Cross Play Finally Here

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Patient Zero, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. MyDpsIsBetter Dedicated Player

    Normally I sit back and be cool but you sound foolish of players come in here clowning like they going to destroy elite ps players and you cop pleas and as far as ignore we are ps pvp Gods you come off to me as some of players fresh off branic ship and for your disrespect when the servers go up before we ever play the pf players we want you to get a fours group so we can smack you and what ever pve clowns you find silly around isis.
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  2. Brand__newb Level 30

    You should of sat there and stayed cool child. First fresh off the brainiac ship is funny. Second who did I clown? I'm sorry you and your little friend got it offended by my comment I must of struck a nerve. And these "PVP gods" you speak of are most likely the people I've been pvping with since nml server. Not please let us grown folk talk and sit there and think about what you did. That is all good day
  3. iYaYa_ Well-Known Player

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  4. Savage Mind Committed Player

    Every good PvPer from NML quit like 36 months ago.
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  5. NotCrumbles Level 30

    You got it all wrong.Once again i barely see any REAL PVPERS from USPS here bragging or talking smack.And by REAL i mean People that constantly are doing competitive PvP.1v1 dueling in the watchtower and random quing PvP is a joke.And once again u saying the USPS players thinking they the best,but you have this clown typing in every crossplay post like if he is some kind of god.LOL that kid is nothing but a Clown.I respect every real USPC league that don't sit in here showing off their video game ego.I don't respect kids that swear they are good before the merge even happened.
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  6. Eminence Dedicated Player

    You need to find your own lane little buddy, nobody knows you and you don't know what you're talking about.
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  7. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    So what PS leagues are posting in this thread? GP, Nyquil, who else?
  8. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    Yes, Duelers are very egotistical but their biggest flaw is they never have step in the arenas, so when crossplay hits, duelerss who brags are not even in the back of the Arena PvPers minds to even target, they can duel and brag all they want, until they go in arenas, then it's action!
  9. Savage Mind Committed Player

    Oh my signature is outdated. I'm in Nirvanas now. #1 league on the server. Google my league and you'll see.
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  10. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Funny thing is, nobody from usps has said anything up till this thread and none of us are "duelers"...
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  11. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Nirvanas, CAM bro
  12. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    #1 in PvP or by stats, CR and SP, this is PvP Discussion xD
  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I dont think being known is a factor anymore.
    im not even known lol. He has a point.. it shouldn't matter if you're known or not.
  14. Eminence Dedicated Player

    #1 NA
  15. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    and duelers are ignored until they step into arenas, Really, even thought as many PvP talk people in arenas to any degree of how many do and what majority it is, I think Duelers are more of the braggers and ego's than Arena players are, and Arenas has it's numbers.
  16. Eminence Dedicated Player

    I never said it was, simply asked who he was.. I assumed we all knew him and maybe he was trolling us, nope just a random that doesn't know what he's talking about.
    Nobody from USPS has said anything up to this point.
  17. Savage Mind Committed Player

    Oh no. I read these two pages talking about nothing but PvP but of course. I must be stupid. Oemgee I didn't realize this was a PvP discussion.
  18. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    Since he even bring up Dueling, I just find Duelers are annoying with their talk and they do talk too much, maybe he's a dueler xD
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  19. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    give or take, you're League is #1 in PvP xD
  20. Savage Mind Committed Player

    No you're :) league is #1 in PvP