Dear Devs and Jackster

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Note these too.
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  2. Ully Committed Player

    If these ideas get finalized, I'd like to see them in the marketplace and not in BB.
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  3. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Could work, maybe, i don't have their numbers, so i don't know, that's just what i thought about it.
    Mepps said they would make a BB in the future with the non OG auras, but just the future can tell us that.
  4. bmce84 Loyal Player

    BB just adds too much RNG, and for something we're paying for that isn't going to help make me stronger or get better drops, might as well just put it on the market. And I don't believe old auras are coming back to BB, specially with the new materials and we know they'll just keep changing them, but the auras in the market are a constant cash flow and not something seasonal.
  5. light FX Steadfast Player

    Just searched aura on the census and found some interesting stuff. A white radiant aura. Rainbow glimmering aura and super power aura pack. Maybe some new stuff is in the works.

    I also thought white radiant and rainbow glimmering could be the OG glimmer and OG radiant but its not the case. U can find those OG auras in the list. The 1 that interests me the most is the super power aura pack. Mepps any comment on these? :p
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  6. Skelter Helter Well-Known Player

    Heh, you'd think Mepps would do something about the census "leaks" at this point.
  7. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    yes, more MP stuff will fix this sinking game...auras and more MP stuff is cool for sure. but, first things first...huh...?
  8. Unida Dedicated Player

    next chase booster bundle box aura confirmed!

    also Halflife 3 confirmed. somehow.
  9. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I disagree. The capsules are more impulsive and will result in more $$$ if priced right. Now you might now want to drop $10 but you might be ok with $5 for 5 keys. Now with the $10 you may get 1 of 6 type of auras and it does not mean it is one you want. However with the keys you get various items from style and items. Now the micro transaction add up fast. A few here and there will add to the revenue, especially if the items are there all the time. Now as time goes on you replace the items with other newer items but the older capsules still have those items. Using the broker players can sell the older capsules and newer players can use real money to buy in game money to buy the capsules that they missed out on. Than those new players can use again real money to buy keys to unlock those capsules, etc...

    That is where small micro transaction with an true open in game economy benefits players and the development team. I mean in NWN I can use my in game currency to get MPC or I can buy MPC and get in game currency. Now with that said, who benefits with the later, DBG would and there are plenty of players who would use real world money for in game money. And on the other end, there are players who would like MPC but are loaded with in game cash.

    This is a double market system where prices are driven by the players with a small cap by the DBG. I believe it will happen and it will benefit DBG and the in game economy.

    I played DCUO this past weekend for an old friend who decided to come back after 1 year of being away. I mean he left the game with around 220 SP and around 126 CR. After 2-3 hours with him he was around 155 CR. His comments about the content design, this is like this, and this is like that, etc...he said nothing felt new or inventive . He was disappointed he came back, but instead of playing his main, he created a healer and first words out of his mouth, WTF, Nature stinks as a DPS eve with 1H.

    I want the devs to stop giving us a testing area. I want them to do everything in house. I would like communication on balancing with graphs showing where things are, would really improve the game dramatically.

    I may log in again after the new content launches but as all my leagues mates have stated, Neverwinter is addicting and fun. You have many more options, you have many ways to build your character (No AM crap with limited builds), and the content has plenty of open world. What it does lack is cool movement mode and very cool styles. The game is better than ESO on the style front as you have two options for styles. You get gear or selecting from 3 style pieces.

    I really hope this games improve and get added funding through new MP items and hopefully soon.
  10. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    You state that but that is far from the truth. RNG is where the money is at in smaller amounts, not $10 for 1 RNG item. But at $1 for 1 RNG item or possible 3 items is where the money is at.

    I was talking to one player in NW and he dropped $200 just for keys. Why, because he opens the LB and sells the items in the broker for in game currency. He uses the in game currency and buys MPC. He $200 in keys results in another $500 MPC. Using this sytem he was able to generates quite a bit in game currency with only spending $200 in keys. But you have to know how to work the market. With a 2 market system it is way more complicated and complex that the market that DCUO has now.
  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    What? How is he turning in game cash into Marketplace cash?

    And you can make a lot of in game currency for free. Not that I even believe anyone would spend $200 on Lockbox keys. Lol. That's up there with the more ridiculous things I've ever heard if in this game. Anyone that plays enough to get that many boxes, and has that much money to spend on something that stupid, wouldn't be a Premie anyway.

    Silly story.
  12. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    mepps please PLEASE can you add the body aura that lanterns have ???
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These are the mist auras, coming in capsules.
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I think he means the slightly glowing outlines on the NPC bodies. Kind of like how the cosmic skin can have a glowing outline.
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  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That could be from the PlayStation Plus pack for members that gives you the Light powers and a green aura among other things. Not saying it is, but it's a possibility. Also the White Radiant and Rainbow Glimmering have been in the census for a long time. There are plenty of variants of auras that have been created but never released to us. GMs used to wear them a lot, such as a purple plasmic.
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  16. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I think the body auras are part of the custom gear the NPCs wear. It looks similar to the slight glow of Energy Armor. Nothing in the aura slot can hug the shape of all gear. They would probably have to create a suit with that effect.
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  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Or...a new Material perhaps? :D
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  18. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Hmmm... I could see that. Technically, it wouldn't be that different than cosmic because it has a tint that affected the edges. It would basically be the cosmic with just the tint and the cosmic pattern replaced by transparent.

    Here's the catch... the tint fading to transparent and exposing the original texture is probably a performance nightmare.
  19. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    yes i know about the mist auras , im referring to the one the NPC have ? u know the glowing line around their bodies ? or at least can you guys give us the REAL green aura that hal have ?
  20. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    yes thats what im referring too :D like my Sig