Bought Booster Bundles, Nothing In My Inventory

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Coldzoom Well-Known Player

    Thank you Mepps
  2. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    What time should we expect the Bundles to be in our inventory by?
  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There was a world announcement that they were in the process of granting them now and to expect disconnects, then wait 30 seconds to log back in.
  4. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    still waiting this is the first time ive ever hoped for a disconect
  5. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Ah, okay. I wasn't in game so I didn't know. Thanks. I'll keep on the look out then.
  6. karthik ravalcol New Player

    mepps i only got 1 bundle back but i bought 6 bundles,when can i get my 5 bundles back....
  7. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    still waiting are you still handing them out? could you let us know when they are all handed out so I know if I have to update my ticket again
  8. Bobburt Committed Player

    Still haven't received mine. :(
  9. Invitation2Hades Well-Known Player

    I too have not received mine and this time I am online til I do.
    Edit: Just got mine. Thanks Mepps!
  10. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    ok whats going on some one who already got there bundles yesterday just got dc ed and got more auras while I have yet to dc and get my missing bundles
  11. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    again some else who also got there bundles yesterday just got them again today again and I still don't have mine!
  12. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Neat. Got mine and didn't even get a disconnect. Thanks.
  13. Sufficient New Player

    Still haven't gotten mine. Seems like if you don't spam the forums with posts you get ignored around here...
  14. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Nope. I haven't gotten mine. =P
  15. Bobburt Committed Player

    Not a minute after I posted this, I was kicked from the game. Logged back in after 30 seconds and found my Bundle (and a couple other pieces of compensation :D) on my newest lvl 1 alt haha.
  16. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    Well, I got two out of my three Bundles. Uhm.
  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All bundles have now been granted.
    • Like x 1
  18. Teldon New Player

    Meeps I was just given two extra bundles. Should I delete them? I am on Teldon in game atm
  19. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    I only got two of my three. I'll update my support ticket, I guess.
  20. TemporalHawk Well-Known Player

    correction I found 2 out of the 6 I didn't get the first day on a low level alt ihad around 6300 sc when I purchesd them after wards I had around 10000 sc I did the calculations on my calculator and that equals 6 bundles not 2