Breaking the Stats Revamp - BROKEN and you won't believe HOW

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by tiempo, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    You know it probably would not be such a big deal but you have the usual suspects using this video & trying to destroy two other play styles that players want to use.

    Do not forget that the whole reason why players complained about WM or AM was that those additions limited choices in play styles.
  2. Fies Committed Player

    So a vid showcasing the "superiority" of this particular playstyle is used to try to destroy the other two that players want to use? How?
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  3. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Curious: since CR differential no longer exists, why does it matter what CR he is when testing? Stats are stats.
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  4. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    It doesn´t . Some people don´t understand the point of the video is to show that this spam low cost abilities its almost on par with a full hybrid rotation. Thats why i suggested to modify the cooldown to 1 sec instead of 0.5:
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  5. Ringz Dedicated Player

    I read the comments on his yt to see what the reception was and sure enough I found comments like "So does that mean atomic is op now?". But you also had some people who were like " Ok its test bro. The devs are gonna fix it".

    The video is fine itself. What Op does is somewhat daily livestreams showcasing test server for his power as a vlog for others who don't or for some reason refuse to come to the forums to see whats been going on. Now what I agree with you is misleading is the title. Its his videos and his yt so he did it for eye-catching. But what I do suggest is for the OP to change the title to something like " As of 1.3". The people who don't do their research enough already thought 1.1 was going live.

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  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

    The video was already proof enough. Now he didn't do all the powers showcasing one button spam vs hybrid. but what he did was raise awareness and questions for testers. He said he will make a video showcasing in it in a raid so im interested to see myself.

    Nothing also stopping you too to go check it out for yourself. If you got time on the server go and see if what he does is facts. When I get time thats exactly what ima do.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    That's my point, live steam is ok since it's showing people the present era, that's a great idea, and naming the video as "1.3" would have been a better idea. This community is gullible and people don't like to do their own research before believing half of what is posted on YouTube.

    Anyway I'm sure I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill here. I just dislike hopping in game and seeing people use outdated loadouts thinking it's still the best way of going about things.
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  8. tiempo Well-Known Player

    Oh boy here we go, yall gonna eat me alive for going against a 179, but I remind you this, he has 213 sp's to my 176, Using electric hybrid loadout Im using Ice. pi set up and spam snowball. Also, I stayed purposefully at 178 cr for the longest time on test to get steady numbers while other where gearing up, and I could still race if not beat ppl at 188 cr in dps with this stat differencial provided by gear (video proof of this in my past Stats revamp videos) raid coming soon.........

    I actually ran it yesterday, everyone was using hybrid but myself, i was running exactly what you see here, and I was top dps for 40% of the raid, in the end it was 1st place 13 mill 220+ sp's, 2nd 11.3 mill 215 sp's, and me in 3rd with, 11.1 mill 176 sp's, one 175 troll in the raid and all the dps were 188, cept ALAREBELDE he was 187 (maybe he can vouch for this)..............and the recording program crashed and footage didn't record.....FML. I will do it again tho and post results. ALA if you recorded this run by any chance please post.

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  9. Drathmor Unwavering Player

  10. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Okay, Hybrids are underperforming. We know. No need to keep trying to drive this point home as it's already been established repeatedly. As Avair said, weapons will be adjusted:
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  11. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    What is really frustrating is that weapons and hybrid styles are going to take less stats to run than PftT and there are guys screaming about hybrid under performing. If stats matter and it takes more stats to run PftT then what would you expect.

    PftT is not really viable until you have about 120 stat points.
    You start out playing weapons and or hybrid because of the cost of powers.
    All that needs to be done if the lower powers are hitting too hard is to dial them down.
    It's really simple but we have a guy here posting that this revamp is broken.
  12. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I think i did, but i´m not sure if my program stop recording when i crashed after Athena´s fight. I´ll post it if it is indeed recorded when i get home bro ;)
  13. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    The testing dummies still have stats of a CR 126.
  14. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Thats doesn´t matter at all. A normal hybrid rotation would give "X" number at 188 cr and "Y" number at 126, and a full spam low cost rotation would give "X" number at 188 cr and "Y" number at 126; the only thing you need to check is the ratio between Hybrid and full spam rotation. It would be the same percentage difference at 188 or 126 cr.

    Bottom line is that you can do almost optimal DPS only spamming 1 power that IMO should be a filler until your heavy hitters abilities are available again to cast.
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  15. tiempo Well-Known Player

    I understand, but some wanted proof of this outside sparring targets.
  16. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Thank you for the evidence. I hope you emphasize for your audience that promises were made that will hopefully make Hybrid rotations more rewarding.
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  17. tiempo Well-Known Player

    Yes, I state this in my comments, and recently edited the name of the original video to include 1.3 and (devs have responded and a fix is coming) right in the main title
  18. Harlequin Devoted Player

    That does not matter. So long as control over the toon's stats is constant, the testing is valid.
  19. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I don't understand what you're trying to prove here? That his hybrid layout was way superior to your 100 power cost spam fest? Cause that's what the numbers showed all the way. You had way higher gear than he did (remember that stat points even in the revamp don't come close to gear stats) and you think that 40 sp gave him a huge advantage over you? Lol. All you proved is you can spam a 100 power cost power and make it through the raid, doing very sub-optimal dps. Imagine if he had had your gear on. He would've blown you out of the water. Why don't you make another video, wearing the same gear, where you use a full rotation and then show us your numbers. Honestly, you haven't proved anything at all.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Keep two points in mind.
    1) CR Differential is gone, so stats vs dummies is all just stats.
    2) Even if there was a change to NPCs's defense, like it was in the past based on tier, it still shows a standard threshold.

    The main problem with testing on the dummies is unlimited power.

    Believe it or not, that is intended for pftt. Setup PI and spam low cost leveraging powers. Rinse and repeat. It's kind of bland in a low stat situation. But you can start changing it up with more stats. As you gain more stats in power, you might be able to start using medium cost leveraging powers. I don't think we will get to high cost spam any time soon unless they up the stats for power points.
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