A Corrupted Guide to Celestial- Post-Stats Revamp

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Fatal Star, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    If you check out this section of the guide on healing it clearly tells you how to spec and mod for best results! :D

  2. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    I assumed that was for a pure healer only. It’s what I went with for now, but I’m wondering if that’s the best option considering how much time I spend solo
  3. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Do you have more than one armory? If you only have one stick with what I have laid out in the guide. It will work fine in open world content, and is what's best for raids. If you have 2 armories then make a dps build for when you're solo and check out Fatal's recommendations in the guide for that.
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  4. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Ok, thanks :)
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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Currently considering making a celestial toon, but I've always heard that one of the biggest drawbacks that this powerset has is getting interrupted when using long input combos? Are there any good alternatives to fix that problem for both Healer and DPS?

    And I know; I used to temporarily play celestial during the AM era; but that was during when RCW spam was common; so I'm in need of guidance.

    Any help from the experts'll be appreciated.
  6. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    What I’m seeing is that with a good tank or in a group, I only have to worry about AoE attacks interrupting me. But then, so far I seem to be finding myself at the bottom of the list regarding damage output...plus the two operations I did this afternoon I was at the bottom of the list regarding healing output, too...someone in the group kept popping something that has the same visual effect as breaking a healing barrel and *they* got all the healing glory...very annoying. Left me feeling like a useless tagalong :(
  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    That sounds more like you went into some low cr content with high cr people.
    Also don't be too concentrated on healing output. That doesn't say too much, when you're a heal and the raid/op goes just fine and smooth it's fine. :)

    There is no healing ability that looks like a healing barrel i think.

    Also some additional points to the dps side of things:
    - Really make sure you get off your combos and be in range whenever you use midrange/melee abilities.
    - Don't clip too fast, because it can happen that you "overclip" the combo and don't perform the combo at all
    - Just train the combos on sparring targets/solocontent/duos. Celestial reigns and falls with the timing. It's a complex power to master and really takes alot of practice. Still most fun dps power to play :)

    You are US server I guess?
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  8. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I just love having you back with Cele! It's like Fatal and I can take a nap and you'll hold the fort down! :p
  9. Tilz Loyal Player

    Nah, just take some loadouts that I find and play around with them. Haven't had the time to really crunch into the numbers and stuff like that, so stay awake. :p
    But i'm always here to help out with celestial stuff ofc. ;)
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  10. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I wanted to nap tho!!! :(

    It really is great to see you around and so actively helping with the Cele community!
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  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's not as much of a problem now since the "big hits" we had with AMs are no longer there. You'll do only slightly less damage just spamming the base powers on your tray and not comboing, so mistakes are a lot more forgiving in the revamp. We also seem to have kept the immunity buff they gave us during AMs, only time I really get knocked out a combo is when I'm doing the base power, I rarely get knocked out of it during the actual inputs.

    Best thing you could do though is spec into the movement mode innates for added resistance. Other then that, there's not really any other remedy for interruptions.
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  12. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    US Server, yes. And to be specific, it was the Earth-3 event operations. I wasn’t worried about the dps, more annoyed that over half the group had higher healing output than me...including nonhealer league-mates with a CR 30 points lower than mine. :/
  13. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Things like supply drop on henchmen, pets, npc's, etc. can skew the healing out on the scoreboard so don't let it discourage you. Don't judge your healing based on the scoreboard. Judge based on things like watching your reaction timing for burst heals that are needed. Keeping HoTs up to mitigate damage. If the run was smooth, or if there were deaths you know were clearly your fault. This is not stuff you'll learn overnight. It's skills that are acquired over time and with loads of practice and paying attention to every last aspect of the content you are running. You need to pay attention to mechanics, the group's HP pool, your own power pool, and it's always great to know and understand the boss tells for specials that they each have. It will allow you to know when to expect certain types of damage and one shots.

    Just keep practicing and learning, you'll be just fine! :D
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  14. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Ok :)
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  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I just switched to celestial and im looking for some advice. Right now im using DL into arrow storm into ScH and i repeat that until DL is ready to go back up. I'm also modded full prec and use WE. Any advice that can help would be great :p
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  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Respec token
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  17. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I swear I laughed so hard at this lol!! Crappy, still using that prec build from your prec dots I see? LOL!!!
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  18. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    What do you recommend for generator affinity mods? I'm pretty sure I'm not to the point where they'll benefit me yet, but it's always good to be prepared (not to mention it's extra prestige towards getting our league hall)
  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Reds = might
    Blue = power
    Yellow = restoration
  20. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Yeah, that part's in the guide...what about the *Affinity* mods that give bonuses for elite gear?
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