DCUO Development Update - July 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    Didn't miss that part. Those will require replays. And rightly so.

    My thoughts were mainly about being nerfed for 95%ish of the game.
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  2. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    I understand your views and I'm not saying that old content shouldn't be played or made relevant, to a certain degree. I'm in full favour of up scaling older content. The higher the level the higher rewards. Most MMO's have different versions of upscaled content and I'm all for that.

    And the rewards should show in reflection to whatever level you run.

    I'm not excited about being nerfed after playing the game that has pushed for maximum stats whether it be dps/healing/tank/troll stats and in game pop ups stating skill points and gear are just as important to become stronger etc... and the continuous grind that is artifacts (which essentially buff yours and group stats with passive buffs etc) just to be like..... nah jk guys we gonna nerf ya in 2021....

    Kinda feels that way... even just a little bit...
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It is probably a bit of hysteria, yes. I'm sure I've played into that too, but some of that is based on past experience (GU 47 or whatever the last time we tried it) and some is just based off knowing how our player base is. Also, I'm guessing some of it is amplified by some thinking loud enough shouts would have an chance to change something that is happening no matter how many 'and then I'll quit the game' posts are put up. It's happening...period. Some of us are not happy, but hey....thems the breaks. I live around Chicago, so I'm used to disappointment.

    I'm just hoping it works out at this point...however we got here. If it does not work out, hopefully it will address the issue permanently so we aren't here again in 2 or 3 years.

    BTW...on your last point. Yes...its the 'option' they are given...random queuing into stuff. I've advocated adjustable queue size for that reason for a few years now so that you could put the control in the players hands. This change takes it out of our hands even more and AQS would have accomplished the same goal with more player control (IMHO).
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  4. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    GU 47 was a pain indeed lol..

    Yh I have been in favour for quite a while of the queue system that you have been advocating. Imho2 it would be a better way to get into what you actually needed.
  5. ThePanda Active Player

    Anyone who knows anything about video game communities know that the Devs do it that way BECAUSE there are people out their who would come over and ruin the showcase of the new content. You can go and watch youtube videos of people who play with content creators, people will swarm around them and mess everything up just to be in the video.. now multiply that to the scale of a dev team and just imagine the chaos around them distracting from what they are trying to show off. Would It be nice to have them show off content as players experience it, yes, will it happen? no, because there will always be some people trying to ruin it. You want to see how things will work out, play on the test server and experience it before it gets released, that is the only way unfortunately.

    As for the Dev team, they are bound by the holders of the rights to DC Comics stuff, that being Warner Bros. That is why for the longest time we wasn't allowed the Lantern emblems and the gear that got released was Emblem-less. Their track record has been an up and down ride for sure but they have actually been killing it lately, I was considering being done with the game for good, but the last couple of releases have kept my interest long enough for this update to bring me right back. Just got to give it a chance before crapping all over it.

    Will the update be good or will be the final nail, we can't know until we get first hand experience, never let someone else dictate how you will enjoy something, as I have said before things have been ignored cause others have said it was bad. Good, Bad, both are subjective and while someone could like something, you can hate it. Just have to experience it personally to know for sure.
  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Armories aren't expensive. Not sure why people make Armories sound like such a burden to bear. They occasionally go on sale as well....look out for those.
  7. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    So your response after being informed in detail what they’re gonna do is to just wait and see? It’s like when someone holds a loaded gun to your head and says they are going to shoot you in the face if you don’t give them some thing that you don’t have and your response in the same situation would be what let’s wait and see right? Tell me something after you wait and see and it turns out to be everything I am telling you it is going to be as it has consistently been that way will you shut your mouth after you admit that you’re wrong and stay the hell out of the way or you keep holding his empty headed mentality? I mean honestly how many times do they have to Nerf or break something in this game after they tell you they’re going to do it before you finally have a coming to Jesus moment and realize what they’re proposing to do it’s not gonna be something good?
  8. 0verhaul New Player

    @devs wouldn't it be easier to refer to "Not-End-Game content" as "Legacy Content"? Flows better IMO. just saying. Also, very hyped for the changes.
  9. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player


    But to answer your question (overly exaggerated though it is).

    No, I wouldn't wait and see in those circumstances, because I can see the gun.

