The real reason why Prec needs a NERF

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zeljan89, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. CCPONCHO Well-Known Player

    Just go nature might and you will finally conquer those precision gadgets, elec, and rage players. That will be the next meta for might once the word start spreading around how broken it is.
  2. Kayla El Committed Player

    Brother i am with you on this one, i too am having a hard time understanding the exact same thing, but i think one of the main reasons for this is the fact that if the developers choose to either buff might or nerf precision some of them who are really obsessed with their damage won't be able to be top dogs anymore when it comes to the game's leaderboard. I play munitions might dps 430 combat rating, 626 stat points, 200 arts, level 10 allies, max augments, max generator mods, good loadouts for both single target and multi target tested for hours straight on the sparring targets and i get out dpesed with ease by a precision player with 424 combat rating, lower stats, lower arts, lower allies, less stat points, lower augments, lower generator mods, the balance between might and precision is a joke but i guess most of those hardcore precision fans will come out and say i am a bad dps too lol...I seriously invite one of the developers to be part of a run of a CHME between me and a friend who has the same potential only he is precision and i am might to witness how much better precision is then might!
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Maybe you’re not as good as you think you are? Maybe your friend is better than you think he is? Maybe he has better positioning than you? Maybe he has more battle sense and know when to sue SC/orbital/buffs/etc?

    What is you dps?
    What loadout are you using?
  4. Kayla El Committed Player

    What is your dps? - I don't understand your question do you mean the number of damage dealt in 10 seconds?

    Loadout and Rotation:
    Single Target: 1.Laser Net Launcher 2.Mini-Nuke 3.Amplified Heat Vision 4.Small Package
    Multi Target: 1.Flak Cannon 2.Mini-Nuke 3.Chain Gun 4.Five-Barrel Minigun
    Supercharge: Neo-Venom Boost

    Single Target: Quislet(Planning on replacing it with Ebon's) / The Transformation Card / The Strategist Card
    Multi Target: Solar Amplifier / The Transformation Card / The Strategist Card

    Single Target: Krypto / Zatanna / Batman Who Laughs
    Multi Target: Krypto / Zatanna / Batman Who Laughs

    I plan on leveling up Ebon's artifact on the next double xp artifact event and after i do so my loadout and rotation will look something like this:

    Single and Multi Target: 1.Flak Cannon 2.Mini-Nuke or 50 Cal (depending if the controller can keep up with Mini-Nuke's power consumption or not) 3.Chain Gun 4.Five-Barrel Minigun 5.Neo-Venom Boost
    Basically i'm planning on making a loadout that can allow me to keep all of the Ebon's stacks always active and at the same time don't stress the controllers too much. The rest of the artifacts will be The Transformation Card and The Strategist Card.
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Your dps is essentially the number that is listed as “xxx,xxx/s”. This basically reads as x = damage, / = per, s = second. Damage per second.

    You’re fine to use 10s parsers. However if you want to get a better idea of what your true dps is you’re better off using 30s or 60s parsers. 10s are better for seeing your spike damage. As in the highs and lows. Plus to also see the rev up damage which is basically your hallways damage.

    Personally I’m not a fan of solar am on munitions. For neither AoE or ST.
    And if you happen to have cyborg leveled you could use it on your AoE armory, especially for hallways.
  6. Kayla El Committed Player

    Mate it doesn't matter he out dpses me without even having league buffs or using Flex Soder or Compound Omega and i have league buffs and used a Nitro Soder and a Compound Omega before entering the instance...Talking about this topic here is pointless and because of that i welcome you to join us on the EU Servers sometimes in a CHME run to witness how unfair precision is against might. My in game character is Kayla El, i will be waiting for you on the live servers to prove my point and put this matter to rest once and for all.
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  7. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Haven't you heard yet that might > prec? If you're outdpsed by a prec, the problem is you. Wrong loadout, arts, allies, mods, etc. Just accept the fact, might is the meta now lol.
    No matter how hard you keep trying the answer is always the same, you suck.
    They play a different game or idk. Just give up! Proving prec is broken is pointless here on forums. Just save your time. My best advice.
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  8. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I have both might and prec characters and i can say for a fact prec is way stronger than might. A prec player with 100 sp and no arts can beat a might player with 500 sp and arts at 200 and this needs to be fixed. This is not about who beat who in damage its about balance and being able to play might or prec without feeling weak in either.
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  9. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Have you stopped to consider that maybe your might loadout isn’t good? A prec player with no arts will not out dps a might player with 200 arts if they are evenly skilled. I assume you use the basic prec ss loadout that’s all over YouTube. So I also assume your using a might loadout from YouTube?

