Allow inspect into SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GrooveThief, Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. Tre Day New Player

    Oh boy...

    So many ways to go about this...

    I'm hoping you're not the type of player that will blame everyone else if you happen to be the first to go down. It sure seems like you are.

    I'm not even going to bother with the whole 'everything that was needed was put in from the start' comment. It just needs no explanation how childish that came out as.

    I want to believe that people are championing this for the right reasons, but nope, it's just about as bad as the mentality of excluding roles from content: they just want to put as less of an effort as possible and grief as many people as possible to achieve something when they could just do the work and see how it plays out.

    There's NOTHING good that comes out of this kind of thing happening.
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  2. Black Prime New Player

    Well i pay for this game just like others do. Most of my league is around 160ish min to the max 189. Slow times like this i have to pug. Right now there is no way to tell a good player from a crap player. Everyone is 106cr. Not saying, if you read my post, that sp makes the player better. Over all the reason we all try and get max cr is to have max stats. To me if you have not done that to your toon then i dont want to run with you. If its a alt run with your league. Dont have one, get one. Its not hardin say a month to be around 140 sp. Not saying i have them all. I hate the grind feats. But to strengthen my toon i try and get most of the sp out there.
  3. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I've been playing this game for a while now...
    This is my third Summer Seasonal - by which I know I've been playing over two years...

    But my SP is low...

    Because I just bought a PS4 and haven't even reached level 30 with my first toon on the USPS server.
    I played on USPC previously...

    exactly how would seeing my SP let you know what I know about the game?

    For example: one run on the seasonal, I was with three level 30s - one of which is in full T6, and I (at level 27) had to tell them that when it says activate defenses, you go to the things three thingies that are yellow on top, not the turrets in the corners, to win...
    Measure that by my CR and SP...
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  4. Tule New Player

    So you start off condescending. Then you make an inaccurate and negative assumption. You sidestep a point that was childish as the thing it was replying to. You are painting everyone's opinion as negative that is not yours. You are the hero, everyone is the villain with bad thoughts. You know the last time I played with pugs? Walking people into Prime because its easy to duo and I was bored. You want to know the last time I asked for someone's CR or SP? Oh God, I don't know. Back when FOS2 was the hardest content in the game and we were going for a speed feat, so everyone had to be up to part so we didn't waste time. And because it was a speedfeat back in the day gear was just as important, if not more important than skill. And that was literally the ONLY time. But you are right. I'm doing this solely to grief people. I have an opposing opinion so I am a griefing, elitist, selfish, jerk. My name is Tule on USPS servers. Ask anyone who knows me, I don't care. I'll get my friends annoyed in the sake of helping lowbies. Ask them my role. Its Healer since the game started. And Troller since around OC. Yet, I am a tank when I defend them. A dps when I defend them. And an elitist when I defend an informative addition.
  5. Tule New Player

    Because you represent everyone in the game. I said it would help. As people with higher SP have probably played the game longer. It is one tool among others that will help. Yeah, people like you exist. People who make alts and don't want to buy SP exist. But it does help discern things. Or do you want to do dox with pre 30 gear and 30 SP to prove me wrong that those don't matter at all?
  6. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Sp should stay private because of the very reason or discrimination. As ive said before, you arent a bad player until you prove it by your performance. Sp is merely icing on the cake. Everyone deserves a chance, showing Sp will aid in skipping that chance altogether by trying to base how they MIGHT perform based on speculation on account of their sp.
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  7. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Imo of course
  8. FameYack Committed Player

    The biggest assumptions is you have the right to know; nothing in any statments says why you do?
    "It is your time..." YOU ARE PUGGING
    "I am forming a GROUP..." Don't be Ridiculuos, if you don't know how to form Efficient Groups, ASK, plenty of people here to tell you how it is done, No Need To Know SP
    "It can be OPTIONAL" => Explain how it wouldn't be twisted, we say it would, you say it wouldn´t => How Come?
    Why would people tell their incomes, jobs, highschools... you VE ALREADY PROVE how it would be used to exclude PEOPLE now it is the time to prove how violenting privacy rights of other people is justifiable
    "SP proves you know the Game" you haven't even PROVED THAT; which FEATS demonstrate a player GameSkill, NAME THEM,
    Bet you can even mention 5 without them proven utterly ridiculous

