Ah yes, the "Kicking out the healer" vibe.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, May 26, 2019.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    1....sure, I have no issue with someone ignoring me if I felt the need to kick them. Likely I'm just as happy as if I get to the point where I kick someone, it's not someone I'd like to run with again.

    2? You've got to be kidding. Assuming you did fill out a report, what is the reported behavior you will be putting down as against community standards or the TOC? Report is not supposed to be used just because you don't get along with someone...or because they kick you from a group...or because they say your healing/troll/tanking/dps sucks. Go cry to your mommy for that...or come here and post a complaint thread about it.

    I'd seriously like to see your report description when filled out for being kicked from a group. Somehow I doubt that the problem description would be "well....they didn't like my healing, so they kicked me". I'd guess there would be some embellishment of the facts, assuming you actually wanted some sort of response from DBG.

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  2. Shattered Psychosis Well-Known Player

    Prob counting on this section:
    2. To expound upon the general guidelines, you may not harass other customers.
    Harassment is defined as specifically targeting another player or group of players to harm or inconvenience them. Harassment can take many forms, as it goes to the perceived state-of-mind of the person or group of persons initiating the action. However, in order to account for those who are more sensitive than others, the GM involved will make a determination as to whether or not the reported issue would be considered harassment and act accordingly. Sexual/racial harassment or hatemongering of any kind will result in the immediate termination of all DBG accounts if sufficient and proper evidence is available and verified."
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  3. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    This is so ignorant. So if a DPS chooses not to block the one-shots/skull-attacks, and gets one-shotted, it's the healer's fault? You can't heal a one-shot that takes them from 100% to 0%. Stop it, you sound like those DPS Board Chasers that choose not to block or dodge when you're supposed to, so you can get that extra second or two of damage in for the lead.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That still seems like a stretch. I guess if a lot of stuff was thrown around BEFORE the kick, about someone 'sucking' or various other derogatory name calling...sure. But someone saying your particular skill required in a game that requires some amount of skill shouldn't really be categorized as 'harassment'. Again, there could be other conversation before or after the kick which could possibly push it to that, but from the OP's post it sounded like some 'your heals are trash' talk then a kick....not report worthy IMHO. Quite honestly it seems really petty.

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  5. Lord Brutality Active Player

    Post like this make me happy I'm taking a break from the game until the next DLC; players like you are everywhere. An prove my point about the community playerbase respect.


    There still mechanics in old alerts that if even a CR273 will try to avoid will still kill them.

    So its the healer fault to not lunge; not the 3 other DPS'ers the healer is carrying in the alert.

    Jesus this community is disgusting.o_O
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  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Glad I'm not the only one that caught that.
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  7. Yaiba Committed Player

    I'm talking about alerts only (DR in this case), if OP's group died by Etrigan's Sword of Damocles (skull attack that could one shot), then it was his fault, no doubt. Honestly, there is no real one-shot in that alert, they all could be ignored with healer's shield.
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  8. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    You can get 1-2 shotted in DR. You do realize shields are on a CD, right? Honestly, it seems like you have never healed. To save a run a healer has to use that shield to keep that one dps up because of fire breath or they're meleeing adds, that shield might not be available. Dps with your attitude are like the people that speed to a right light. You're not going to finish faster, just do mechanics, healers aren't there to heal "stupid".
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  9. SkullGang Devoted Player

    The immediate backflip was astounding.
  10. Lord Brutality Active Player

    This Community is Horrible. No wonder people don't stick around after Tier 7.

    Damn; so the Healers have to do "from the responses in this thread."............

    - Time there shields for DPS'ers who wan't to Ignore Mechaincs.
    - Take the Main Aggro shift in 3-1 setups with one Healer; because no Tank
    - Heal other players while being under aggro and shielding them.
    - Manage there power and own life while doing all the above.

    Sooo.... Whats left for the DPS'ers to do.....

    Battle against each other for top leader-board spot with nothing to worry about the Healer has it all covered.

    An if they can't do everything that was explained above there trash. Again this is nothing but what is said in the thread....

    Community is Horrible.
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  11. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    In 8 years I’ve never been kicked from an alert as a healer and healing is my 4th role across 3 toons. Hmm, what’s that I smell? Smells like common denominator...
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    This only becomes an issue dependent upon what is said prior to the kick.

    If you tell someone they're bad at their role and the cause of a failure then that isn't a breach in any way.

    It isn't offensive to be called out as a problem and the subsequently kicked.

    If you swear at the person though or insult them repeatedly then you might run into trouble.

    However, saying something once if not abusive then kicking the other player is not reportable.

    In fact I'd encourage people not to report that unless you do recieve abuse because sending through frivolous reports can equally get you in trouble.