Breaking the Stats Revamp - BROKEN and you won't believe HOW

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by tiempo, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Here is the video of the Raid that we ran to test Mad´s theory of Low cost spam being able to be on par with Hybrid rotation playstyle:

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  2. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    CR 116 stats SP same spec

    CR 166 stats SP same spec
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  3. tiempo Well-Known Player

    Thank you ALAREBELDE, awesome music and vid.
    I look like a damn MLB Pitcher, lol.
    I was so upset when I found out my recording software had crashed, I can't believe you got it. SUPER GREAT. Me hicistes el dia brother. Gracias.
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  4. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Yup!!! XD
    And NP bro ;)
  5. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Another note you might want to remember is that PftT takes more SP to use as compared to hybrid. You can hybrid from level 1. If a players wants to PffT they have you have around 11k power.

    When you get your so called testing done with equal CR & SP then you have an argument until then you have nothing. You're trying to prove something is not balanced when you're testing is not balanced. Your video is nothing more than a red herring.

    TBH, This thread needs to be coded 404.
    I never thought that I would be say this........evero_O
  6. tiempo Well-Known Player

  7. BumblingB I got better.

    If you are having a comparison between two players, the one with higher stats would win, but you are talking about the dummies themselves.

    A scenario, lets use the crs and numbers you listed above. At raw stats, the damage potential between the crs would be about the same, the only difference would be the higher cr would hit harder. They would consistently hit the same average numbers against the same dummy.

    Lets say that the NPC dummy had your 116 stats with a defense you listed. That would set the variables necessary to let you know the 166 stat player hits for exactly what is shown. Which would let you know that no matter what powerset, as long as you keep the stats the same, you can compare which is over or under performing.

    The reason why CR mattered with live and the old Tunso testing was because of the CR Differential. If you were lower than the dummy, you would actually be doing way less than what is allowed, same if you were over, you would be doing a significant more damage. It was hard to keep balance. With current stats revamp, that is thrown out and it's just stats.
  8. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    I know CR differential. Stop wasting your time. I was the one that proved that CR scaling broke all stats.
    As I remember you were on of the players that tried to argue the fact. So please give it a rest.
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    If you know that, then why are you saying the CR of the dummy matters?
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  10. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    Yeah I saw your vids on youtube on this.... SIDE NOTE: I love how you made the title of this sound like click bait, LOL!
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  11. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    Also,I will add that Weapons have not had their run either.
    I know this how..... I tested weapons and brought it up. The response was weapons have not been gone through.

    What does that mean?
    By all accounts hybrid should be lagging behind PffT.
    If hybrid is not lagging behind PffT at this point in time then something is wrong.............. period.

    Now, just stop with the BS and let the DEVS do their nob without all this nonsense.
  12. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Thanks for sharing, I like to know what powers are running what when I watch a test video.
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  13. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Nah bro what we asked for, was to lower ur CR vs the sparring target to get good and accurate results.. But i do understand where u are coming.. NO way should spamming one move make u competitive. But im still waiting for the 126cr toon vs sparring target.. :)
  14. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Cr does matter somewhat tho.. If im 150 and i hop in a mission where all the NPC are 100, ill be doing HIGHER numbers.. its not accurate representation of the baseline numbers.. If 126cr vs 126cr Sparring target, you can actually see an estimation of what the baseline numbers are, in terms of damage.. Thats how you test.. Even level playing field determines how strong your toon really is.. Remember CR differential was MAINLY, DEBUFFING your DMG/DMG MITIGATION if your CR were under the NPC CR, and BUFFING your DMG/DMG MITIGATION if your CR were OVER the NPC cr.. BUT if you both you and the NPC, had the SAME CR, it would be even and NEUTRAL level playing field..

    Personally, Id prefer if the video he presented were 126cr TOON vs 126 sparring target..

    Cuz he was saying stuff like wow, im doing 24k doing one move.. Like c'mon lol thats skewing numbers, its MEANT to do 24k.. It just so happens he was like 60cr HIGHER than the Sparring target.. I think the main ISSUE was the DAMAGES werent splitting and that Full rotations are not be appreciated, which i understood as well from his video..
  15. tiempo Well-Known Player

    What will it prove again? it's about percentages not numbers, I can be cr 32 my hybrid rotation will prob put out 3k dps, spamming one power will probably yield 2.8k-3k dps. Well withing the PERCENTAGE i'm saying it shouldn't be at. Spamming a 100 power cost move (that scales in cost with your power pool as it increases) is not gonna burn you power as much as you think.

    Theoretically lets say the the targets don't provide any powerback, (as it will soon be), you would still be able to run a 10 sec parser and notice the dps similarity. It would be useless as it would prove the same thing just with different numbers. I'm not saying "look at how much damage I can do" i'm saying "look how doing this compares to doing that in damage".

    For the sake of Valentines day...There's 2 couple's, couple (A) weigh: 100 lbs and 120 lbs, Couple (B) weigh: 200 lbs and 240 lbs.
    What is the percentage difference among the couples compared to each other?
    None, they both share a 20% difference in weight among each individual couple, even though one couple weighs more then the other.
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  16. tiempo Well-Known Player

    Yeah I was saying look spamming this one move gets me a 24k parser, but that's out of context, I was clearly comparing that to the 24k parsers we were putting up with the same cr and sp using hybrids, if not, 24k wouldn't mean anything.

    You know what I like about my can tell when someone skipped through it or just didn't understand the point of the video and see it to fit what hey want to see and hear. I clearly state many times hybrids across different powers were parsing at around 21 - 24k test at 188cr. Which is good, it showed balance, but when we saw we could get the same results from just spamming one power, we were... triggered. It shouldn't be this easy to put up the numbers many have tested hours to get to.
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  17. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    So vids come out that shows you can indeed use this and it works a little to good some people still argue lol

    I think people are missing the point, even the dev that came in here it went over his head and some just cried and said "this is what happens when we get training dummies" and "the dummies give you power you can't do this" lol at you guys.

    People on here are so quick to judge without testing things first then giving feedback and i'm pretty sick of it and i know others are too. Time and time again someone knowledgable or with some good knowledge of something says something and all the forum dwellers jump on him and gang up and try to make that person look like he has no clue what hes talking about. And to the devs that person could possible look like he doesn't know what hes talking about cause he has 2-6 people bashing him over and over. THIS NEEDS TO STOP!!!!! This is why the game is messed up cause the good players get feed up and stop leaving feedback cause they don't want to argue every time they post something, then its left up to the guys who just ran their mouths without testing anything and those people don't get the game going anywhere but down.

    You can tell me get off my high horse and i'm mean and all the stuff some tell me everyday but i don't care cause in the end myself and others like me are always right so just give it a break and go test things before you open your mouths and if your getting different results go talk to the person and have him explain it to you or go test it with them before you make assumptions.
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  18. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    What do you mean? (Honest question) I thought the dev's post was on point.
  19. tiempo Well-Known Player

    lol, guess I broke you too.
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  20. BumblingB I got better.

    You will do more damage based on your stats. You won't do boosted damage. So you can use those numbers as static baseline values. CR doesn't matter for the dummies.

    Again unless they do weird defense scaling of npcs you can use dummies for accurate damage. What is wrong is infinite power and the fact you can stay still.
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