Creative Director Jens Andersen Reveals DCUO's Next DLC Pack, Amazon Fury Part I!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Spytle, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    First footage of Gotham Under Siege (from afar). I like the swirly magical barrier.
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  2. Jamie New Player

    Put the bottle down and drink some coffee. :) Not really sure how you got anything you said from what I stated. My only point to my comment is that grinding is not a requirement for an MMO. Many people seem to think that since several MMO's do something a certain way that all MMO's have to do it that way.

    As far as your actual comments - if you look you will see that there have been many of times I have agreed with you about the RNG. I personally feel that the best solution is to have vendor gear and drop gear be of the same level. On top of that I feel that once you get an item from the loot table that your chances of getting that loot again should decrease.

    For simplicity sake say that there are only 2 items on the loot table with equal chances. The first time you have a 50% chance of getting either part. Say you get item A. The second time you run the instance you now have a 49% chance of getting item A and a 51% chance of getting item B. The programming side would take some thought but it could be done. Another option would be that once an item drops it moves to the lowest percentage on the drop list and everything else moves up a spot.

    I'll just assume that you are having a rough morning and are taking it out on me. Don't worry, I won't take it personally even though you're doing this to me on my birthday of all days.:(
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    **** hot!

    Reminds me of Half-Life 2: Episode 2. I like it :)
  4. Drakonicus New Player

    When they are coming ? In the winter ? :p
  5. Azrael New Player

    where did you find that?

    Kind of disappointed that Gotham isn't daylight; and alot of those Brainiac bottle buildings are there - I wish they chose a different segment of Gotham to use.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Spytle uploaded it on his personal channel.
  7. Torikumu 10000 Post Club


    I wasn't having a go at you personally :3 I just read your post as though you were one of the anti-vendors. I hate the anti-vendors. They are right up there with the elitists and the NBGers (Need-Before-Greeders). I'm very passionate about the loot system and armor in DCUO. It is, afterall, why we're there. It's our treasure.

    I'm also a victim of the Nexus-****** that happened when it launched. As a controller and spending 4 hours with the same group of people trying to beat a really difficult raid, we finally beat it, but all we got was a level 86 healing chest that we had to fight over. From that point on, I was determined to fight for change for the greater good. If I had a hero alt that I cared about and wasn't using for feats and PSN trophies, his backstory would be this. It's a very sensitive issue so I am sorry for lashing out :(

    I like your ideas, too. I feel that in DLC11, beating the raids grants you a chance at one piece of gear, which drops unattuned and is the same item level as the gear in the DLC11 gear vendor but has SLIGHTLY improved stats. All pieces have an equal 12.5% chance of dropping but overall, it's quite difficult and you won't see a piece drop every time you beat the content. When it does drop, it drops unattuned. I think it should maybe be a 25% chance you'll get a piece of this set. Basically, Runes of the Norsemen gear.

    I like your idea that as you receive a piece, the drop rate is lowered of the piece you already have. Perhaps to 5% from 12.5%, then to compensate, the 7.5% that individual piece loses is distributed to the remaining 7 pieces (so about 13.5% for the pieces you don't have). etc. etc.

    Oh and happy birthday, mother ****er *kicks in the testicles... or ovaries*
  8. 2pac shakur® New Player

    I cant wait for the dlc
  9. Alpha XXX New Player

    I am more than happy with the theme of the dlc and it's material content, but the idea of T6 armour concerns me greatly.

    T5 has already levelled us beyond vast chunks of the game....we are simply too powerful and no matter how much content is added in a dlc far more is closed to us in terms of remaining relevant.

    Before another tier is added imo every existing tier needed reviewing, they need compressing and reducing and the actual effectiveness of any t6 should fall short of where T5 is right now. It is in everyone's interest to keep the old content relevant, or challenging however vaguely, so the linear escalation tier on tier must be abandoned as it is effectively self defeating.

