Changes Coming to the DCUO Marketplace!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 10, 2015.

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  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    All Access is only for PC, not all Legendary. Also kinda useless, I mean who wants to play EQ?

    These 3 have been around for years, longer than I've been Legendary, you can't really call them "new."

    Technically, these 3 fall under "access to all downloadable content." The fact that they're no longer being bundled with Episodes doesn't make them not dlcs.

    So, 10% off marketplace items, + can buy MP Legends with MoL. Not much in the way of new perks.
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  2. Sbel Devoted Player


  3. RealGODofWar New Player

    Just because All Access doesn't affect you, doesn't mean its useless. Your opinion of EQ is just that... your opinion.

    I didn't call them new. I just said they weren't apart of the original legendary package and were added later on with no price adjustment. Which was the main point of my comment. Read. It's ignorance and outright denial like this that tricks people into thinking legendary isn't worth it. Stop it..

    Not really. Since they are getting split off they now cost more than when they were bundled up. Meaning even though the collective product grew in price, Legendary members received no price adjustment. For example the collective last laugh DLC content went from $10 to $42 dollars. If your legendary payment doesn't reflect that increase, $32 dollars of that content is free. Math isn't hard Also alternate movement modes were never attached to DLC content and never will be going forward. Skimming is the only one so far, but the Devs do have more to come. Its an entirely new feature legendary members are getting with no corresponding price increase. Are they technically Downloadable content if we want to get definitively correct. Yes. But You know how DCUO has used the word DLC up to this point.

    If things were added to the legendary package with no corresponding price increase those things are technically free. It's that simple.
  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The only thing you listed that can be called "new" is the discount on MP purchases and the switch to All-Access (which added nothing to the DCUO perks, btw.) Everything else you listed has been a perk of being Legendary since the very beginning. Sure, they've changed how they release digital content but it has always been included with a subscription, even if its now being released separate from DLCs.

    I'm sorry you're upset with the changes to the non-member model. Frankly, I'm quite glad that DBG is shifting more of the revenue stream onto the shoulders of non-members instead of continuing to nickle and dime those of us who pay them each and every month already. I'm still upset about teleporters and total recovery kits being MP only but whatever. Hopefully they will continue to either make it more attractive to get All-Access or make it even more distasteful to play as a non-member to push more people into becoming members.

    Support the game or don't, it's your choice.
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  5. RealGODofWar New Player

    I hope you know that every attempt DBG made to nickle and dime legendary members also impacted premiums correct? Impacted premiums MORE SO in fact. Name a nickel and dime scheme that only legendary members were susceptible to and premiums were left untouched? Right now you are saying, this change is a positive because it hurts premiums. Tells me what kind of person you are. All I need to know. Our discussion on this issue is over. It's clearly a difference in morals and personality that divide on this issue . Best to agree to disagree.

    Also: I already educated Sbel on the matter of "new" benefits Please read my response to him .
  6. Sbel Devoted Player

    You're ignoring the main part of my point, which was that the majority of Legendary players don't get All Access because it's only for PC users.

    Fair enough, you didn't use the word 'new.' But it's pure stupidity to suggest that all Legendary players should know what Legendary used to include 3 or 4 years ago. Where would we learn this information, and why would we need it?

    Secondly, if all that was added in at the time the game went F2P or shortly after, I would argue that it actually was part of the original Legendary package, because Legendary didn't exist prior to F2P.

    Nope, nope, nope. Everything in Last Laugh has always been included in Legendary. It's still included in Legendary. We're not getting anything extra. The fact that it will now cost more for Premium players doesn't mean we're getting more.

    New movement variants are new, but they clearly fit in with new weapons or powers so it's not surprising that they're being treated the same way.You're basically saying, "you didn't used to get Amazon Fury 2 with Legendary, so that's a new free perk."

    Not if they've been there all along, as far as you know. Which is why whether or not it's new matters.
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  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    You haven't "educated" anyone. All you did was try to separate things from each other. Let's say a company sold pastries and those pastries had icing on them right out of the box. Now, the company has decided to sell the pastries but instead of them being iced from the factory, they include a pouch of icing in the box. You're not all of the sudden getting more for your money just because they are now separate.

    The same goes for the content in DCUO. When powers, weapons, movements, Legends and everything else were included in DLC packs, Legendary had access to all of it. Now that the icing is separate from the pastry, we still have access to all of it. Is that simple enough of an analogy?

