fixed) you will get smoked by good players cause thats a heck of a long setup time and the adds will be very close to death by the time you get your 3 dots out and spread and try to get some burst in. Think of how much damage another power can do in 4 powers compared to you as nature where you did barely any dps in those 4 powers. You'd be getting smoked on the boards. Like i said the numbers you get on the dummies aren't the end all be all cause of how things work in content. And yea nature will be better on the boss fights then sorc but there a give and take situation with the adds and we have pointed out the damages and you can see sorc is a bit lower and hopefully in the future it will get a slight bump up, all it needs is one of the 200 bursts to be a 300 and that might just do it.

    And im so sick of this everyone saying myself of other have said everything is great, thats not what we are saying but its better then what some of you guys make it out to be.

    And when you said rifle taps were op i almost spit my drink out lol:p
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    GS without offering and another fury do 100k? C'mon man you know that's bogus.
    No fury so I shouldn't run GS? So I need to run a certain loadout to use my 100% and that's fine? When you pop your SC along with othe r powers on your tray I'm sure you do insane damage. SC damage is SC damage. That make 0 sense.
    When did you do just fine with sorcery running an ability that miss? What content were you in and what's fine in you opinion?
    Tell me what content you are running that nature can't get It's dots up and burst? I've been in raids with 2 nature dps glitching and adds weren't dying that fast. That's BS.
    The revamp is sinking. Everyone not complaining about revamp, they just stop playing. The problem with you and others is you all say things are fine when they're not. When someone point out a problem don't talk about workarounds and how everything is fine.
    Nvm about rifle. It split pretty bad

    Edit; every power generator is weak, but which have a 2sec cast? Nature's mesh just right with It's loadout
  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    They tested with two trolls. Not a thing in the world stopping anyone from raiding with two trolls. As for the devs only giving certain testers parameters and certain testers having their ear is hear say and speculation, part of which you admitted to saying you could tell by some of their posts.
    As for quantum and other powers/weapons registering that is a problem if it's happening as described (not seen evidence of this happening). I've never said the powers are perfect. There are things that need adjustment but I am enjoying this much more than the am era.
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  14. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Yea go test GS,3 target by itself at 201 Cr you will range from 90-109k I have tried and so has my buddy that's sorc on live and he can confirm with with proof and pics. And yea if using GS it would only be smart to run a build that caters to it that's how it's designed to work it's part of a summoning build. I don't get what's so hard to understand about these things. And I don't know about your groups but when I run raids the adds die pretty fast. Even explainging things as simple as how and why GS is the way it is you still wanna argue so I'm done wasting my time on this. Have a nice day maybe me or someone else I know will put a sorc vid up to help you out lol.
  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    If we really had the devs ears so many things would be different especially trolling and the crazy power cost of some powers in dps and healer power costs. Also some buff and quality of life things to some powers. But hey it's the testers faults haha
  16. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I don't need your help nor will I watch any video you post. Adds do die fast, but not before you burst with roar which can hit for 3 10-12k crits . Problem with powers is pftt powers don't change with range and melee weapons vs range weapons do. That's no where close to balance. While you can perform with powers, other powers are performing a lot better with minimal risk. You should have worked on other powers more instead of making your favorites easy mode. Nature and electric work exactly like an AM except It's no risk with melee. So nature is easier than pre revamp AM. Make a video about that.
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Thanks for the response. Saying nothing is stopping people from running 2 trolls in a raid does not answer the question about 2 trolls feeding just that dps player power at the dummies. That would not be happening in a raid with 8 players. It also doesnt answer the question about the roleless buff being as strong/weaker//stronger then 2 trolls. I wouldnt call it speculation either about having the devs ear. Not speculation at all. Was mepps on test in group or in an instance with all the other testers? Were the devs telling other testers run this piece of content this way and report back? If they were please point me to where its confirmed that was happening. Cause there is video of it happening with certain people and admittance of it happening from certain people. I will send ya some links.
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  18. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Roar will most likely be fixed soon so stop comparing things with something we all know is out of line. Also there is abilities you can use in a pftt that are melee powers and there are also melee abilities you can use for hybrid melee. Also on the nature and elec working like they did durring AM's lol, they have always worked almost the same from the beginning of the game, they really had no change for AM's. You put dots and things and use some burst powers in between that's how it's always been. The only thing is roar does make it play like a am and I suggested and hope it just gets changed to a bust power with no consume mechanic.

    Like seriously the nature and elec work just like they did durring AM's comment lmao hahahaha I'm dead lol. I know your just taking shots at me but your gonna have to do better then that cuase that just makes you look like a fool! Haha
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The roar fix won't stop the 3 5-12k crits unless It's nerfed. A burst mechanic with no consume is the exploit players are doing now, if course you want that. I know there are mid-range and melee abilities. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about no risk but maximum damage. Only melee ability nature have that don't effect the flow is thorn burst. What power would you replace for SG? Nature Didn't have no burst at in, so it don't work the same. The AM type burst was added with revamp. I tried to have a cordial debate, but you took it somewhere else. I don't need your help with any loadout, I need you to step out the way with "It's fine" or "find a workaround" responses
  20. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    That statement in red lol, what are you talking about, do you even know how roar works. Never mind I have heard all i need to hear from you in the past few days. Good luck with the revamp lol
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