Breaking the Stats Revamp - BROKEN and you won't believe HOW

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by tiempo, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Weapon only method #trashed. Hybrid style best style confirmed by Mepps.
  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Did you read my post?
  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    The devs have already said that weapon damage hasn't been adjusted yet. That's coming in the future.
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  4. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Would you mind to share the powerset, loadout and rotation for this test?
    I'm curious mostly for the sustainability of the possible loadout you come with, and if the test was do it with Electricity we both know that there are a few abilities that don´t split damage.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    This is why adding sparring dummies was a bad idea..
  6. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The infinite power is the issue. They are fixing that.
  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Yet you still think CR has anything to do with damage potential. You still fail to separate CR from stats as they pertain to damage in a controlled environment.

    Yes, you will have more stats at CR188 than you will at CR126. However, testing with those inflated stats, assuming all tests are done with the same stats against the same target, will produce completely valid data.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    That confirms nothing, Avair and Moja said they are to adjust weapons in upcoming updates.

    I think having the test dummies helps a lot. Not with power, unfortunately, but with setting baselines. It doesn't help with practical sense, but testing straight powers, it's easier to see potential when you don't have to deal with weird variables such as random adds and types of content. Ideally, it would be the tester checks numbers then applies it in live content. Unfortunately most players figure out OP rotations and basically say eff the support roles that have to clean up after them. Or cry on youtube that what they do is worthless and it's unfair that someone else can do it easier. Eventhough their damage is still far superior.
  9. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    "Working as intended"
  10. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Sparring dummies are not inherently bad. We just have to be careful about jumping to conclusions regarding the parses we get off of them.
    In this instance, where the OP is claiming that low cost ability spam is too good, infinite power was not the issue. You are meant to be able to spam low cost abilities if you want, but you would be losing out on damage. It's like someone spamming range tap when they could be doing Solar Flare instead.
    I used the Mental rotation Madrabbit demonstrated in his first video; Psychic Prison and Cryokinesis spam on 3 target dummies with 10 second parses. I compared this to a typical Dazed PI loadout of Mass Levitation, Telekinetic Bolt, and Telekinetic Push. The low cost ability spam was not better. It was good, but not better.

    I did not replicate Madrabbit's Atomic test since it's been confirmed that the damage splitting issue will be fixed.
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    I can say the same about Gadgets' Pdart spam. Utilizing your full rotation is still better results. I also found that I could start using higher costing powers as my spec allowed. Really wish I could test with more skill points in power.
  12. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Youre smart.. You get it.. Ive been trying to convince people of the same things
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  13. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I think it's a valid concern that spamming Low cost abilities may come a little too close in DPS to a full-on PftT rotation with High, Medium, and Low cost abilities. Thus, I am officially expressing my concern to the Devs and asking them to look into it for us. Done.
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  14. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    yes heavily agree.. it should be lowest form of competitiveness.. Spamming one move should get the lowest optimal damage out of all the varieties in the game. But, a playable play style nonetheless
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  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    This is crazy. We have a player who likes to inform the community the best way he knows how and some of you hater give him flak for it? LMAO.
    I said it once and I say it again, any time a player find something b4 another player can there will be jealousy and envy.

    Great job tiempo and thanx for the vid. Your vid help the devs to fix this bug which will also help the DC community to enjoy this game base off of ur findings.

    Keep testing brother.
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  16. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    What we don't see here, is any significant damage improvements from TANK, TROLL, and HEALER.
    Wasn't that the point of the Revamp?
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  17. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    FOR DPS, apparently.. So far stats revamp made it HARDER for support roles and EASIER for DPS.. Seems like the devs are trying to tell us something. Killing support roles*cough cough*
    If i was a creative lead, i would do everything in my power to promote Support roles. Who is going to want to play support roles when stat revamps go live.. Support roles on test is not better than live.. IMO
  18. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    This right here is the point that everyone is missing. Spamming one power is way to close and sometimes better then a actual PftT rotation depending on what power set you are using. Not to mention none of us want that kind of boring, repetitive and skilless stuff in the game. Spamming one ability over and over should never yield you even close to what a well thought out rotation should.

    One of the issues with it is spamming the low cost ability allows you to spec less in power if even any, then you can focus all your sp's in might and thats what i think is tipping the scale. Theres def other factors but thats a big one.

    And stop with training dummy stuff already. If someone says anything blaming this on target dummies you might be the dummy.

    9 pages of arguing cause some are to dense to see the real issues and just want to argue they are right lol.
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  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    This right here is the point that everyone is missing. Spamming one power is way to close and sometimes better then a actual PftT rotation depending on what power set you are using. Not to mention none of us want that kind of boring, repetitive and skilless stuff in the game. Spamming one ability over and over should never yield you even close to what a well thought out rotation should.

    One of the issues with spamming the low cost ability it allows you to spec less in power, i've tried it with only 1 point in power and done this successfully. Then you can focus all your sp's in might and thats what i think is tipping the scale. Theres def other factors but thats a big one.

    This is in no way shape or form a infinite power issue from the dummies don't listen to that nonsense.
  20. pyroshade13 Committed Player

    No No No....again you guys are missing the entire point that is trying to be made. This is no fault of the sparring targets AT ALL. The power that it's giving back is not the problem. (keep in mind that we used to run 3 trolls for endless power) The problem is that it is the effective way to dps but is not acutally fun. Spamming one power should not be the most effective way to dps. That video is equivalent to how ice dps used arctic gust over and over and over. That was not a fun way to play the game but it had the most damage potential. Sidenote- this is exactly why the sparring targets are needed because it can illustrate the problems with the powers blatantly.

    The solution is to make the game such that you can "freely" use your powers in combination with weapons and other in game items to achieve higher levels of gameplay. The lag time at the end of each of the powers needs to be taken away or drastically reduced. Clipping is not a bad thing, allow players to do it.

    Here's an example of what the effective dps should be like:
    Nature- go into wolf form set up dots
    -transform into human form to use weapons (of your choice)
    -harvest to keep dots going
    -insert custom 4 moves to can be rotated to play style (maybe buffs or burst damage or movement ability or super charge..etc)

    or maybe you don't like wolf form and want to set up a few dots and use more of a burst loadout that includes a fast wm combo like 1h or dual wield, or rifle grenade or hb solar flare. Maybe you can do the ma wm combo into hb becuase your dots are wells sustained and you have extra time that other powers don't.

    And I'm sure that other players have a plethora of combinations out there that can work but that's the fun. It's flexible and able to customized.

    Another quick example
    fire dps was it more efficient to get the 60% modifier in a cast time or quickly clip a burst rotation. Well then the question is what burst rotation or you trying to clip? with what weapon? (back before max damage)

    Every single power has mechanics that can be customized for the individual and still maintain high levels of dps (electric dps used to be able to use overload and do amazing amounts of damage combined with other dots it had (shouts out to starry sky for that one))

    Lastly all I can say to you is you once upon a time had a winning formula and could have spent the last few years adding and expanding onto the dc universe. Not remakes of gotham and metro but and actual explorable oa (metro sized) or be able to go into outer space.

    People have been telling you similar things ever since gu36. And now you are redoing your entire combat system because wm and am didn't work (as many people said wouldn't) so let me ask you, the dev team, this. What is the problem the ideas that I have mentioned above?
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