200$ for Comic shaded material? y'all are wild.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Nov 9, 2023.

  1. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    That would be nice.

    It's been requested for a looong time..... but we don't have that option..... yet.
  2. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Most people who are buying this pack are buying it for the shaded comic material and could care less about the other stuff.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Doesn’t matter what they are buying it for.. If you buy a bundle (from literally any company) you are spending on the bundle as a whole. Doesn’t matter if all you want is the shaded comic. You are not buying just 1 item.
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  4. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Do you really think the devs don't know why people are buying these 20 packs?
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  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    What are they doing with the other stuff? Can I have it? :)
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Obviously they know. It’s a highly requested item. Does not change facts. When you buy the bundle you do NOT only get the shaded comic. You get everything. Even if someone bought the bundle and deleted all 20 booster bundles it wouldn’t change what they bought. They paid for every bundle and they received exactly what they paid for
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  7. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    All i'm sayin is its a little shady. Reminds me of when they finally gave us the batman cowl with long ears that people asked for for years and then they put it in a bundle pack filled with items most batman fans allready owned.
  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    has anyone made the oh so obvious "they should rename it to shady comic material" pun yet?
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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    ah. good morning!
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Lol shady? It’s pretty transparent. Buy this bundle and get these items. Pretty straightforward. Shady would be putting it in the bundle again and having it be 0.01% drop chance to get players to keep spending even more money.
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  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    And you have numbers to back this up??

    Looooong before we had the 20X pack..... people were already buying 20+ BBs.

    Were they most people too?? some people??? lots of people?? :confused:
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  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Whatever i don't care anymore and i allready have the shaded comic but if you want waste $200 on it go ahead
  13. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Tbh it really looks to me like they wanted to (finally) dip into the money/profits that real world traders have been getting for years selling those items (referring mostly to Shaded Comic) lol. Good on them though, those rule breakers suck. Could have made them cheaper to get though, to further discourage that real world selling. On Xbox anyway (cuz disgustingly that's how much they sell them for over here), not sure about other platforms.

    Basically, I like anything they do to put a big middle finger in real world traders faces (mwuhahaha). But idk about making the prices competitive with them... That seems to be a step backward.
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  14. Sollace Well-Known Player

    It is incredible and worrisome to read people who are still so blind and still cannot understand how absurd this practice is, even after what has already been said here.

    Guys, go see on diablo 4 (if I'm not mistaken) you had a skin apparently for 10€ or 15€ at the beginning, it took 10€ recently, apparently, and people have hair bristling and screaming already scandal for this increase, if he saw what Daybreak is doing here, I think they would have a heart attack...

    Otherwise go talk about it to someone who doesn't play a video game, explain to him the price for having a cosmetic thing in a game, most will take you for a fool to put so much money for it lol

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  15. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    No matter how you dice it, this is just weird. The desired item is obviously the shaded comic, not the booster bundles themselves — and paying $200 for one cosmetic item that has no effect on gameplay is wild. I wish people would take a moment to pull their heads out of the devs' rear. This is not normal and it definitely needs to be talked about more. At this point, there's no hope for this game.
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  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    So... don't buy them? Problem solved. There are enough cosmetics in the game. You only care about the ones you can't have, or are hard/expensive to get. Which is why DB can use them as an incentive to spend money.

    I wish people would just shut up about the stupid material. If players didn't drone on and on about it, they wouldn't have included it in the 20x pack. Of course - that would mean you couldn't have it at all, except for buying it from other players, possibly for more money, the way dumb people have been doing up until now. But no - I'm sure "talking about it more" will help, they'll probably give it away for free, if you just stomp your feet enough... :rolleyes:
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  17. ghosts Well-Known Player

    When they first made the change to make nth metal not tradeable, the fact that they decided to put maximum profit over player enjoyment, convenience and reasonability became clear. I figure they'll keep going down this road for the foreseeable future.
    It keeps feeling more and more like "you will have to spend money in this game because we give you no choice" instead of "I want to spend money in this game because I like it and feel it's deserving of it"
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  18. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    The entire point went over your head. Nobody is asking for a free shaded comic, and it being in-demand doesn't negate the fact that it shouldn't be $200. That's absurd. I bought the comic from broker when it first released, and the other cosmetics in the latest booster bundle are so undesirable I could buy 100 of them from the broker alone -- so I have no reason to purchase the booster bundle. Just because you have the option to not buy something doesn't mean you can't formulate an opinion on it -- and yes talking about it more helps, because kissing the ground they walk on even when they do something wrong is going to further encourage this type of behavior.
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  19. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    It isn't sold for $200. It's free if you spend $200 on other crap. If people with more money than sense are going to spend that much money, just to get that one thing, despite - allegedly - having no use for the rest of the stuff, you imagine that a few tantrums on the forum are going to prevent the company from doing the same thing in the future? In case you haven't noticed - people complain about virtually every attempt at monetization, from TCs and BBs, to artifacts and allies, but they still buy the stuff and - at the end of the day - that's all that counts. If it makes you feel better to express your outrage - have at it. But if you imagine it will have any actual effect - you're being extremely naive.
  20. Loki2911 Well-Known Player

    Wow i mean ppl really say thats fair? be FORCED to buy 20 BB to get an litle bonus is fair?

    This Comic Material is an Bonus right and bonus witch forces u to buy 20 bbs for 200€ honestly ppl who defend this dont know the worth of money anymore

    for all this guys why isnt it behind like 5 BBs so 50€? or one witch is 10€

    the crap you get in this bb is worthless it should be enough for this company to get the money for memberships and here and there abit more for bonus replaybadges

    Guys Honestly i feel sry for everyone who still dont see that this game nothing more as an totally outdated moneytrap
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