change colors of powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by SilverBullet, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    We can change the color of are outfits,skins,hair,and eyes i would like to be able to change the color of my powers. I have a lantern DPS on the villain side with black and, blue for colors making the ring and ring power blue or, black would be cool.
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  2. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    You are right as I feel this should be available for all powers and even weapons like handblasters and bow & arrow. Would be nice to turn my handblasters color black. Or at least make the colors of powers and weapons of Villains and Heroes different, similar to Green and Yellow Lanterns.
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  3. Tskales Well-Known Player

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  4. TrueMarvel New Player

    Guys they won't let us choose our power because it will ruin messaging for PvP. Players will no longer be sure what powers they are facing. Also powers from seperate trees that have similar animations would be exploited to look like something they aren't. imagine a whole team truning their powers all red? the opposing team will have a hard time catching who is the healer or whatever role is doing what.
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  5. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    The developers have repeatedly said that changng power colours is never going to happen, yet we still have one of these posts every couple of weeks.
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  6. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    It's almost been 2 weeks and, still don't see another post like this.
  7. Mr.Me New Player

    A simple anser to this one and all the people who ask about the GL rings and their colors.

    They would have to add content to support the color of the new rings. What i mean is you cant be a red lantern but be doing green lantern core content so they would have to add the entire Red lantern core + content just so some people can have a dif color.

    On top of that I believe that they would also have to license or get permission to use that content. They cant just add anything they want on the fly, if it wasn't a DC product then maybe they could, but bottom line DC / Warner Bros. and sony all have to work together.

    It might sound harsh but if you dont care about anything but the color and just want the color effect to change, sorry but you need to get used to pretending that your ring is a diff color. Cause frankly if its going to slow progress and take away resources from new content getting made then I would prefer the Devs just focus on new stuff.

    This game isn't CoH it doesn't focus on customization like CoH did, here we are more or less cookie cutter versions of the same kind of characters vs being a fully customizable character and and world. I'm not exactly sure what gave anyone the impression that devs are interested in making a game heavily focused on player generated content, but I do always find my self wishing this game was just a little more CoH and just a little less Champions online / WoW.
  8. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    SOE answer this for me now can this be a option for players to switch thew colors of powers
  9. BlueStar New Player

    They had power set custom in city of heroes , and your find a healer was a problem, most ever other mmo let you customize the look of your stuff, so telling classes apart, isn't an issue. In another sony game SWG my brother made his bounty hunter wear jedi clothes, my spy always had a cute dancer look. we look like other classes until we got in a fight our clothes masked our classes not our powers, in swg one you got jumped by a spy 90% you were 5 button death or 1 macro.
  10. Decree New Player

    Just takes to much time when they could be adding more content and new game additions like armories, raids, alerts, styles, and even pvp.

    CoX did it but by the time they were done doing it most of the people who were asking for it left. Just to much time and resources.
  11. shaun10656 New Player

    u cant see because we all use the same color so the fact that u can face a team of all fire powers means you cant see? we have outlines these days so you can see
  12. Horrorshow New Player

    I can understand powersets like light, earth and ice that should be one color, but powers like gagets, mental, sorecry, and other ones should have customization or at least a skin that can change its animations. All people really want is something that makes their character stand out. This game has zero to no customization what-so-ever. Sure they have a neat style selection system, but there are only 3 body types, limited selection of hair, only 3 color pallets, and the majority of styles in this game are bulky armors. If they ever want people to really start taking this game seriously from a conceptual view, say like City of Heroes players did, they need way more customization. There are ways to do this, but it seems like they refuse to do anything about it.
  13. Toshknight Loyal Player

    This was a big topic a while back, i even made a post about it..... just keep the lanterns we have and let us change the power colours. not on only lanterns but every other powers... a basic 5 color set... red, purple. black, but it probobly wont happen
  14. TripleC123 New Player

    I do agree changing power colors WOULD be cool but I can't see it happening. It's a LOT if work.
  15. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    & with green coloring Quantum powers we'll get Atomic emulation!
    & with blue coloring Rage (barf pools etc) powers we'll get Water emulation!

    Damm, then half of powers will be not needed. E.g. Celestial could be simply black-white colored Sorcery & Earth simply grey-colored Ice!!!
  16. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    um yea it would be exactly the same way for the other team. Actually its quite even.
  17. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    The reason the power color can't be changed is because it's "hard coded". It's actually part of the animation. If they opened it up and made this an option then it wouldn't be Power = Animation, it would be, for example...

    Power = Animation 1 outer fire area + Filter + Animation 2 inner fire area + Filter

    So now we have 4 things that need to be synched correctly instead of just one. Times 8 during a raid and that's 32... during 8 person PvP and that's 64. That's a lot of filtering just so your shoes match your bag.
  18. iAquamanJLA Well-Known Player

    i understand the reasoning for why we cant change our powers to whatever we want, but why not do power skins? Like, you could buy them in the marketplace and each power would have 2 more colors. Fire could have yellow or white as well as the current color, earth could have gray, obviously the light powers would stay the same, as well as rage, but it would be really cool and really fun. just imagine being able to change the divine powers to black, even as a hero.
  19. FutureCrusaderElite Level 30

    #BlueFire #GreenAtomic #YellowLanternHero
  20. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    As with anything in this game, an option of variety is always a great one