Battle Support Roles...what if?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by WesPypes3679, May 23, 2017.

  1. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    What if we had another option when it came to support playstyle? Me personally would like to see battle support roles option sometime. What if...I could make a tank that could hold up to damage taken in and put some out? What if...I could make a troll that debuffs crowd controls and gives power? What if...I could make a healer that keeps my teamates alive and put out some decent damge in the process. Now I understand there is probably alot of complications that can arise from this. I dont think any should support role should out dps a dps only role. But it would be nice to do more damgage than just supporting dps's. DPS is the majority of roles people choose. Its just fun to try and out damge the next guy. It allows people to flex a bit on their playing skills. Maybe with this concept the support takes a small hit in ability to tank/troll/heal but the plus is adding to the burn. Maybe if the power regen masteries has a 3rd option support dps or battle support. What if there are 2 tanks in a raid and one is a fully specced out tank and the other is a battle tank? The full tank can hold aggro and have priority over enemies versus the battletank...but the battle tank gets to be in up close on the action. Experienced players Imo would know what to do in there. Help burn plus be still be tankish. Trolls that are more than dps servants for just more battery role. Give power crowd control and debuff all the while helping the burn. Same with healers. I know its just a thought...just always thought that would be a cool option. Helps with diversity in the game. With the stats revamp it could work imo. Im sure there will be some that will shoot this concept down...but hey...worth a shot. I'm unsure of exactly how this could work...but I would be an advocate for it. Devs...has there ever been any thoughts or other interest in this idea? I would love to hear other opinions or people ideas how this could work.

    Just imagine jumping in like superman...taking damage and dealing it as well. Maybe new powersets could specialize in experimental serums. Just putting it out there if no else has yet. Opinions?
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    You mean available for all support roles, not just atomic, celestial, and HL which are the designated battle roles.
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  3. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Just to clarify...I just wish it was a role option like tank troll or heal. I understand the concept is already established...just thought it would be nice if it was an actual option when choosing roles. Like maybe tankish role with better AoE and ticks buffs that allow you to not just block with a few combos in between. Like for for instance. Inferno doing better damage and hybrid type playstyle while in tank role. Not quite as strong as tank. But strong enough to jump in the mix and do sonething thats more than just the norm. There are ppl that already do good damge while in support roles...just wish it was an actual option to pick and spec a special way to get some of both roles dps and support in one toon. I would really like to hear others thoughts on this. How it could or couldnt work. How maybe you already can and I just havent mastered that yet.
  4. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Yeah exactly. A little more diverse than whats already available
  5. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Giving all powers this ability. I have not fared well in trying those yet. I have a fire tank on stats revamp version of the test server that does decent...but the damage just isnt there
  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    isnt it what stats revamp does? if u spec & mod towards damage while wearing support role gear u should be able to battle tank/troll... now i know celestial could do this too not sure about other heal powers.
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  7. Jason Rage Active Player

    You can tweak your gear and skill points to do this already. It sounds more like you want the devs to create this role so that you don't have to do the math. It sounds like lazyness to me.
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  8. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Right. Revamp does give us more of that ability...but for instance i try to battle tank with fire and the defense is good...but damage is lacking because damage takes a hit when in tank mode. What if there is a mix...a stat like the power mastery that allows other roles to achieve what atomic celestial and HL have? Like a balance between support and dps. Thats what im kinda getting at. Making the idea a little more formidable. Like instead of having just dps or tank gear but a good mix of it to be both roles...mostly in support of full roles. But finding a place in the mix of the 4 options now.
  9. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Ok. Looking to learn coming to the forums...maybe I dont have a full understanding of everything but I know an *ss when i see one. Looking to learn and criticism is fine along as its constructive. on my adult stuff. No laziness here i work full time coach raise 3 boys and run a recording studio. Sorry if i am behind in knowledge.
  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    they got rid of the damage penalty if in tank mode , u could wear a mix of dps&tank gear while speccing ,modding towards might & precision for better damage results,should work for all tank classes with exception of maybe rage since on live abilities in tank mode have a longer cooldown which sucks if u want to battle tank.
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  11. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Thanks...kinda what I'm looking for. I have been trying different things I thought there was still a penalty on test server. I will have to go back and see where i was wrong. I'm ok being wrong or not knowing. I came to the forums to learn. It was just an idea I had not seen before innmy experience. I played for 2 years before WM and came back to the game 8 months ago. Everything is way easier with AM and I personally like the revamp coming. It makes my 284 sp worth more than just my 191 and 190 crs.
  12. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Correction...i stopped playing about 6 months after wm came out.
  13. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Just get rid of the DPS role.
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  14. Surtur Well-Known Player