    A partial way to counter this, is to include with each new dlc re releases of content of 4 tiers previous in subtly altered form, add to T6 T1 duos as solo, T1alerts as duos, etc with marks awarded relevant to higher tiers and style drops substituted (not armour though). However the proper approach is to adopt something akin to the pvp model and with each new tier downgrade all previous tiers and retire the lowest set to styles......this also gives a process by which free players need to keep playing, as standing still actually equates to falling behind.
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  10. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Actually, the BEST MMO's do a little bit of everything. WOW, SW: Galaxies, SW: TOR, ES, etc. contain surface,easy, spongebob content, and then also deep, methodical, robust, even mind boggling difficult content. A good MMO does EVERYTHING. No one group gets catered too. Content is made to appeal to the entire base of the game. Thus, everyone gets their time to shine. Also, good MMO's do not subscribe to the idea that all players are on the same level, or that they should be. Good MMO's create a line of demarcation, which DOES divide the playerbase between the hardcore and the casual. And there is nothing wrong with that. That doesn't mean that anyone is better than someone else, it just means that the game accommodates them according to play style, and rewards based on content. When someone says : " I play casually or for fun, BUT if they separate me from the hardcore players by giving gear that's not as good I'm leaving", to me that doesn't make sense. It's an oxymoron, a paradox. If you play for fun, gear shouldn't matter to you. If I'm casual, and don't like challenge, I shouldn't expect to get the same gear as someone who was beating Nex and Wave pre-nerf. Good MMO's don't try to force the casual and hardcore faction to be on the same level. It just doesn't happen. Good MMO's have balance, and subscribe to the idea that there will be certain players that ARE in fact better than others, or have the circumstances to dedicate more time to the game and rewards them accordingly. There are people that are better than me in some phases of the game, and if they could be rewarded for that they should be. It shouldn't be about : "I have a real life, or my life is not about videogames." That is a lame argument. MMO's are not about catering to one base. Anyone who has played other MMO's knows this. Then the idea that this is not a regular MMO is also false. Being casual friendly, is totally different than being catered to casual's. That wasn't what this game was about at launch.
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  11. Azrael New Player

    it sounds good but its not going to happen

    The current DCUO model is to rush people to end game content which has limited content compared to the rest of game. Since end game has limited content aka less ways to earn marks for gear, it makes the purchasing of RB more appealing. So people spend hundreds to rerun the limited end game content over and over to get marks and/or drops.


    increased revenue for producing less content
    easy and faster to get alts to end game level
    more casual friendly MMO

    becomes tedious very quickly
    no challenge when high gear is obtained
    many unskilled players reach the top with little sp, little knowledge
    leaves many players feeling bored and nothing left to do since end game content is limited even more so for the end game content that provides the best rewards
    nerfs to make it easier for the unskilled so they can replay content faster and easier
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  12. BLK Well-Known Player

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  13. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Happy Birthday! :)
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  14. Captain Liberty Developer

    A) Subtitles will be displayed (if you the feature turned on) during videos, in-game cut-scenes, collection briefings, etc. Just about every place in the game that has VO will be supported by subtitles.
    B) I believe you're asking if we're going to add more VO for already supported languages and/or support more languages with localized voice-overs. At the moment we have no plans to do so.
    C) People should be able to listen to the game with English VO with or without subtitles in the language of their choice. We currently support French, Italian, German, and Spanish. We will be supporting more languages in the future (including several Asian languages).
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  15. Owl Devoted Player

    I believe there are 4 PSN regional stores: Asia, Europe, Japan and North America. The last time I checked DCUO only shows up in the Europe and North America PSN stores.
    Does this mean that DCUO will be available in the Asia and Japan PSN regional stores in the future?
  16. Jamie New Player

    You better not miss and you better kick full force or I'll pretend your Loki and I'll show you my impression of the hulk. :) And like 95% of the player base, you would by trying to kick me in the testicles. Thanks for the Happy B'day though.

    I am definately not one of the anti-vendors, elitists, or NBGers. In fact I think I was the first person to mathmatically show that the new loot system is usually better than the NBG system. I understand about the armor being a sensitive and emotional topic. After seeing all of the irrational posts about the new loot system (some for and some against) it became very clear that peple are very emotionally invested in aspects of this game.

    I was just surprised with my comment that you lashed out at me on a left field tangent. I just get annoyed when people keep saying an MMO has to have this or has to have that. The only thing an MMO actually has to have is a lot of players playing together online. The completely illogical nature of comments that say that since so and so did something this way you have to do it that way to just annoys me.

    Hands empty bottle back ;)
  17. Captain Liberty Developer

    The plan is to have a balanced "one set to rule them all" DPS offering. In other words, once you have the complete set of T6 gear, you will have similarly good Might and Precision stats. It will then be up to Mod selection to push you one way or the other.
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  18. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I'm assuming that we will see more expert mods T6 like we did for T5. Am I correct in that assumption?
  19. Echephyle New Player

    I get what you're saying, but nothing is more fun than oneshotting everything in the batcave.
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  20. Jamie New Player

    A good MMO caters to theircurrent players and thier target market but that does not mean that a game has to have anything specific to be called an MMO besides being online with lots of players playing together. We can debate what makes a good MMO and what makes a great one all day long and get no where. You have some good points but you read way too much into my comment.

    To address 1 of your points though. DCUO has changed from launch. The game was a failure pure and simple. SOE realized this and thought that they could change some things and resurect it. The game became F2P. Since then I honestly believe the customer base has changed so DCUO had to change along with that. Some changes were hits while others were failures. Since DCUO's main purpose is to make SOE money any change that brings SOE more money is a success and everything else is a failure despite whether you or I agree with the changes.

    Thanks, just please stay away as I don't need any migraines . :)
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