Advance to CR100! Happy 6th Anniversary!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    So, I'm still trying to find out: Does the use of the CR 100 Advancement Token have any effect on being able to complete the Conversion Briefings/Collection?!? :confused:

    One of the characters I'm considering advancing needs the Classic Duster Chest Style, so I won't use the token on him if it's going to prevent him from completing that Collection. I could really use an answer now, rather than later.
  2. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    It's my understanding that we get 2 if we're a Legendary Member, and only 1 if we're either Free To Play or Premium.
  3. Pastor Patrick New Player

    I am legendary and its saying I still have to pay for my second character advance
  4. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    I'd rather this gift than a pet that will sit in my claim window and never be used. I advanced 2 characters that I leisurely play and now I can play those characters in more content without needing to do anything. Now compare that to a pet that does... nothing... doesn't even look fancy sometimes... Not even a comparison. ;)
  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    That definitely sounds like a glitch to me. Have you opened a Bug Report yet?
  6. Pastor Patrick New Player

    no how do I do that
  7. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

  8. Amarsir Well-Known Player

    I just reinstalled the game and am logging in for the first time in years to claim this boost. So I guess that's a success.

    However, I don't get the sense that any of the reasons I left have changed. I was narrowly grinding the same content every day for low odds drops and when new content felt like I was being nickel-and-dimed to death. (Specifically the "membership OR dlc" approach started to feel like "membership AND dlc".)

    Plus what had started as a very casual-friendly game had become much more hardcore, with specific builds and prior knowledge required. I still remember when my Earth Tank got to the bosses in "Family Reunion" and simply couldn't tank them for my team. It was humiliating for me and drove this paying customer away.

    So now I'm being jumped up to content I don't understand with gear I didn't earn. Will I be able to handle this content, given that I barely remember how my character *did* play let alone understand any changes that have happened. Will I be tempted to buy the DLC, feeling it's good play value? Or will I feel the hands in my pocket going "AND the Influence cap. AND the base stuff. AND Legends power creep. AND..."

    In short, this is your chance to get a paying customer back, Daybreak. I hope what was actually wrong got fixed.
  9. Amarsir Well-Known Player

    Yup, not going to happen. Just looking at my inventory (including bank) was enough to turn me off. It's filled with:

    • Sodas and other consumables, many of which don't stack higher than 1x
    • Crafting components, for a system I no longer remember other than it was grindy and mandatory and exceeded my escrow cap.
    • Trinkets I can't use because I haven't been paying rent on my utility belt.
    • And lots of gear. PvP and PvE sets for both tank and dps. I remember you guys had the chance to fix that, and then you went for a cash grab instead. But what I really don't understand is why you never improved the icons to make it visible at a glance what gear is what. You really think your drawing of boots is so awesome that it would be ruined by a DPS symbol or a PvP symbol?
    This is still the game I quit. You still think if you create an annoyance I'll spend or grind my way out of it. It's a shame, because I very quickly did appreciate the combat again. This is still some of the best combat in any MMO. Just with some real annoyances around it.
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