    Stat revamp archive....
    ^^^^^YOU CAN CATCH UP HERE^^^^^
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  15. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Would be cool if there was a "support" and "battle" mastery, the support mastery would cut your damage for extra heals, power out, and damage absorption. While battle mastery would cut your support side and give you a damage buff. Would be interesting.
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  16. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Thats an excellent idea. Kind of what I was getting at. But people wanna correct me negatively and positively. I am glad someone is kind of getting my point to the whole thread. I know we have battle support roles already...but not all powers get that luxury. I believe it just adds my options and dynamics to the game. I dont believe its just being lazy by not doing the was just a concept i was thinking about. I believe your idea is spot on. Right what for the most part was getting at. Thank you.
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  17. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    First I want to say to everyone trying to be helpful. Thank you. Second...ultimately this whole thread started because me and a Test Server league mate asked a simple question. Why arent there more Battle/Support players. Imo because there is no benefit to it beside preference of playstyle. I thought with the ReVamp this would be more of an option being "stats matter". Most likely I just havent created the right build...but...back to what I was saying...where's the benefit? There is none in reality. I would like the support roles become more popular...why are DPS's the most popular...because its the funnest role for most people...myself included. So why not bring some of that fun to support roles. Maybe I havent done enough with revamp yet with support roles. I troll and tank...not much healing. They become boring and monotonous most of the time for me. When it comes to raids and some alerts...DPS is the easiest to is hit or miss. DPS's shine in those instances...but if it wasnt for support...they would have a harder time. I get it support is "support" why not give support some incentive? Shine the spot light on them making them more popular. A tank that can run into mobs and hold them at bay for the rest of the group and deal some good damage is very intriguing for me. I love Fatal Stars idea of support and battle masteries. Making those exclusive to support roles helps them be more intriguing and possibly popular. Just my does nothave to account for much...just wanted to share where I was coming from with my initial post. Thanks.
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  18. tioalbert Well-Known Player

    Hi wes, good idea to encourage play support.

    But part of what you suggest is already in renewed statistics.

    Perhaps what is missing is;

    1.- In the same way that they made the command effects exclusive, for players command besides to regenerate power with each decrement, of = way to look for those exclusive benefits for player tanke and healer.

    2 .- if the fort of the Dps is the amount of damage that can do in the shortest time.

    Then support players require more resistance and increases in their respective functions.

    I'm going to make it clear starting with the weakest of the 3 most resistant:

    1.-Command need more resistance = Defense and Health. And more increases in time of effects, amount of decrements and in turn that decrements affect to enemies close to the objective.

    2.- Healers need more resistance = defense and health. And increase in the amount of health regeneration, in addition to health regeneration by using shields, remove vulnerable to interruptions and give more health than a dps can give.

    3.-Tanke requires more effectiveness in the tie and power of provocation which must be more efficient than a dps cr superior to instance, besides increasing resistance = Defense and health.

    Finally the domain of a Dps should be lower than that of a healer player and the same in resistance, example.

    In verifications 1.3 and 1.6 Resistance = Health and Defense was 17mil in cr 166, but in 1.4 and 1.5 was 21mil I think.
    So it would just be that only the resistance Dps had the 17mil and the players support 21mil of resistance, at least I think so.

    In turn this would help to stimulate a little, and we would only need exclusive prowess for command, healer and tanke.

    And maybe armors that give a bonus or only work exclusively for player support.
  19. Growling Night Active Player

    1. First of all i'm not here o say that Blade and soul is a better game or what ever, but DC can borrow some cool features from it.
    2. Look how tanking is in this game , the tank can someties reach top dps and most of the time be on the same level with all other dps.You can see the dps meter in real time on the left, the green one is the tank.

  20. Delta2Four Active Player

    If any support role's damage out is on par with DPS, there's really no point in choosing DPS anymore. Might as well make a tank to sustain and deal damage, or a healer to heal yourself and get equal or more damage out. The DPS role will be useless