Bring back classic dcuo as separate game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MojoDuul, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    That’s a lie
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  2. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    That's the truth
  3. Jaden Law Well-Known Player

    Game went downhill when devs listened to ppl like you... But now game went in right direction, so I hope devs will not make the same mistakes. And no, not everyone wants old version, even ppl who played since launch.
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  4. AdaptiveAndroid Well-Known Player

    Speak for yourself
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  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Played the game since it went F2P, so round about "Fight for the Light". Played it under SOE, Daybreak, and DI.

    Really don't miss the "old school" version of the game. Unless you mean the really early pre-release version of it, where there were no classes - that version looked interesting.
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  6. MojoDuul Active Player

    lets say you are sick. whos opinion is more valuable? a doctors opinion or someone who has never been to medical school and tells you to stand on your head and rub your belly until you feel better? it believing that a doctors opinions is more valuable when you are sick then some random guys opinion makes me elitist then i guess i am elitist. we do not need people who hate pvp, who suck at pvp sharing their bad ideas about how to make pvp better. get good first then your opinion might be worth something. we literall use to have people who would accuse people of cheating during a duel because the other person used block. we do not need people who think using block in a fight is somehow cheating sharing their nonsense ideas.
    as for qwantum how about you and i scrimm in dcuo, i will record it and post it on youtube and everyone can see what your opinion is worth?
  7. MojoDuul Active Player

    ya game4 went in right direction with the population being lower than it has ever been.
  8. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Your still missing it……
    You being good at PVP doesnt mean squat. Getting good doesnt somehow transform your opinion into gold.
    Opinions and ideas are either good or bad and citing to ones credentials doesnt change the merit of the opinion/idea.
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  9. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Also you dont have an accredited degree from DCUO PVP school nor are you recognized by anyone other than yourself as an epwrt in your field an therefore uniqely qualified to speak on the subject.
    Your comparing apples to oranges. Your example Of a doctor doesmt apply here.
    Furthermore, the issue with citing credentials happens because its an argument from “authority”. If i disagree with the “authority” to which you cite then we are at an impass. You think your “authority” is credible and we do not.
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  10. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    are u a doctor
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  11. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    I am playing DCUO since 2016, I honestly love the pvp of before, since there was more honesty and more creativity at the time of the fights and I identified with my character, for me personally pvp was damaged with the appearance of the ARTIFACTS I feel that the only thing they did was pay to be able to win in a fight OSEA MONEY AND MORE MONEY , I must admit that I have seen videos of DCUO since its inception 2011 and honestly was very creative in the fights, population and was recommended by many youtubers and there was too much population , it is more there was enough population that to enter DCUO you had to wait in a row, I have adapted to do feats , missions and investigations because I do not tolerate paying to improve something or pay to win since the talent in combats it is owned by the player and not by MONEY.

    I must admit that several friends of mine and leagues were destroyed by the appearance of the artifacts. People who loved fights of heroes and villains gave the game the cheerful energy. Many comments on other forums and YouTube that before the game was much better in pvp than currently due to the HONESTY, TALENT AND CREATIVITY of the player in pvp battles and not of ADDING ARTIFACTS.

    They should have improved powers and rotations, enabling more than 15 points and adding the entire branch of powers since before pvp was played in combos and all the old players are witnesses, but they added ARTIFACTS (IN CONCLUSION, FOR ME THE PVP WAS DAMAGED DUE TO SO MUCH ARTIFACT.)
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  12. TheSuperPhantomBoy Level 30

    I am playing DCUO since 2016, I honestly love the pvp of before, since there was more honesty and more creativity at the time of the fights and I identified with my character, for me personally pvp was damaged with the appearance of the ARTIFACTS I feel that the only thing they did was pay to be able to win in a fight OSEA MONEY AND MORE MONEY , I must admit that I have seen videos of DCUO since its inception 2011 and honestly was very creative in the fights, population and was recommended by many youtubers and there was too much population , it is more there was enough population that to enter DCUO you had to wait in a row, I have adapted to do feats , missions and investigations because I do not tolerate paying to improve something or pay to win since the talent in combats it is owned by the player and not by MONEY.

