Community Style Initiative: Call for Suggestions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    This is just a proposal for a fix I think this game's styles need. Could you guys make it so that all the styles complement eachother? I mean, in this case you can see how the cape (Classic) doesn't match the chast (Blackhawk). I would be nice if these gitches didn't occur.
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  2. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    I don’t know how to post a picture on here but a H’el Style would be nice if possible
  3. HMBoyd Level 30

    since we need all 8 pieces for the gear for hal face piece can be the head similar to gotham knight as well as the shoulders being a hard light sling or hard light energy, red eyes could be the head for superman (shoulder don’t really know how that would work) and for batman the over the shoulder affect for the cape could be a shoulder piece)
  4. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    That animated storyline was an adaption of a comic run in tge mid 80s during the Legends crossover. Darkseid controlling Superman started under John Bryne.
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  5. Quantomane Level 30

    Red and Black Donna Troy
    Miss Martian both version the black for villain and white for heroes
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  6. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I really really like this.
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  7. BroadSt Bully Well-Known Player

    Please just give me hockey gear/more casual clothes. Would love a hockey jersey, goalie mask, Hockey stick (staff weapon). Etc
  8. Kytasoff New Player

    Klarion Bleak style(chest, legs and feet)[IMG]
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  9. GoranUzumaki New Player

    I am definitely up for this sword[IMG]
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  10. IENDI New Player

    I just want to be able to combine 'tech sniper feet' with the sandals from summer event
  11. Shadow Force Committed Player

    We have to much of that already
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  12. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Not as much as we have Batman ,Superman and Wonder Woman styles.
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  13. Shadow Force Committed Player

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  14. Cap New Player

    Wristbands. All I want to see are wristbands added to Accessories. I can't believe that after 10 years we still don't have simple wristbands to add to our character's design.
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  15. Shadow Force Committed Player

    This guy is Less known Crimson avenger
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  16. Shadow Force Committed Player

    I want The Shadow since he did Team-up with Batman.
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  17. Shadow Force Committed Player

    To much Batman related stuff already in game.
  18. Jonkentisgpar23 New Player

    Jon Kent’s future style
  19. sickwwefreak New Player

    [IMG] would love to have leg warmers like these for my toons
  20. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    What DC character is that? They said upfront in the OP if it's not a DC character they aren't doing him or his parts.
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