Test Discussion Ally: John Stewart

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Cardboard, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Cardboard Developer

    What's up players!

    A new ally has arrived!
    John Stewart

    Call upon a leader of the Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart!

    Hardlight Turret Barrage
    [Combat Ability]
    Summons a turret that fires in a cone in front of it. Dazes enemies.
    At Max Affinity Level:
    • (10) +448% damage
    Corps Combo
    [Passive Ability]
    Using a combo ability increases Might for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds
    At Max Affinity Level:
    • (10) +6% Might
    Enduring Will
    [Passive Ability]
    [Controller Role]
    Using a [Group Power Shield] ability replaces the shield with a stronger Green Lantern shield and increases your Vitality for 12 seconds based on the number of allies shielded.
    At Max Affinity Level:
    • (10) +35% shield health, (max) +16% Vitalization
    Let us know any feedback you have!
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  2. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Now... The ally is cool and all.. but i don't want to be overthinking and feel like this is a way to buff combo powers (as light/rage is not that competetive end game. Celestial is strong, i dont see it often) by selling us the buff they should get to put everything in relatively the same ballpark.

    I like the Controller buff, dont get me wrong, but that "corps combo" ability is looking a little... Odd to me

    Again, i may just be over thinking it, thank you for your work as always
  3. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    Damage is again lower than Shazam for AOE and lower than Krypto for Boss Damage Single Target.

    AOE (John 980k~), (Shazam 1.2mil~)
    ST (John 1.2mil~) (Krypto 1.4mil~) - Tested on Injustice.

    The numbers are not bad, is this going to make me level it though, in any capacity outside of troll or a green lantern character the first passive benefits, that's a massive negative good sir, but thanks.

    Buff the damage a bit then we're talking.
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  4. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    They need start being equal to each other, otherwise we just end up with Shazam/Krypto cookie cutter builds.

    If we want to see people able to use any ally they want in the active slot they need to be equal in potential to create user based variation.
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  5. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    The combo part having 6% is too low. Nature ally literally gives 40% might and 20% prec this ain’t fair. Either it shouldn’t have a cooldown and permanently buffs combos for 6% or it should be 20% with 30 second cooldown.
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  6. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    Nature didn't need that level of help, I think Poison Ivy needs a nerf personally so although it looks like John Stewart is a lot lower I think it's better that a cautionary approach is applied to this one, we don't need more OP broken allies.
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    Was on test earlier to take a quick look. Cool animations, was not expecting it! Also, as I mentioned in the Producer Letter's thread, John Stewart is my favorite lantern, and I'm happy to see we are getting a lantern ally, specifically him!

    For future lanterns and generally allies, can we get more that are rare and not legendary? I feel like every ally that is getting released is Legendary. I don't think every ally justifies it. It's a lot of resources and the grind is simply annoying, and I also feel like It's hard to keep up with all of them.

    John's stance in the ally menu is a little awkward. I don't even know how to describe it but it is super different from all the other allies with the serious stance\personality.
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  8. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    That’s your opinion because Nature didn’t need help. It was always producing good numbers when used correctly without the ally. That poison ivy ally is also easy to use as well and gives you all your stacks all the time.
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  9. KhariXD New Player

    It would be a much better idea to change the combo passive to power reduction so that hl can actually be playable without needing 2 trolls and also so it can be used with ebons
  10. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Not sure who would want to use Enduring Will.

    My Quantum shields are already quite strong....
    And the group shield also gives power over time.

    Not sure why anyone would spend $$$ and tons of resources to Rank Up this Ally for this ability?

    Will have to test it a bit more to be sure.... but first impression..... not an ability I would use.

    The Turret ability is cool.
    Makes me wish we could have access to more Lantern Construct abilities.

    For Corps Combo as was mentioned 6% seems low. :(

    Although.... a Green Lantern Ally has been highly highly requested for a loooonnnngg time.
    So for that reason alone I can see a LOT of Lantern players using this Ally in Combat.

    Hopefully we will get more Lantern Allies??
    Hal Jordan
    Alan Scott
    Kyle Rayner
    Guy Gardner
    Gnort ;) ;)
    These could easily be just the tip of the Lantern Allies Iceberg. ;) :)
    • Like x 1
  11. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Right. LOL! The only powers that truly needs help is Quantum, Atomic and Sorcery. That nature ally gives way too much and if we are giving Nature that level all other powers should be as much or half of it if possible.
  12. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Maybe a + power reduction. Not a removal of might to power reduction.
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  13. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    In one sense I agree with you, but in the other sense I'm just thinking, nerf Poison Ivy, but that's really another topic.

    This one is a little bit tricky too, because assuming it benefits all combo powers (I've not tested that part yet) it also affects, Celestial, Atomic and Rage.

    Green Lantern power has really never suffered in terms of its damage potential, its technically already one of the better ones, although its very power hungry, making this buff as powerful as Poison Ivy would probably be excessive without even looking at the math.
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  14. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    Yes, but nature is already massively producing more damage than all powers for might given that poison ivy ally. It does basekit without it too. Obviously what most forget is nature is gonna shine best when enemies have lots of hp which is in elite content. So, was poison ivy ally truly necessary at that high amounts. Nope. But it’s been untouched for like a year now. So, they clearly don’t wanna nerf it so we should receive the same treatment for any power going forward. I really wasn’t expecting another ally with a might buff I expected something that’s effect related. I really hope it’s not this continued pattern of increase might for other powersets going forward and something just as strong as those might buff allies but different at the same time.
  15. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report

    Hardlight Turret Barrage
    The Daze Visual Effect is only lasting 6 second seconds. Power interactions should last 12 seconds.

    Corps Combo
    The visual effect lasts several seconds past the buff dropping off. So you can end up thinking you still have the Might buff when you don't. This has been a problem on allies for a long time.

    Enduring Will
    The visual effect lasts for 15 seconds even though the shield only lasts for 12 seconds. Also, the visual effect remains active for several seconds even after the shield has been broken due to damage. This is very misleading. The visual effect needs to disappear the moment the shield is broken or times out.
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  16. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    Time doesn't equal safe, look at EOG.
  17. CGEMINI Well-Known Player

    If executed correctly will still make powers unique to themselves. I really thought this ally was gonna be specifically for light just as nature ally is specific to itself with that 1 passive that works for more powers than just nature. I hope this ally isn’t some band-aid fix because it really fails at what it thinks it’s doing especially when Batman who laughs is still better than that passive. Zatanna is too.
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  18. Spood Boost Well-Known Player

    I think its meant to be targeting hard light, but has a fair bit of resulting overlap into other combo powers, from an application perspective I think its most dominantly going to assist hard light, because it's the one with the decent range based might based combo builds.

    Technically it even potentially overlaps into things like Earth Jackhammer as well, but I see that as having very little practical application because you can't do Jackhammer outside of normal content, the same applies to rage and atomic really.
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  19. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Rage? Useless range
    Water? Arguably worst might power.
    Atomic is bad
    Quantum is average
    Nature is brutal now given ivy is here. before, when you look at the parsers, the thing doing most damage for nature was strat card damage. It was heavily reliant on it. Ivy is a poor fix but it did fix nature.

    Sorc doesnt need much help, it just needs damage adjustment,. Its a good single target and brutal with mercy/source and a good pet dps build
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  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Also Devs

    Stop trying to fix powers via allies. Fix the root of the issue and buff powers themselves.
    Buff nature power - nerf ivy
    Buff combo powers - no need for passive ability in an ally

    Please? Stop having players rely on in-game items (that you near enough have to buy) to improve their power to a reasonable level to keep up with others

    Thank you
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