An Anger-Fueled Guide to Rage

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TDSK, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Does it have to be revenge? Can't it be any other rage combo?
  2. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    So if you have RR activated and your health is low and you use Plasma Retch, you won't gain any heals. Not sure if that's intended or not. Was disappointed by that finding. I wonder if Galling Eruption works with RR
  3. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    If you are only going to combo 2 powers with Rage if suggest, Outrage + DB. That combo its pretty strong, Out + Revenge isnt, cause you need E.chain for the extra damage between combos(out + Rev)
  4. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    That's why I asked because I love how outrage goes smoothly into dreadful blast.
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  5. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    This would be a very strong combo:

    Outrage + DB + GE + RR + Bloodlust + RA

    It gives you good damage, tons of healing and survivablity. Pretty strong loadout imo, you can clipp all 4 buffs... ima check it out
  6. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    What four buffs? I only see RR, Bloodlust and RA. Can you test and see if GE works with RR both its might version and it's precision version. If it does I might change my plasma retch for GE
  7. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    LOL sorry, everytime i talk about GE or PR i think they are buffs(i mean they are cause they allow you to do more dmg). What i wanted to say is that you can clipp all 4 powers with no problem.
  8. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    OMG yes it works with GE, and its beautiful that healing dude :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  9. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Nice! Which version might or precision?
  10. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    i tested both and i worked with both, but i dont usually change GE might version, cause you cant when you clipp it with buffs
  11. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    So it's best to not use its precision version? I know you can clip the initial cast but would the heals be better with the light version or the precision?
  12. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Of course its not better, cause you are losing your combo-chain in that case... you dont use GE beacuse of the ticks anyways, you use it cause it increase your combos damage and many other things for example, it decrease the damage of rage crash, pretty useful.
  13. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    Dont know what did you do, but the might version of Gailling Eruption does not heal you when Remorseless Recovery is active. The precision version does.
  15. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    I did a solo, and i let adds to almost kill me(%30 health i think) then i used RR, GE and i started comboing Outrage and DB. And yes it healed me
  16. Korlick Loyal Player

    Ah i see. Then you were not being healed by GE, but from the Outrage and DB combos.
  17. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Yeah you are right, now i understand. I thought the other guy asked me to test if RR healed me doing combos while GE was active... my b. GE doesnt heal u by itself when you have RR active, you need the prec version as u said
  18. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    That makes sense now, it would explain why Plasma Retch wasn't giving me heals. Try precision version of Lacerate and the claw attacks lol can't remember the name.
  19. Korlick Loyal Player

    The description on the power tree is clear: You receive healing equal to a portion of the damage dealt to enemies from your weapon attacks or Rage Combos.
  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    It has to be revenge, because it's a 360 AoE around you, and it's important that you deal as much damage to as much people as possible.