    Regarding the "nickle and dime schemes," up until Armories, TRKs and Teleporters, everything introduced in the game that impacted gameplay was free for members. They decided to sell those to us, too. That's how it impacted members and not non-members. What used to be included in our fee now cost us extra. Oh, well. It is what it is. I may not be happy about it but I'm not crying all over the forums about it, either.

    Non-members still have a choice. You can spend money or decide not to spend money. Make the call for yourself and happy gaming.
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  8. RealGODofWar New Player

    Any new benefit that wasn't previously a legendary benefit that is added with no price adjustment is free...

    I will coincide that the downloadable content may be too much of a grey area. So I throw those out of my argument or let you have that point. Either or. I think everything else I mentioned is still spot on.
  9. RealGODofWar New Player

    I will humor you and continue this discussion.
    Your analogy is missing one aspect. That the icing and cake separate cost more than when they were one product. That is the my issue.

    Armories, TRKs and Teleporters were never included on your legendary benefits list. It's not a nickle and dime scheme to create totally new products and sell them. That's your sense of entitlement seeping through. Oh well. get over it. Be comforted by the fact you can eventually buy those things with loyalty points. Premiums can not. The "scheme" affects them more. Also they don't have the 10% reduction. The "scheme" affects them more.

    We aren't arguing about choices. We arguing that legendary members are not affected by this negative change thus really have no reason to try to change people's minds about the restructuring(yet here you guys are). We are arguing that legendary members get stuff for free vs they pay for it. Concluding your post with a ultimatum like "Pay up or quit" MAKES NO SENSE AND DOESN'T CORRELATE WITH THIS DISCUSSION. Stop it. Stop making this about someone's unwillingness to pay. I never said that. In fact, I honestly never offered a opinion on the matter. I just said If premiums deem it a negative change. As the targeted demographic it is indeed a negative change.

    What's happening here is the equivalent of OSU students trying to tell Miami students that Miami students should like the fact that they get a experimental comprehensive test at the end of their senior year. Why OSU even cares, is beyond anyone's comprehension. If Miami students see the Miami comprehensive test as bad. As the targeted and affected populous their opinion holds more weight than the OSU students. End of the freaking discussion
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  10. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It costs the same for me. I belong to the "Pastry of the Month" club.

    The analogy is meant to illustrate one thing: how you are flat wrong that they've added perks to Legendary simply because they have decided to separate the content from DLC packs. I've been a member since Hand of Fate. The only 2 things that have changed are the 10% discount and the complete overhaul of SOE's (now Daybreak's) subscription plan for their PC library. I'm a bit surprised they didn't offer All-Access as a higher tier of subscription but they didn't. -shrug-

    Either way, your argument that non-members shouldn't pay more because members don't pay more than before is flawed. Members already provide a steady, predictable revenue stream. It's time for non-members to shoulder more of the weight of keeping this game alive.

    As far as revenue generation goes, I'd really like to see them utilize the MP far more than they do now. The store could be a major money maker if they would just use it. Look at the cash shops in Tera and SWToR for examples of stuff people will buy a ton of. In fact, I'd have much rather seen them leverage the shop than to do what they did to non-member pricing. Perhaps they'll do both.
  11. RealGODofWar New Player

    I've actually already said that I was wrong regarding the separate DLC thing. Please read my thoughtful and enjoyable discussion with Sbel.

    I never said anything about" shouldn't pay more" whatevers Not once. My whole OP was about how legendary have no stake in this discussion so why in the heck are they trying to convince premiums ts a great change.. I think you are forgetting how this discussion was birthed. I said Legendary members get stuff for free. You(Specifically) said you pay for it with your sub. I countered with how you technically ARE getting stuff for free. AT no point in this discussion did I say why premiums shouldn't be charged more. All I did was describe how premium view it as a negative restructuring. Please remember what the discussion is about.

    You are completely erroneous about your "premiums need to shoulder more weight" stance. The new restructuring actually opens up many possibilities of spending less. It's only the premiums who want to purchase EVERYTHING that will suffering. And more than likely they will either subscribe or quit. But their is no likely scenario where they will shoulder more weight as premiums...

    The best way to make premiums shoulder more weight is to tailor the marketplace to them. As much as people dislike the idea, being able to buy increased cash cap would be a very lucrative product
  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

    No, we pay for what we get. I'll show you my MasterCard statement if you want proof. I get absolutely NOTHING for free. You have conceded that point with Sbel but continue to say it to me. Why?