    PROVE you do have the ability to make a point
  9. Tre Day New Player

    SP does not solely measure a player's skill. It can definitely measure the time invested in a game, but not the whole of a player's skill. I mean, I can have 100+ SP on a Celestial toon, use Replay Badges to purchase feats onto my Earth toon to have an equal amount, and still be great on my Celestial and crap on my Earth toon.

    It just smells of people wanting an easy button in hopes to exclude people as much as possible. You want to know the difference between good players and crap players? Run with them and see them in action. We all have strengths and weakness in various instances, and trying to equate a player's viability to one measurable quality never shows the whole picture.

    For the record, I'm just as much against a high-SP player being excluded from lower-tiered content by a group if they used that person's high SP as the sole reason. I'm just saying.
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  10. Tule New Player

    I do know how to form efficient groups. People lying makes efficiency less efficient.

    How it wouldn't be twisted? Because the only somewhat legitimate claim here is privacy. I think it's a completely ridiculous claim to privacy. Same way claiming privacy about gear, powers, weapons, moves and everything I already said. But like you said I don't have a RIGHT to know. So then make it private. That clears up my RIGHT to know. If it is YOUR PRIVACY you can control it.

    I didn't say it proves you know the game. I said it would help. Again, more sp, more time. In an easy online game repetitiveness is practice. Time spent in game is wisdom. Just like life. And yes, when you apply to do something you want and people want a resume or reasons to hire you or let you join their club they are allowed to ask that and ask you to PROVE that. If you don't want to? Dont join them. OPTIONAL.

    Did you make any points? Or just shout the word privacy and claim I made none? When I clearly already explained how SP helps. Multiply times as well as optional.
  11. Feenicks New Player

    There IS a reason not to show them! I don't want to! There.
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  12. Tule New Player

    Okay, then I want to. So there.
  13. Rebornthunder New Player

    That is being completely stubborn
  14. Tule New Player

    So is saying "I don't want to" as the sole reason.
  15. Feenicks New Player

    You are more then welcome to show whatever you want. But to make it mandatory for those who don't is wrong.
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  16. Tule New Player

    Never said mandatory. In fact if you would read this page/last page you could easily see me saying "make it optional".
  17. Feenicks New Player

    That would also invite exclusion.
  18. Tule New Player

    So what? People lying invites exclusion. Makes people only run with leagues. Oh no. Guess we better shut down all multiplayer games that don't give everyone 100% equal footing.
  19. Feenicks New Player

    People lie to avoid exclusion. You favor exclusion? If so it's ironic you called me selfish earlier.
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  20. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Oh my days.

    For one, I'm on my phone so sorry for any typos and just putting in my two cents. I understand there's people who like to have requirements for whenever they pug, even though some of the requirements are insanely ridiculous in my opinion, it's their toon, not mine. However, this debate will just keep going on and on and on and on unless the devs really did do something to show a players skill point. However, my belief is that numbers don't matter. A person can have as much skill points in the game and still be bad at his/her role, there's a lot to learn about being a dps; it's not about smashing buttons and hoping to be on the top of the scoreboard, there's more than being a controller and just being a blue bar healer, you have to throw some debuffs in, you guys get the picture.

    I don't think anyone on here has any shame in showing their SP thinking it's too low, the problem is just the mentality of the community and not the community as in a whole, I'm talking in general. You're going to have people that would want to see others players SP as if it's their concern, while others don't care. This whole thing is 50/50 the way I see it.

    However, to those that think people are scared, they are not scared, no one wants to feel belittled because they don't have a "high" amount of SP. others said, you was once that player that had 50 SP or whatever.
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