    I have 2 might toons and 1 prec toon and they are all pretty even. The only reason my prec does more is because it’s my main and it has more arts and allies compared to my might toons. And no. It’s not prec because it’s op. It’s been prec since before the stats revamp.
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  10. Kayla El Committed Player

    Hahaha yeah brother sometimes i don't even know myself why do i keep bothering explaining that precision is way stronger than might, i guess i'm simply just too naive to think that someone will eventually listen and try to come up with a solution to the problem. If you ask me the problem is that they have too many things that buffs their precision and weapon dps like the weapon buff and the controller powers group weapon buff combined together that's +53% Precision and +53% Weapon Dps, oh and let's not forget about the +2% Critical Strike Chance Mod for the Weapon Buffs that you can put in your head piece. How is this any fair is beyond me like we should definitely have buffs for might as well, but like you said some people in here like to pretend there is a balance and instead of accepting the truth they say that all of us who think precision is better than might, suck at being a dps...
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Prec getting a weapon buff is not an advantage. It’s a disadvantage. The devs are aware of the damage multipliers THEY added to the game. They balance the game around those buffs

    Prec dps don’t have an option of using the weapon buff to give them more damage than might players. They are expected to maintain the weapon buff and always have it on. So the dps on prec and might are balanced around those buffs being present.

    They are also balanced with the troll buff in mind. Troll buffs are designed with both prec and might in mind. Prec require the prec buff while might needed the power. This is why the power dump works the way it does. It is expected that a prec dps wouldn’t use much power so the players with the highest power bar gets the prec buff while the ones with the lowest power left get the power to refill then. However prec dps do use power. The weapons expert play styles lowers their power regen and the prec stat doesn’t include power. So a prec player would not always get the troll prec buff they need. On the other side a might player isn’t guaranteed to get the power from the troll. However they added multiple ways to gain power so not getting the trolls power doesn’t hurt them like it does prec.

    And the 2% crit buff can be used for might too. Not just prec.

    A prec dps is balanced around the idea that they would always have the weapon buff up and the troll buff received. This means a prec dps is expected to always have 5 loadout slots where a might player has 6. It means a prec dps is expected to have more sp in order to also spec into might/power. It’s balanced around a prec dps being expected to also have the troll buff received but not always having it.
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  12. Kayla El Committed Player

    Mate are you serious right now coming here and claiming that an increase in precision and weapon dps by 33% from the weapon buff is not an advantage but a disadvantage for precision dps?
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  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It is a disadvantage. A prec players dps is balanced with the buff in mind. So a prec using the weapon buff is designed to be equal to a might player not having any buffs. So a prec player is expected to play with 5 slots as 1 is expected to always include the buff. This is a disadvantage
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  14. Kayla El Committed Player

    Precision dps doesn't have the option of using the weapon buff to give them more damage then might players - what the heck are you talking about brother the weapon buff is right there, all powers have it and it lasts for 20 seconds while it's cooldown is 12 seconds even less for some powers that have a generator mod which reduces it's cooldown. Not to mention it increases their precision and their weapon dps so how is this not an advantage over might based dps what are you on about?
  15. Kayla El Committed Player

    Dude it's no disadvantage at all because as a precision player for single target you don't need to use any abilities except for the weapon buff, a supercharge and a PI ability if you wanna use Zatanna as an ally for her passives or the Pet Buff if you plan on using a hybrid between precision and a pet power build and for multi target is the same except if you wanna be competitive you also need to use Vortex Trap and Whirling Dervish...
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    A prec player has no option but to run it.

    Again… prec and might are balanced around available buffs within their kits. A prec player is expected to always have the weapon buff in their loadout and active at all times. Might = prec + buff.

    I literally tried to help you with your loadout and rotation but you kept pushing back. At this point whether you accept the help or not is on you.
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  17. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Just don't listen to Deity, he's here 24/7 as a daybreak agent. o_O He loves trolling people but doesn't play the game so no matter what evidence you got, he knows everything better and will write a book just to arguing. He loves making people upset and chasing them away of forums so he and his friends can keep the game on its broken way. Sad but the best you can do is not speak to him. Just let him live in his dreamworld. Maybe one day DB will fire him. :confused:
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  18. Kayla El Committed Player

    Yeah he knows the theory very well but sadly in practice the reality is a bit different. I welcome him on the EU servers to prove to me that might is equal to precision, actions speak louder then words...
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You asked me to make a new toon on a different server just to prove that might is equal to prec…. I’ve literally gave you a loadout and rotation for both AoE and ST and even explained to you how to use it. But instead of trying it out you chose to ignore it. That’s on you…

    Weird. So the one offering help and going out of their way to help with a loadout/rotation is trying to drive him away? Maybe. Just maybe if you stopped pretending that your set up is perfect you would be willing to try and improve
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  20. Kayla El Committed Player

    This is the ST loadout and rotation you recommended to me which has 1 major flaw it starts the rotation with an ability that is not a PI...

    For ST multi net launcher is stronger than laser net launcher. I believe my loadout for munitions was:
    Multi net launcher
    Rail gun
    Small package
    Shrapnel grenade launcher
    Robot sidekick
    Word of power or mounted turret

    For multi net launcher you’ll need to tap range after using it. That will have it to a second attack which you would then clip (right away) with the next power in your rotation.
    Net launcher combo into tap range and clip with shrapnel grenade launcher into small package
    Net launcher combo into tap range and clipped with rail gun

    Oh and by the way i've tried it on the sparring targets it does really low dmg compared to what i was previously using...