    This situation though, I will wait and see, because I haven't seen the "gun", which could turn out to be a piece of wood (plus, this is a f****** video game - it isn't a matter of life and death - so I'm not going to get stupidly hysterical about it while I don't have more information).
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  10. ThePanda Active Player

    If someone held a gun to my head and told me they would shoot me before they could even finish the sentence I'd tell them to do it, cause odds are they won't actually do it, if they was going to pull the trigger, they would have already done it. They are just looking for some kind of reason any kind really to justify doing what they say they are going to do. So I'd tell them to shoot and then wait and see if they do or not. Every game that is MMO nerf's and breaks things, it's people that complain about stuff that the devs try to appease that lead to things breaking in the first place. I see that you are so focused on the worst outcome and therefore not relevant to keep a discussion going with. It's sad really when people get so focused one a single possible outcome.
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  11. Doctor Proteus New Player

    The people against the stat clamping and the efforts to make old content relevant again are trying to sabotage the game. They are Vultures who do not care about the health and longevity of the game, but only care about their selfish self-interests. And as always, such Players try to build themselves up as the overwhelming majority, when they are actually the minority and then try to get the game to revolve around their 1-10%. Reminds me if Tigole.

    I am looking forward to actually being able to play all those instances, since most of the older stuff is ignored by the majority of the playerbase at the moment. Took me 4 hours to get a S.T.A.R Labs going one time.
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  12. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    No I’m not against stat clamping because I’m here to “sabotage the game” I’m against stat clamping because I’m tired of other people thinking they have the right to take away what individuals have earned because they think they’re entitled to it even though they’ll never put in the damn work to get it themselves. I’m tired of listening to every individual in this game make an excuse on why they can’t get something. Why don’t you buckle down for a ******* couple weeks and earn your place. Getting to 300 skill points is not hard.
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  13. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    Here’s an interesting question for you since you are concerned about lower instance continent what is the point of doing it if the rewards you get from it will be watered down in value or completely erased? if you just wanna run lower content out of nostalgia or because your farming some iconic piece of gear why don’t you get the developers to put a portal in the game where you can walk into the continent instead of spitting in the face of individuals who earns their place and beg the developers to take away what they’ve earned.
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  14. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    And just for clarification there are people in this game who will help newer ones level up properly. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to get all the fancy bells whistles gadgets and gizmos. All you have to do it’s show up and work together I know it’s difficult concept because it involves actually putting forth consistent effort.
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  15. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    I cant wait to see how annoying Throne becomes w pugs, its already a p.i.t.a. now to run it.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    A lot of content is already unplayable with PUGs RIGHT NOW!

    It will become a nightmare to run that content with the Clamp. :(
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  17. Shadobi Level 30

    Futurama "Robot Mafia" Update Esisode: Get the Clamps! Starring Mepps as Donbot. (Queue music)
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yep. Seeing as many people who are against it are players who HAVE been here a long time and have both monetarily and in time and effort, supported the game...Not sure why suddenly they want it to fail. I mean yeah...talk about self interests...that whole "I want FOS1 to be a challenge....so re-write the game for me", or "I'm lousy at farming source marks...I need them everywhere" angle isn't selfish at all right? You say the non-clamp people are the minority, yet it took you 4 hours to build a 4 man alert run for STAR? Where's all your majority of people wanting to run that stuff? Oh yeah....it's the 3 or 4 marks they DON'T get that stops them from going in. I forgot.

    Personally, I'm perfectly fine with clamping as long as it's a choice. I'd love nothing more than to have players have to learn mechanics and teamwork...amongst those who don't already know those things. There are tons of videos and posts that teach mechanics and gameplay, yet seemingly none of these players go watch/read them, do they? (according to all the people saying we NEED this kind of change to teach the new players). I mean at least once a day I random queue into the Elite duo and the other player can't read the on screen instructions to "Lunge Atom-Bot"...and that's current stuff....no clamps needed. I'd love nothing more than to CHOOSE to take a group of newbies and show them old content (and have done so...often). It's HAVING to that's the issue. Not sure why the clamp fans can't see that. The clamp isn't the issue....the forced clamp is.

    And yeah, it will be nice where instead of putting a group together for 4 hours for STAR labs(where you really only needed 3 people to queue up), now you'll get right in....to OAN....or BIA/FAM...or Underworld Trials...or whatever 'quick' queue pops you in randomly. Won't help for STAR labs if still need it though...unless you are willing to STILL build a group, so 4 hours + the 30-40 min to run the run....but hey!...you get like 4 marks in there. So...win!...I guess? Oh, BTW...don't be surprised if once you do pop a STAR random queue, that people don't just leave when they see it's STAR....that was one of the longer alerts we have, and most will get their 3 or 4 marks elsewhere for less time investment.
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  19. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    That was hilarious
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  20. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    To keep it short, although i like to criticise a lot, nothing bad i can say about this. Looks good, sounds good and irregular content and content-updates are very apprechiated - at least by me. Good job.
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