    I'm not saying the change is good or bad. I'm saying it is what it is and no amount of crying is going to change it. Yes, some players will pay less. The ones who want everything will be more likely to become members now. I believe that is a great thing for the game's revenue stream going forward. My opinion on this has remained consistent throughout this thread.

    I'll say it again because there's really only three choices here: Subscribe, pay for what you want or quit. Gotta love freedom.
  13. RealGODofWar New Player

    You've lost track of what this conversation is about and you are refusing to read what I wrote. I conceded that the splitting of DLC content is not "additional" benefits for legendary. After conceded I never tried to push that factually wrong statement again. What are you so confused about?

    The rest of your statement is utter babble. I don't care. That's not what we are talking about. My original point is that Legendary trying to convince premiums that this is a good change make no sense. Legendary have no stake in this change. It doesn't affect them. Why are they even in the discussion. Why do they feel so strongly about premiums being screwed.

    you can say it as many times as you want but that statement still has nothing to do with the discussion
  14. Sbel Devoted Player

    I always assume that you're conceding every point that you don't specifically respond to.

    The perks are not free, they are included in the Legendary subscription for no additional charge. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but they have very different meanings.

    Technically Harlequin is correct, and none of the Legendary benefits are free. If they were free we would continue getting them if we stopped paying. Since they disappear when we stop paying and reappear when we start paying again, we can conclusively show that the benefits are not free and that we are in fact paying for them.

    But that's not directly refuting your comment because you meant "for no additional charge."

    So you're saying that Legendary didn't have all of these perks and they've all been added for no additional charge (which you insist on calling "free"). So, what's your point? Are you just saying that Legendary is a better deal than it used to be? Because I agree with that. However, I don't think it's directly relevant to this thread, and try to remember why they add perks. It's not because they're trying to be nice, it was because people didn't feel like Legendary was worth it. Which kind of brings us to my objection.

    When you repeatedly emphasize that Legendary subscribers have "free" benefits that we didn't used to get, what I hear is: "You people used to buy Legendary when it didn't have all this, so shut up and be grateful." (I realise that you didn't actually say that, so I apologize for misunderstanding you if you didn't mean anything like that.) I strongly object to anyone framing the issue that way. I'm supposed to be grateful that they "give" me 500 SC per month? o_O I would never have subscribed if they didn't, it wouldn't have been worth it.
  15. RealGODofWar New Player

    I honestly don't see a difference in No additional charge and Free. If anything we are arguing purely semantics at this point. Even If I take out the word "free" and use the technically correct phrase "no additional charge" my meaning behind my posts stays almost exactly the same.In my opinion, if I am getting something at no additional charge... than it is free. Just like a buy one get one free sale I guess.

    P.S. The points I don't specifically point out are the ones that:
    Are too jumbled to understand
    Are Already touched upon in a different paragraph
    Too redundant or just plain bad points
    Or I merely read to fast to see it.

    I don't think I should ignore points I concede with. That just seems arrogant. If I missed a point, it's probably because of one of those reasons.
  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    The price of the Icing and Cake is irrelevant.

    You're wrong to say that Legendary players aren't affected. Most Legendary players also have Premium Friends and Leaguemates, and everyone is affected by the health of the game.
  17. Sbel Devoted Player

    No response to my last 2 paragraphs? I'm done wasting my time on you, troll.
  18. RealGODofWar New Player

    Yes you should be grateful. You are getting new features with "no additional charge". Be glad the Devs care about there subscribers.
    Premiums don't need to feel grateful. We get exactly what we pay for if not less. The issue is the things we are even more willing to pay for are not in the marketplace. Cash cap increase chief among them.

    You last two paragraphs fell under my Too jumbled too understand clause BTW. It seemed like you were asking alot of rhetorical questions and then answering them yourself. Wasn't really sure what I was suppose to contribute to those points. Legendary is better than it use to be. Great. Premium hasn't evolved since inception. Our $2000 cash cap is outdated. And the first change we do get is this tongue in cheek restructuring. disguising higher prices behind "variety" and "options". Shameful cash grab imo.

    Just because the new-ish benefits with no additional charge are the only reason you described doesn't detract from the fact that... they are with no additional charge and were not apart of the original package.
  19. Sbel Devoted Player

    Lol, nice try troll. :p
  20. AjaxMortimer New Player

    Okay, I am confused. If I spend the 500, then my crappy hideout of a dive becomes a crappy lair of a dive? LOL

    Am I still stuck with the dive theme? No idea what the difference between a Hideout and a Lair is either.
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