    I must admit that several friends of mine and leagues were destroyed by the appearance of the artifacts. People who loved fights of heroes and villains gave the game the cheerful energy. Many comments on other forums and YouTube that before the game was much better in pvp than currently due to the HONESTY, TALENT AND CREATIVITY of the player in pvp battles and not of ADDING ARTIFACTS.

    They should have improved powers and rotations, enabling more than 15 points and adding the entire branch of powers since before pvp was played in combos and all the old players are witnesses, but they added ARTIFACTS (IN CONCLUSION, FOR ME THE PVP WAS DAMAGED DUE TO SO MUCH ARTIFACT.)
  13. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    The school of people who gradually left the game because of gu36 (and onward) says that’s a lie
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  14. MojoDuul Active Player

    wow so apparently you guys do not know what a metaphor is. also yes i do have the credentials it is called PvP gear which you have to earn. so ya i graduated from the school of hard knocks PvP. you guys are completely irrational if you think that someone who is cr 40 and new to the game has ideas just as valid on pve as someone who has max cr and over 300 skill points.
    there are literally comments on the forums like "we should not allow healing in pvp" how can you possibly think an opinion like that is valid?
  15. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    It's an opinion. It's just as valid to the person presenting it as yours is to you. And like most opinions, including yours, it isn't really a fact, it's just a personal view.
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Hes Dr PVP havent you be reading and how dare you comment on his thread!!!!!!!
  17. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Who here commenting is new to the game and cr40? Dont conflate the facts to make it easier to attack. Also a weak debate tactic just like your argument from authority.
    Besides, we already established being good at PVP or better than someone else does NOT make you uniquely qualified above anyone else to speak. To use your own argument from authority aginst you…….. a nascar driver’s opinion of road traffic is no more valuable than mine. Just cause they are a better driver does not mean i dont know how ;)
    And my example is actually far more a curate to PVP than your Dr example.
    Glad i couod be of assistance to help your thought process and understanding :)
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  18. MojoDuul Active Player

    you seem to be having trouble reading what i am saying. you act as if everything i am typing is somehow about you specifically and you keep taking metaphors literally. all you do is strawman. how about you leave a constructive comment for once?
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  19. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Lol whoever said i took or thought anything you’ve typed was specifically to me lol? Infer motive much smh.
    You have said yourself in your own words multiple times (many many multiple times) that you and only other self proclaimed “TOP PVP’s” have merit because of your own narrow and over the top subjective view of self worth should be commenting.
    Thats an elitist attitude and extremely misguided. I cant help if you cant get past your own ego and see that. You saying it, directly infers to the rest of the community that we arent valuable and neither are our opinions (and you have directly said this as well which confirms it). Then when the inevitable conclusion happens (people like me an zoe and many others call you out) you act as if you have NOT said it and we are making things up (you must be a politician to indulge so deep in revisionist history).
    You can make up whatever objectively false criteria is needed to comment but the very statement is where your criteria becomes objectively false. You speak as if the game revolves around you. Only your opinions matter based on your made up criteria. Its such false logic its mind numbing.
    The mental gymnastics you take to dismiss anyone who disagrees with you or with your approach (which is mad toxic and off-putting and exactly why no one including the devs will listen or take anything you say seriously) are astounding.

    Your argument is “yea, im the best” “1v1 me” blah blah blah. Its childish and carries no merit. You use analogys that dont equate, i offer one that directly does an your argument is “your taking it literally”. No im not, im taking it as you typed it and explained the fallacy, nothing more.

    You cant see nor understand why your approach is toxic and wont net the goal your after. You cant understand why others comments have merit even they run counter to your own. You think only the self proclaimed “best players” have the right to comment on a given subject.
    It takes extreeme ignorance to not see this yet here we are……
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  20. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

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