Brothers in Arms (Operation) feedback thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by JackFrost, May 6, 2013.

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  1. thirty six Loyal Player

  2. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    Had a few issues with the cars in Metro carrying Metallo out of the stage and then he would reset. (the cars are kinda annoying in general)

    FYI: Also whenever Deathstroke spawns on top of the building he is very susceptible to getting knocked off the building and resetting. Especially if your tank or DPS have explosive block on.
  3. MercPony Devoted Player

    Yeah I had same happen with Felix Faust once.
  4. Regent Perry New Player

    How is Nightwing in a world with no batman, I smell hot fix
  5. ArielaBlue New Player

    The fight in the room with the fire.
    Its glitched you do not see the fire.
    You do see a long blue straight line indicating that's where the fire should be?
    Last boss Jorel is glitched not showing up.
    He is invisible
    Just ran it USPS3 Character used Ariela Pink USNYC Time 10:50 PM
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  6. MercPony Devoted Player

    I didn't have any issue with not seeing the fire in Captain N'ee's room but Jor-El is invisible.
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  7. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    This happened to me too, plus it occasionally happens in other instances. Everything else seemed to run smooth though. And this happened to me on USPS3.
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  8. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    This has happened in every run I have made since the update.
  9. ArielaBlue New Player

    has the BIA Bugs been addressed yet?
  10. ArielaBlue New Player

    Happened again at USPS3 7:15pm NYC
    Character Used GaeasRevenge
    Capt N'een Room Fire animation not showing just long blue lines where the fire should be
    Jorel Showing up only invisible..
  11. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Had this happen, yesterday, for my league and I too.
  12. ArielaBlue New Player

    Again the Devs are listening and fixed the fires.
    I think they are working on Jorel still.
    Thanks Devs.
  13. Loche Developer

    We think we found the issue with Jor-El, but I have one question. When he is invisible during the fight, does that happen when the camera doesn't show him?
  14. TrueMarvel New Player

    AN hour or 2 ago, I did BIA. He was visible for both the fight and the cutscene.
  15. Dynamo New Player

    visible during cutscene, invisible during fight.
  16. MercPony Devoted Player

    For me he was invisible in both the cutscene and fight.
  17. Magnificent Loyal Player

    We did BiA last night and he was invisible from the middle cut scene (the one when you get to the top level, just before you go into the room with the fire) all the way through the end of the fight. Batman was also invisible in the ending cut scene.
  18. ArielaBlue New Player

    Fires and Jorel still invisible
  19. ArielaBlue New Player

    I can see him in the cut scenes
    Well for me he's invisible for the fight.
    As soon as the cut scene sequences finishes and the fight loads, you do not see him.
    This goes for the whole group that I happened to run the instance with at that particular time
    Also the fire are still not rendering.
    We just see the long blue lines.

    I am on a USPS3 Server
  20. Instrumenta New Player

    Theres a growing concensus that the T5 alert(operation) is too long. And since update 26 have nerfed the loot of the CC boss, they are suggesting to cut the CC part of the alert. This will shave around 15-20 minutes off the whole operation. Maybe its a win-win situation for both players and dcuo. Win for players because the game time for the operation will be cut so more players can replay it. Win for dcuo because more replay badges will be sold for people who wants to replay it more often.
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