Controller shielding is broken in pve

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Damashi The Kaotic, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    I agree, It's like Healers weren't made to revive fallen allies but Controllers were because of all the tools given to them and how POT/giving power works they pull it off, nerfing one of the key tools controllers need to revive team mates will seriously hurt the over all team support in content. With Quantum, the duration of protection that Quantum Tunneling gives does not last as long as the other Aggro Drops making it harder than it should be to pick someone; so many players will run with it and a shield for extra protection to pick up team mates. Then Light doesn't even have a Aggro Drop to fall back on if their only line of protection "a shield" fails, this change was uncalled for.
  2. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I actually never realized that light barrier broke on hits. Granted I haven't played hl since Origin Crisis. Hopefully the fix to time bubble makes it into the next hotfix so I can stop stressing myself out over this bug.
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  3. Hunab Ku New Player

    Agree with Damashi, the shields aren't working properly and should be looked in to. Problems like this shouldn't require posts to be fixed; one support ticket should be enough to have this remedied. Please look into this and give Controllers back their shields (working properly)!!
  4. DCUController New Player

    lol you should try HL's shield then, I was in a group with a HL troll in crime wave I think, and got hit TWICE but adds in the open world part, and the shield stopped blocking dmg

    idk if this is intended or just a bug. But its something needing looked at IMO.
  5. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I had someone tell me hard light was functioning properly in another thread when I asked if it was suffering the same bug as time bubble. I'll try to look into it when a hard light troll in my league gets on.
  6. DCUController New Player

    granted I've never played as a HL troll :p

    but just seemed like it lost the ability to block incoming dmg really fast IMO
  7. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I did some testing with hl's shield and it is working exactly like it is supposed to, unlike quantum's time bubble. I should have a video demonstration up shortly.
  8. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    For those who don't know how hard light's shield works: hard light's shield has a shorter duration and cool down meaning it can be used more often, but will negate a few less hits due to ending before other controller shields would. Much like telekinetic shield (and how time bubble is supposed to act), light barrier does not disappear on hits. Light barrier also deals damage to its attacker, and has different damage prevention rules. Light barrier prevents damage equal to 50% of the controller's dominance + 100% restoration; time bubble and telekinetic shield prevent 100% dominance + 100% restoration.

    As you can see in the video, I have tested all of the the controller shields, and the only one not functioning properly is Quantum's time bubble. Please fix this as soon as possible.
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  9. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    I meant the iconic power 'hard light shield' lol, not hard light's shield
  10. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    No, hardlight shield is supposed to break on 3 hits because any power/role cause use it.
  11. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    yeah, that's what I said?
  12. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Even if that were the case, the video shows it taking fewer hits than the other shields. Please continue to look into this.
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  13. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Mind checking the supercharge shield? I've tried throwing that when I was picking someone up and time bubble failed, and it seemed to break quicker than usual, too.
  14. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    I'll look into it; I should have a video on it up in about 30 mins or so.
  15. Sir Arcanium New Player

    Being a healer on my main and my only troll a gadget user I can't really contribute to much to this. Neither has any shields to really speak of lol. I kind of wish healer shields worked a little better, perhaps the number of hits they could block with scale up with resto or something. That or at least covered all 8 people so they would work better in raids.

    From watching the video though I have to say it looks like quantum's shield is working worse than a healer shield. Sure we only block 3 hits, but there is a delay in when a hit registers. That shield in the vid looked like it popped almost instantly some times. I was lead to believe even healer shields could only take 1 hit a second, thus it should last at least 3 seconds.
  16. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    Controller shields and tank shields are supposed to last quite a bit longer than a healer's shield, because a healers main method of damage negation is through healing, if that helps any.
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  17. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    Yeah... event horizon is broken... but in a very different way then time bubble. The video showing the issue should be up shortly.
  18. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    It's the same as healer shields. There's a 1 second delay between hits but the shield goes away on the third hit so it only lasts 2 seconds, minimum.
  19. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    Event horizon is also bugged. It seems to be functioning like hardlight's light barrier. It is damaging everyone who attacks it, but it also generates power like event horizon used to.
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  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Thanks for checking.