The real reason why Prec needs a NERF

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Zeljan89, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. Zeljan89 New Player

    This just goes to show you that being prec literally involves no skill what so ever.

    Doesn't necessarily have to be a nerf but at least buff might powers to make it more balanced.

    They should of never removed the might buff from the weapon buff power moves. Weapon buffs used to give 15% might, not sure why they removed it.

    Anyways hope you guys enjoy

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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sorry but… what? Your trying to say prec needs a nerf because a player used electricity which is extremely strong in fights that have a lot of enemies using prec in US where there are norm stop’s enemies to fluff the numbers without proof that the other players were even set up correctly?

    Might is already on par (or stronger on some powers) than prec. Instead of crying for a nerf why not ask for help and see where you are messing up and how you can improve.
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  3. Zeljan89 New Player

    I do just fine with might. I ran a full raid countless times with fire ST on everything including the hallways and beat some of the top precs. But the fact that I had to swap 10 artifacts to do it is insane compared to elec using a rotation that doesn't even involve power moves from the actual power all u need is iconic powers that's the sad part and the point I'm trying to give out.
  4. Zeljan89 New Player

    All u need is Super speed and iconic powers you don't even need to be a actual power.
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  5. Zeljan89 New Player

    Also what people don't realize is that the weapon buff power move is pretty much like a free artifact. It gives you 40k precision + it increases your weapon DPS in your stats. Which is far better than ebon or amulet artifact and you don't have to worry about loosing stacks
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    …. Really? You think the weapon buff is like a 4th art?

    Have you have stopped to consider that maybe you’re not as good as you think you are? Or the prec players you claim are the top prec players you’re beating are also art swapping? Or maybe they aren’t as good as you think they are?

    You basing your view on prec based on an electric player in a fight that heavily favors electric over other powers with the player who claims to no augs clearly has augments in. And players says no allies but is in fact using a combat ally (r1). And did not show the other players specs either. And also was 3rd dps on boss damage and wasn’t even that far off ahead on AoE either.

    Yes the weapon buff does increase your prec by a lot. But that’s part of the base kit. You need your weapon buff to have enough base stats to match up to might base stats. So prec is essentially using 5 slots to have the same base stats as might.
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  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    So a prec dps is 40% more stronger with a troll in the group cuz a trolls powerheal move gives 20% weapons dps buff for 12sec and 20% prec buff for 12sec. This means prec is at a handy cap in solos and alerts when there is no troll. This is why u see many might dps instead of prec dps once u understand a prec dps dmg out can scale up to 40% just with a troll around makes u think twice about being a prec dps. A prec dps without a troll means a might dps can either be head to head with the prec dpa or overtake the prec dps cuz the prec dps is without the troll buff giving the prec dps a massive advantage
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  8. Zeljan89 New Player

    "Have you stopped to consider that you have no idea wtf you're talking about" maybe you should consider going against Dark gi before you say a single word. Saying someone isn't good is all talk when there's proof that shows other wise.
  9. DarkLegend909 New Player

    Just how did DamagePerSecond was going against Dark Gi while doing pve?
  10. Zeljan89 New Player

    Dark is OP one of the best if not the best prec that I've went against since I returned to the game in my opinion.
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    lol I’m going off the information you provided. When you try to claim prec is op because weapon buff is essentially a 4th art without understanding that the base stats for might are equal to prec with a weapon buff it stands to reason you aren’t as knowledgeable as you think you are.
  12. Zeljan89 New Player

    I do agree on that term that it should give a prec buff to keep in line. But it shouldn't be a 33% buff. They should of made it 25%
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    The issue is that prec has already been balanced to earth with the existing weapon buff available. It’s at that percentage for the very reason that you are 100% expected to always have it active at all times in order to have balanced stats to might.

    Than you have the argument if it should also give a might buff. You don’t know what you’re asking for. If they were to give a night buff might players would always have to use it to do max damage. Than to rebalance prec to might prec would need a buff to its base prec stats. Than there also the fact that prec players can use damaging abilities to clip and not only speed abilities. This means a prec player would also be able to take advantage of the might buff. Prec and might are currently pretty even with might be normally stronger except on specific powers where prec is better. But those have to die more with the base kits of those specific powers.

    This is why I said that the original video you post is miss leading.
    You say that when you dps against Gi you guys are neck and neck. So you’d need to show case that prec build without allies/augs/no swapping to compare the damage of the supposed broken prec prec.
    In that video you posted you didn’t account to the skill level of the players in that run. I often out dps players on my framer toons when I pug. That’s because the average player is unfortunately not very good.
  14. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    And this is a big reason why this game sucks donkey butt.
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  15. Cypharr Committed Player

    Yes, I totally agree something must be done cos prec has a huge advantage over might for example as prec if you've more than enough SP from the 700 mark you can get the criticals which are mandatory for prec or might then fill your prec traits and put the rest in might which works out great cos you can take the weapon buff and abilities that have long cooldown like 12 second or more, shields and SC and you'll be able to incorporate them all in combat cos while you are weapon dps'ing hit a shiled, SC or a long cooldown ability every now and then while focusing on weapon dps mastery and poop BUT for might it's pointless putting traits in prec you're better of putting the remaining traits in health cos you can't incorporate weapon dps'ing (which is not at fulll capacity) unless you run out of power which only happens in elite alerts cos no roles buff. In raid you've more than enough power with a good troll. it will be detrimental to use weapon dps that you are not full spec'd for.

    Then you have the personal weapon buff & the troll weapon buff that give 20% damage. I mean prec is totally over powered.
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  16. unsure Level 30

    idk why you complaining about someone using prec doing good dmg ,makes things go quicker/easier more of a fun time, or u just salty u not top dps if thats the case how sad lol
  17. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    They are not complaining about it, they are bringing to light a big imbalance in the game when it comes to the different types of damage focus’s.

    Why is it when you have a prec dps they have 1 of 2 weapons. Can you guess their weapon, of course you can. Dual wield, duhh. Second choice is brawling. You ever see someone with…wait, I think there are only 2 weapons in game, nvm. Then it’s superspeed and that annoying crap and iconics. Why even bother choosing a power when y’all don’t use it.

    You want a fast and easy run? Okay. Go pick a broken loadout and abuse it all you want.
  18. unsure Level 30

    so what your saying is u want prec nerf so they can go to a might power and spam 1-2-3-4-5-6 instead so u can try be top dps that way then ull complain about there power because they beating you again
  19. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    You’re clearly not utilizing your power correctly I believe there is an imbalance. Prec and might are currently pretty balanced with might currently being stronger with a few exceptions on specific powers which just compliment prec very well. And then you say the reason for the supposed imbalance is because they use 2 weapons? No. The only reason prec players use these 2 weapons is because every other weapon combo does absolutely terrible damage. The reason every prec player uses the same weapons is because there is no other option. My main is prec flight and I have absolutely no issue doing damage without speed. My next 2 toons are both flight might who also have no issues doing damage. That’s because I actually test my loadouts and rotations.

    Might has so many advantages that prec doesn’t have because bad might players go crying that they get beat. And they blame it in the other players who beat them for using “broken” things instead of considering that maybe they themselves are not that good.
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  20. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    So spamming tap range, hold range (clipped with a power or consumable) is much more difficult than 123456?
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