Creative Director Jens Andersen Reveals DCUO's Next DLC Pack, Amazon Fury Part I!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Spytle, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    If I were a betting man, I'd wager that T6 Plans will drop in DLC10 and that the Expert versions will be saved for DLC11.
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  2. FaLeX Dedicated Player

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  3. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    We are way over geared for content as is. I echo earlier sentiment that tier 6 content really needs to hurry before people quit from boredom. With the 2 duos and 1 alert we get this time, dlc 11 needs to come out a month later to keep people invested in game. If not that soon ghe. Dlc 11 better be chock full of content, like triple what we normally get. Teso will be out sooner than later on ps4 after all. Imagine running anything we have now in t6 gear? Lol. The dlc 10 content may not be enough to tie people over for another 3-4 months.
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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Just thought I'd hop on to the Test Server launcher and do my daily checks as I do when any new content is seemingly available Soon™ and lookey what I found. :rolleyes:

    Disclaimer: It's more likely GU36 than AF.

    *stirs pot*
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  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Could be both. ;)
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Well a very large chunk of AF is already on TS anyway.

    Or so I heard.
  7. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Yea with only 531 MB I would assume so as well. DLCs are typically 1,200 +
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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Sometimes I wish I could be a fly on Mepps' office wall.
  9. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Oooo ... is this the part of the DLC cycle where players are so hungry for new info, they dig into the computer files and spill all the details to the rest of the community - only to have those posts deleted, leading to massive threads where players argue about what is and is not real in the universe?

    /gets popcorn
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  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I gave up that life a long time ago.

    Well, the spilling the details part anyway.

    P.S. when I took a quick glance at the section where you can see in real time what's being installed on your computer I caught the word "Banana."

    You heard it here first, folks! Bananas are coming to DCUO!
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  11. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    We are getting pet monkeys now. Confirmed. :D
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  12. Dread Active Player

    Wonder Woman is looking kind of scrawny... She needs to eat more meat.
  13. SHUSHHH Well-Known Player

    Thank you i was getting tired of getting might gear when im precision based and im glad were back to having one set of dps gear never change it please
  14. Remander Steadfast Player

    That looks a good way, sick in a good way. :D
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  15. Remander Steadfast Player

    Thank you. It was a nice experiment, but I was never a fan of the might and precision leaning sets. I thought it was unnecessarily convoluted and made receiving the appropriate drops even more of a pain. For instance, on my Celestial toon, I have half might and half precision gear from A&B, and I seriously doubt I'll finish the precision set before DLC 10 drops. It should be up to the mods to create the lean, not the gear.
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  16. MyrVell Committed Player

    Spring seasonal.
  17. TrueOlympus New Player

    Best news ever. This is how it should be throughout the tiers. The multiple DPS styles are very confusing for new players.
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  18. TrueOlympus New Player

    agreed. Also those prec powersets... getting full on full on prec...... no need for them to get even more unbalanced then they are now right?
  19. Stardazer Committed Player

    If you ever feel like digging through the files and feel the need to share, my inbox is always open. I mean really, tell me everything you find! Okay?! Lol.
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  20. MiSter KraZie New Player

    You guys need to fix Mister Freezes mission ppl can't get to level 30 at least for the villains my guy is stuck on lvl 22 cuz when i enter the building i either immediately get game crash or when it does let me it after i kill cold cut there is no one else to kill and it keeps telling u to talk to mister freeze but ur stuck after u fight cold cut it wont let you go back to Freeze. I'm paying Legendary for this broken crap? these type of things should not be broken....