Bonus Artifact XP & Gift!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. xXlNesTlXx Well-Known Player

    This event is about to end...we should be ready to wait 9 months to the next one....
  2. zNot Loyal Player

    Can we know what happened? what needs to change for you to go back to troll?
    • Like x 1
  3. Incineration Inferno Active Player

    Any word on how much and when the people at 200 EoG are getting our Art XP for 1,000,000 or more while it's still double?
  4. The I3atman New Player

    awesome thank you
  5. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Or not...

  6. Loki2911 Well-Known Player

    Hello well i dont see any new event is the double xp week still gong on?
  7. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Yes, for another week, Mepps said.
  8. Loki2911 Well-Known Player

    Really? O.O cool ty
  9. BMyst Active Player

    When is the 500k xp supposed to be sent? I see there was an update, but I haven't received yet. Anybody else not recieve?
  10. VIRALITY Dedicated Player


    but seriously, I don't think anybody besides Mepps know. I have not received mine yet.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It has not been sent yet. We are almost through testing.
    • Like x 6
  12. Skille Well-Known Player

    gimme gimme
  13. Incineration Inferno Active Player

    I haven't received my updated EoG already at 200 xp gift yet either but I haven't read past this yet to see if any new updates have been added or stated as to when.
    • Like x 1
  14. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I didn't get it on one of my characters that had 200 eog. Character name is Samuel Atoms.
    • Like x 3
  15. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Same, I have it on couple alts myself and didn't get the 500k on 1 as well
    • Like x 1
  16. Medoki New Player

    NEVERMIND I GOT IT.. I DIDNT SEE IT IN MY INVENTORY... im blind sorry lmao
  17. Medoki New Player

    i thought a gift box would appear like all the other gifts we get lmao
  18. Caroline Dedicated Player

    The character I didn't get the Nth Metal Cache on is called "C"
    • Like x 2
  19. nanoUSB Well-Known Player

    I got it on both toons, and it's even account bound! AWESOME! :) :) Thank you very much!
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The additional gift of an "Nth Metal Cache" has been delivered to every character that received the original gift for having a rank 200 EoG. It contains 7 Perfected Nth Metals.
    • Like x 7